Author Topic: Suggestion on perk values..  (Read 6417 times)

Offline Kweassa

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Suggestion on perk values..
« on: June 05, 2004, 01:21:35 AM »
A suggestive summarization of the "NPA" concept, after observing the conditions and tendencies of the Beta Arena:

1. Suggested changes in the value of previously perked planes

Me262: 100 points
Me163B: 80 points
Ar234: 50 points
Tempest5: 30 points
Ta152H-1: 10 points
F4U-4: 10 points
F4U-1C: 8 points
Spitfire14: 5 points

Synopsis on modified perk values

* The argument for the Ta152 and the Spit14 is already well known, as the MA environment heavily relies on massive and chaotic engagements referred to as 'furballs'. Spit14s are much too vulnerable to afford the expensive 60 point perk price as they aren't particularly fast at low altitudes.

 The Spitfire Mk14 is roughly the equivalent of the Bf109G-10, Fw190D-9 and the P-51D, La-7 - both in historic time-line and performance. Recent observations in the perk-free Beta Arena has shown that the Spit14 is not a very popular plane as it would seem, for various reasons.

* It is relatively limited in maneuverability compared to its predecessors. The general appeal a "Spitfire" holds for many pilots is its fantastic maneuverabilty. While it is true that the Spit14 is probably one of the most maneuverable planes among contemporaries of its speed range, the differences in the management of the plane seems to make it feel almost inconsistent with the 'tradition' of former Spitfires.

* It is a wonderfully balanced plane of 1944, but posesses no extraordinary attirubte that shadows its contemporaries in any way. I would contend, that there is no logical reason to perk the Spit14 at such a high cost, while its contemporaries are unperked. It does not disturb balance, nor is it a plane of unconvetional performance. Therefore, the perk price should be drastically reduced.

* The same argument holds true for the F4U-1C, F4U-4 and the Ta152H. The F4U-1C was adequately subdued in its overabundance by perking it. While it would not make sense to perk a later model with higher performance at a smaller some, still the F4U-4 is at a very simular situation as the Spit14. It being perked, while its contemporaries, often superior in various areas of performance remains free, is illogical.

* A mere 8 point perk, was enough to bring down a plane that held 23% usage in its prime, to constant levels of 2%. Despite its prowess as a multi-functional fighter, 8 perks successfully limited its usage. I see no reason why simular perk rate would not stop a late-war plane from being overused. 10 points, seem to be an adeqaute price for both the F4U-4 and the Ta152H.

* The over abundance of Me163Bs near HQ fields is a well known disturbance. The relatively cheap price, despite its incredible performance, leads to the conclusion that the price should be increased.

* The costs for the Me262 and the Tempest has been suggested to be cut down to about 50%, based on the grounds that even a low perk price is adequate for regulating hoardes of planes(as been proven in the case of the C-hog - 8 points, neutralized the scourge phenomenon in its entirety!)

* It takes average pilots a long time to earn 100 points - in an hour, I earn about 5~6 fighter perk points when I'm doing good. Maybe 8~10 if lucky. It takes almost a week for me to earn 100 points. For average pilots, even 30~40 perk points are pretty much a heavy burden.

* As the vast number of people are always 'average', if the objective of perk prices is to regulate hoardes super performance planes breaking arena balance, even 30points for the Tempest, and 100 points for the 262, is enough.

 As it is now, only a few people who can manage to earn massive perks in a day will ever get to fly the 262 or the Tempest in any kind of constant basis - people who can afford and shrug off maybe one, two losses of those expensive planes - and even they fly it only when it is particularly safe for them.


2. Suggested application of perk points to previously unperked planes

LA-7: 3 points
TYPHOON: 2 points
YAK9-U: 3 points
P-51D: 4 points
190D-9: 4 points
F4U-1D: 2 points
109G-10: 4 points
P-38L: 3 points
N1K2-J: 2 points
P-47D-40: 3 points

Synopsis on new perk values

* This idea was presented during the discussion on the La-7, in a thread named "Community vote on the La-7". Perking the 10 suggested late war planes would shift the MA into a mid/late 1943 environment.

* Under this perk regime, the F4U-1, P-51B, La-5FN, and the P-47D-11 will be the four fastest fighters at low altitudes at military power, and F4U-1, P-51B, LA-5, Fw190A-8 would be the four fastest on emergency power.

* There's a much bigger chance to see people using various fighters, which before, have been ignored by a lot of average pilots for the reason that they weren't fast or maneuverable enough against 1944~'45 planes.

