1st off I agree with this war and the reason it was undertaken...
I think most would agree that Saddam had WMD's. I think most would agree he was making WMD's. So...think of the following...
Is it so hard to think that maybe some of the hardcore Iraqi soldiers that just dissappeared may be fighting with the insurgents?
Is it not possible that maybe 3 or 4 of them knew where some old chem shells might be?
Is it to much to grasp that maybe by luck they fell on some stash they didn't know was there and now that this may have been Sarin they are hoopin and hollerin and trying to figure out how to do it right the next time?
Is it possible that the Other Shell that could have been Mustard Gas is in another pile that was told by sommeone it was hidden someplace.
There are a ton of scenarios here...
Saddam had WMD's IMO and had AMPLE time to hide em. 500 shells isnt nothing to move. All the time he had before he was invaded,,,All the time he bought over YEARS of playing russian roulette with war with the US and violating sanctions. He could have buried em ANYwhere in Iraq. So many here though say thats not possible.
He IMO was playing both sides..If he makes everyone think he has them they have to be cautious. IF he says he doesnt even though everyone knows he did at one time , they have to be cautious. Either way he buys time to move em. He wasn't supposed to have them. PERIOD!!!!!
Syria is a know haven for terrorists. Why not hide them there. Why not let certain people know they are there. Why not while on the run being chased by the US after the invasion let the ones closest to you know hey...There are Sarin shells here..VX there..Mustard there...yadda yadda yadda.
Alot of people here choose to think that he was totally cooperative in all this. He was anything but. Years he blocked inspectors. WHY? I think it was because he was moving things around..Getting ready to hide em. Years he played against the US and UN. HE did everything he could to make inspectors life miserable. And at one time it was what , 3 years there were NO INSPECTORS at all? Could be wrong about that time span but I do remember it was a WHILE that no inspectors were there. AMPLE time to hide stuff.
Then when pushed totally in a corner and having things moved and hidden he allows inspectors back. HE produces a copy of all the stuff he didnt have and yet can't say where 800 tons of Chem agents are. Can't account for 500+ artillary shells that had Chems. in them.
This isn't some conspierocy theroy , this is all known. I just fail to see why so many of the Anti-War folks here don't think about this. It seems plain to me. ARe the WMD's still in Iraq? probably not to the extent they were , but obviously there is something there.
Shelf life means nothing either. They may not be new but , does anyone know that until it's blown up to see? Are we willing to sit by and wait and say , they are to old so they are no threat? I don't think so. That is playing with Millions of lives possibly. I don't see anyway of knowing how old they are until they are either captured or blown up and the pieces analyzed.
It may be a bit early to be hollering about WMD's found...But it's OBVIOUS that some exsist. TONS maybe not...But some for sure. Accidental..Highly possible...But if that was from some stash..bet they are trying to figure out how to NOT screw up next time.
Just my 2 cents