* For instance, the survivability of the P-47s(which was a significant fighter in reality and yet, has massive disadvantages under current MA conditions) will be vastly enhanced, as it will become one of the fastest non-perked planes.

* Also, many of the of the superp ground attacker planes with heavy ordnance loads and more proficiency as a pure fighter(such as the P-38 or the P-51) is suggested to be perked. The model D-25 would earn a major role as a fast, ground attacking fighter-bomber that is unperked.

* Initially, this suggestion had higher set perk prices for the La-7 and the N1K2-J, not to mention the consideration of perking the Spit9.

 However, recent observations of AH2 has shown that the popularity of Spitfires and N1K2s, La-7s are reduced greatly. One of the reasons is that simply the pilots who preferred the Spit9, N1K2 or the La-7 in AH1, are currently flying "free planes" such as the Tempest.

 However, I contend that the main reason is the changes brought forth by  AH2 has effectively removed many of the reasons why these planes were so thoroughly overused in AH1.

* The La-7 was revised in fuel endurance to match historical consumption rates. Not only the new Beta Arena burns fuel at a higher rate, but also, the relative endurance of the La-7 was shortened. Meaning: The La-7 of AH1 was flying around too long. Now, in AH2, the La-7 is still potent as ever, except it has become a point-defense fighter with short flight ranges, which makes it unacceptable for many for offensive missions over enemy territory.

* The Spit9 and the N1K2-J, was significantly effected by the new flight model - as its maneuverability, paritcularly the capability to roll, was significantly(and historically) reduced.

 When this change mixes up with the fact that the increased difficulty level of general gunnery, and the new black-out model, it has become quite clear that these planes are generally inadequate to face the true high-performance latewar planes which boast long range, excellent speeds, and good maneuverability at high speeds. Not to mention the fact that the threshold of maneuverability at extreme low speeds has been adequately reduced to according to more detailed flight physics.

* Thus, to me, it is quite clear that many people now feel that the Spit9 and N1K2, just isn't competitive enough for the average level of pilots to contend against latewar planes. The Spit9 now has no reason to be perked at all, while the N1K2-J has reduced prices suggested, with the only reason for perking it in the fact that it was not a historically abundant plane, though not necessarily 'rare'. (the enormous cannon load seems to be a fact worth consideration)

* In turn, the grounds for perking the P-51D, Fw190D-9, Bf109G-10 is even more clear. The natural reduction of La-7 usage has proven that when only one of the overused planes is reduced in usage, the rest flourish as it becomes more and more unmatched in pure performance. The P-51D, Fw190D-9 and Bf109G-10 is now in the Beta arena, the most threatening and abundant planes seen around.

* The P-51D fans would shift to the P-51B.. which has less ammo load and weaker jabo capabilities.  Thus, despite  the almost unnoticeable difference in general performance, its impact to the arena as an overused plane is reduced.

* By perking the -1D and -1C Corsairs, the F4U-1 start to shine out. Like in the previous case of the P-51D, it will of be limited in jabo capabilities, thus, reducing the impact to the arena.

* The La-5FN shares simular characteristics with the La-7, and is still among the fastest non-perked planes. However, the margin of speed difference between other fighters will be less than the case of La-7.

* Also, many planes previously unnoticed, will prove to be a competitve choice in the fact that they are free and unperked. The Bf109G-2, Bf109G-6, Fw190A-5, Fw190A-8, C.205 are all competitive and balanced planes, with smaller arena impact. I would not want to take out a Fw190A-5 or a Bf109G-2 when I would have to face vast numbers of P-51Ds or N1K2s or La-7s. My choice would be the Fw190D-9 or the Bf109G-10.

 However, if my opposition is Spit9s, P-51Bs, P-47D-11s and La-5FNs.. taking out the Fw190A-5, A-8 or the 109G-2 would be a cool choice.

* The Yak-9U is self explanatory.

* The Typhoon as a perk would be puzzling for many, but in the matters of balance(virtually a non-perked, little bit slower Tempest) it is definately a perk material with my new suggested agenda. Quad Hispanos, superbly fast, more than 2000lbs Jabo loadouts. Also, it is to my knowledge, a 1944 Typhoon we have, which has solved almost all of the problems known in 1942 Typhoons.

* Another distinctly positive changes we can expect with the suggested new perks, is that some jabo planes which people have totally neglected before, have a chance to become a very appealing jabo choice, since the planes that were very fast+carried huge bomb loads, will be perked.

Offline GScholz

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2004, 01:29:21 AM »
Spit14 cheaper than the 152?! Are you insane?!
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Offline Karnak

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2004, 01:59:50 AM »
Originally posted by GScholz
Spit14 cheaper than the 152?! Are you insane?!

He is probably basing that on historical usage and numbers because by perfromance the Spit XIV will eat a Ta152 for lunch below 30,000ft.
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Offline Kweassa

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2004, 03:08:17 AM »

 There's a real dilemma in perking planes that were historically rare, but of no extraordinary performance advantage in what MA environment has to offer.
 Basically if you perk them too high, nobody's gonna use them even when one has enough perk point amassed. Take the 50 point F4U-4 as example: it's a great plane, but nothing extraordinary. Nobody uses them. Its cost-effectiveness is way too low.

 However, if the points are too low, it will be overabundant. Ofcourse, its limited effectiveness won't make it a balance-busting problem, but it is seen way too often to be considered anything 'rare'.

 So taking that into consideration, the Spit14, a historically common fighter, and in the performance ranges of the Bf109G-10 or the La-7, has no reason to be perked so high. It is suggested at that low price, basically in the same level as its contemporaries. While the Ta152 is deadmeat at MA conditions, its slightly more expensive(but still cheaper than used to be), to dissuade the people a teensey bit, to keep it a rare fighter.

Offline Batz

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2004, 03:58:21 AM »
The perk system is fine as it is imo.

I don't understand the desire to "make things" cheaper or to perk planes like the la7.

The incentive to fly earlier planes comes with the high perk values. Should you want to fly a 262 get out of the p51ds, la7s, spit 9s nikis etc...

Back in AH1 under my other game nic and when I flew regularly I had around 11000 perks are rarely ever used them.

I remember sorties in 205s and G-2s earning near 40 perks. Under your "budget" scheme 1 of those sorties earned me 8 spit 14 deaths.

So please HT there is no need to revamp perk values. You may want to take a look at eny values and do some tweaking but we don’t need cheaper and more perk planes in the main.

The only planes that I would suggest adding to the perk system are the G-10 (really a K-4 as confirmed by Pyro in another thread), and the p51D (most “over used” plane in the main.) and maybe the D9 (I honestly don’t see a lot of these but to be consistent why not). I would argue to also include the p38l and p47D-40. However, at least with the p38l, there is no other variant for p38 fans to fly so it’s not something that “should”
 be perked.

The La7 has been hit hard by the fuel mod and by having its fuel consumption re-worked. Its usage should drop compared to AH1.

Offline Kweassa

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2004, 05:54:51 AM »
Batz, the connotations behind this logic of perking a certain set of planes, has multiple reasons than just performance issues, which seems to be what you're implying.

 Yes, the performance issue is one basis, but its not because the section of suggested planes are necessarily unbalancing performance-wise.

 Rather, the main purpose and logic lies in shaping the overall arena into a certain presupposed timeline where all individuals can try all planes without having to be exceptionally skilled, as well as returning some of the historic roles to the hangar queens, and achieving a more dynamic gameplay during the process.

 The underlying time-line/premise is one of late 1943. In comparison, the current MA can be viewed as late 1944 or early 1945.

 One specific objective I have envisioned, is to diverge the "fighter role" from the "bomber role".

 The blandness of plane choices and tactics in MA gameplay is in essence, not something about "furballs" and "strats" - but rather something about which section of planes are made effective by the arena conditions, and which are rendered obsolete. As it is, the current late '44~early '45 condition renders most of the midwar planes utterly useless, in the fact that most of AH bombers and specialized attack planes are outclassed in the very own category which it should excell in - namely, the jabo role.

 There is absolutely no reason to take a Bf110G-2 or a Mosquito and use it, because the survivability of these planes, as well as their effectiveness in payload is vastly inferior to the planes such as the Chog, P-51D, P-38L and etc etc. The effectiveness of these planes are so limited in that the drive behind choosing these planes in an attack role relies on some odd individual's taste or craving to make an eccentric mission or so.

 IMO the jabo role, is another very important aspect of WW2 combat, as much as the GV aspect and A2A combat. The situations and conditions which the players have to realize, when the jabo role is given back to those planes, promises some very interesting situations previously unseen in the MA. For instance, a band of P-51s or P-38s can carry enough ordnance to flatten a field all by themselves. Characteristically speaking, the "2k-loaders", so to say.

 However, when these section of fighters are limited, albeit slightly by perks, people are influenced to choose the unperked section of planes ranging from 1942 to 1943. They rarely carry more than 1000lbs(or in the form of 2x 500lbs) as primary payload, maybe a few extra small bombs and rockets added.

 Not only is that kind of ordnance more typical of real-life WW2 conditions, but it is also more beneficial for the gameplay of AH, in the fact that a specialized jabo plane can carry more ordnance than the typical midwar plane. Also, the smaller overall payload means reduced effectiveness in destructive power a certain number of fighter planes hold.

 Effectively, when 4~5 latewar planes can  flatten all the FHs in a small field, it would take double the number of fighters if the gamers are inclined to choose a midwar plane. Adding to the fact, that the smaller/fewer bombs means they need to practice more precision in bombing techniques.

 In other words, with the suggested regime, the gamers have a significant choice in variety concerning gameplay, regarding offensive missions, as to whether they would take 1) mid-war fighter planes armed with smaller payload, which needs more pilot numbers, cooperation, and precision... or if they should take the 2)specialized jabo planes, which lacks in survivability, but carries a much more impressive payload(by 1943 standards, not the 1945 standards of something like the P-47D-40).
 How should an attacking force divide their forces? What is adequate ratio of fighters and ground attackers when a certain number of pilots start attacking a base? How visible would the inefficiency be, when people choose to up nothing but fighters to attack and suppress a field to increase territory? Will the gamers come to realize a constant number of jabos are needed to bring maximum efficiency in attacking an enemy field, rather than rely on mid-war planes with puny payload?

 Those are all tactical possibilities and questions, which under the current MA conditions, is a non-issue, because there is no point in taking an inferior plane to do the task.

 The situation implied by introduction of perks to the late war 'section' of planes, applies the same to the defensive side. Mid-war fighters are noticeably slower. It is easier to intercept a bomb-carrying Spit9 with another Spit9, than to intercept of bomb-carrying P-51D with another P-51D. For a long time, people have been frustrated by the 'lameness' of people taking the fastest planes which also carry the most ordnance, and then simply flying max speed into an enemy field, blowing past defenses or interception attempts.

 So as the defending side, there are more tactical choices and situations, if the conditions are varied(by limiting the late-war planes). What's the best way to intercept an attack? Will the enemies come in with a fighter force? Or do they have a separate jabo force coming in? Should we try to ignore fighters and get to the jabos and shoot them down first?


 In reality, the bare essentials of gameplay is not changed. However, the specific method of how the gameplay manifests itself can be changed - different variety of planes, different tactical conditions, different choices. And that is a worthy goal in my opinion. Worthy enough to perk the late war fighters. At the very best, optimistic scenario imaginable, it might be able to motivate people enough to organize themselves better and try out many different varieties of planes effective for the task(which, is made possible since the single class of late war fighters, are limited(not necessarily 'removed') a bit).

 This is only but a single reason of the many reasons I am implying such a perk system be set. Another reason, in pure performance perspective, is the overall survivability of mid-war planes going higher, will promote more variety. 8 points made a plane with 23% usage come down to 2%. How much will 3 points bring down those planes with 10% usage? If the usage is reduced to 3~5%, then I view that as a great success.

 If the 3 point perks can knock off about 50% of usage in the "Big Four(Big Five, according to my analysis, actually), it means 20% of the total gaming population will be using something other than those late war fighters(up to now, 40% of the total gaming population were using only four planes) - presumed to be the 'next best' mid-war fighters. Effectively, that itself is a balanced variety - we have SOME late war planes, flying with SOME mid-war planes together, at the same time.

 The reduction in super fast fighters, means a considerable amount of planes flying around will be mid-war planes. Once this is accomplished, planes like the P-47, Fw190F-8, Mosquito, Bf110G all have a much better chance in survival, which may be motivation for people to start using different planes for different tasks. The Mosquito for example, can run for a long time before its caught, when the opponent is a mere Fw190A-5 or a Bf109G-2, as long as it initially has some speed. It actually becomes within top 10 of the fastest planes on deck, if the late-war section is perked.


 AH2, by implementing more believable, likely, and realistic conditions in ground warfare, has boosted the importance of ground forces. In some terrains with lot of woods, the forest cover cuts the efficiency of attacks against impending GV columns to such a degree, that an equal force of defending GVs are needed, and to be used, to drive out the attackers.
 However, most of the times in a bare terrain, GVs are still more or less dead-meat. Even if you miss a bit, when you have a 2k load of ordnance and 10 x 250lbs worth of rockets, you're gonna at least damage something even if you are shot down.

 But imagine if the perks are applied. GV busting, for many average pilots like me, is generally a very dangerous job. Am I willing to risk constant bleeding of 3 points by taking up P-38Ls and such? Die five times in a P-38L and that is already 15 points wasted. No, I would definately take either an alternate fighter-bomber(preferably the P-47D-25), or a specialized attack plane like the A-20 Havoc or the Il-2 to face GVs.

 Overall, the survivability of GVs also increase, as the impact of late-war fighters are reduced. A large ground force, even without sufficient aircover, is a very troubling enemy action to deal with if you don't have sufficient defense lines of GVs formed. At least, that's how it should be, which isn't, because if someone is crazy enough to head-first into a Tiger with bombs and rockets blazing, he will destroy it. It doesn't take precision, nor practice. All it takes is enough respawns, to stop GVs. At least, with the heavy ordnance carriers, that is.


 There are many more reasons such as above, to promote the perking of late-war planes. I do not wish to entirely remove them from the game. I only wish to reduce their MA impact, and let the reduced amount of impact be spread apart between those planes that previously had no purpose of existence, in the old MA.

 In the worst case scenario, the gameplay will be entirely the same. What's there to lose?

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2004, 05:58:58 AM »
AH2 Beta is full of Spit XIVs, BTW, much better suited for the "massive and chaotic engagements" than Ta152.

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2004, 06:05:34 AM »
Sounds good; Kweassa

Offline Kweassa

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2004, 06:12:31 AM »
So please HT there is no need to revamp perk values. You may want to take a look at eny values and do some tweaking but we don't need cheaper and more perk planes in the main.

The only planes that I would suggest adding to the perk system are the G-10 (really a K-4 as confirmed by Pyro in another thread), and the p51D (most ever used plane in the main.) and maybe the D9 (I honestly don't see a lot of these but to be consistent why not). I would argue to also include the p38l and p47D-40. However, at least with the p38l, there is no other variant for p38 fans to fly so it's not something that should
be perked.

The La7 has been hit hard by the fuel mod and by having its fuel consumption re-worked. Its usage should drop compared to AH1.

 Another thing to think about, is that the ENY and OBJ values has practically no meaning, and no impact whatsoever to many, if not all, of the "average grade" pilots of AH.

 You yourself describe that you had some eleven thousand(!!) perks at one point. Obviously when 'cashing in' such abundance of perks the ENY value hardly serves any other purpose than self-gratification in one's own accomplishments - that's basically the mind set of a veteran, I salute you :)

 However, to the most of average guys, there's no specific purpose or fascination with a certain plane type. Although I personally consider myself a "Luftwaffle" :D since my fascination and enjoyment comes from specifically the Bf109, most others react on which plane is the most efficient and effective a2a fighter, in regards to one's own skill level.

 Basically, to put it otherwise an average pilot who loves Spitfires likes AH because he can fight many enemies alongside many friends, and in the types of fights his skill level/mind set is set upon, the Spitfire is to him, the most effective fighter of them all - while it's generally a notch slower than most planes, it's easy to handle, and easy to kill with once opportunity presents itself.

 Basically, even if he gets no perks at all, by using the Spitfire, he will still use that plane, because at his current level of 'growth' as a AH pilot, that's the plane that can earn him kills.

 The ENY and OBJ values remotely effect only some of the veterans who scale their level of achievement by the perks he earn in a single sortie - a some 10~20 perks in a single sortie, by using a mid-war plane which he chose according to taste alone, is a testament to his skill. However, to the rest it's meaningless and a non-issue.

 And ever since AH numbers grew, the impact of the presence of the veterans, have been decreasing. The veterans do not influence AH MA any longer. It's the vast majority of the "meek", who inherited this "Earth" :) And to influence them, the only effective way to bend a curve of overusage, is to directly link it with the income/loss aspect of the game.

 Even if the perks are applied very cheap, if there's something the people can spend the perks regularly upon, then the importance of perks ways higher to the average flyers. 3 points, even for the most newbie of all newbies, is not a hard point to get one's hand on. Go HO a few planes and he probably earns some points in 20 minutes. However, it will not be cheap enough to continuously waste away in foolish flying, like drops of water ultimately carves the stone. And only that, a direct perkage, can make an average pilot think twice before he joins the ranks of overusaged plane pilots.

Offline LLv34_Snefens

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2004, 06:22:05 AM »
I'm also for this idea.
Snefens, Lentolaivue 34.
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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2004, 06:28:22 AM »
Spits for only 5 perks?
Screw that!

There are too many spits in the game as it is. I say perk em all and perk em higher.

And now after flying them for a while I would have to agree that the La7 should be perked as well.

and the F4u1-c probably shouldnt be perked at all with its current flight modeling
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Offline bozon

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2004, 06:29:04 AM »
I always liked Kweassa's perk scheme.
As it is now, perks are useless. most players amass thousands of them without real use. If your have the "top of the line" of your variant perked you'll have something to earn perks for. 109 pilots will want the G10, 190 pilots will want the D9/152, Spits will want 14, P51 will want the D, Hogs will want the -4, Jugs will want the D40, La will want the 7...

and making it light perk will enable fighting with it without risk of going perk-bankropt.

The P38 is still a problem for light perking due to inavailability of earlier variants.

Another  effect worth considering is that if so many planes are perked, generally perked planes will not be such an attractive trophy. Try to fly with a kill-me sign like "spit14" or "Ta152" or "tempest" in the main. you know what happens.
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.


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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2004, 06:52:23 AM »
I dont care what other perk scheme is used but there is NO way ANY spit should be only 5 perks.
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Offline Ghosth

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2004, 07:05:55 AM »
On current perk planes I couldn't agree more with your pricing Kweassa.

However I am in direct opposition on your idea of perking current planes in ah.
However I don't have to worry about it because I do not believe HT will ever perk the pony. Without the pony perked your whole price scheme falls apart in pieces.

Think again.

La7 = 2,  Typhoon = 2  109G10 = 2
P38, nik, & p47 are much TOO slow to perk. Leave the yak out of it also.  With AH2's new fuel mod its only good for a quick hop anyway.

Offline Batz

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2004, 07:18:31 AM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
Another thing to think about, is that the ENY and OBJ values has practically no meaning, and no impact whatsoever to many, if not all, of the "average grade" pilots of AH.

 You yourself describe that you had some eleven thousand(!!) perks at one point. Obviously when 'cashing in' such abundance of perks the ENY value hardly serves any other purpose than self-gratification in one's own accomplishments - that's basically the mind set of a veteran, I salute you :)

 However, to the most of average guys, there's no specific purpose or fascination with a certain plane type. Although I personally consider myself a "Luftwaffle" :D since my fascination and enjoyment comes from specifically the Bf109, most others react on which plane is the most efficient and effective a2a fighter, in regards to one's own skill level.

 Basically, to put it otherwise an average pilot who loves Spitfires likes AH because he can fight many enemies alongside many friends, and in the types of fights his skill level/mind set is set upon, the Spitfire is to him, the most effective fighter of them all - while it's generally a notch slower than most planes, it's easy to handle, and easy to kill with once opportunity presents itself.

 Basically, even if he gets no perks at all, by using the Spitfire, he will still use that plane, because at his current level of 'growth' as a AH pilot, that's the plane that can earn him kills.

I never "cashed in". I never flew perks planes. They were only gone when I quit.

It seems that you assume that "perk planes" are something the spit pilot is missing out on. He isn’t. If really wants to fly one he can choose planes that earn him the perks to fly it. If not, so what?

There's not a "lack of perk planes" in the main. The whole system was designed to keep these planes rare. Making their perk cost of little value means they will be less rare.

Have you thought that the reason those planes that get the most use earn the least perks is because that is how HT designed it?

The Chog was perked because Pyro couldn’t adjust its eny value any more.

The ENY and OBJ values remotely effect only some of the veterans who scale their level of achievement by the perks he earn in a single sortie - a some 10~20 perks in a single sortie, by using a mid-war plane which he chose according to taste alone, is a testament to his skill. However, to the rest it's meaningless and a non-issue.

Oh that’s a lot of nonsense. Most "vets" you see in earlier variants aren’t flying them "for the perks". If so I would have burned through mine several times. Most could careless and fly the planes they enjoy. Who cares if the newb doing the "mishun" thing ever earns enough to afford his F4U-4? If he "desires to fly one he will step out of the p51d and jump in a p40 or some other plane. The choice is his.

And ever since AH numbers grew, the impact of the presence of the veterans, have been decreasing. The veterans do not influence AH MA any longer. It's the vast majority of the "meek", who inherited this "Earth" :) And to influence them, the only effective way to bend a curve of overusage, is to directly link it with the income/loss aspect of the game.

I really don’t know what you are going on about here. Perk values have nothing to do with "veterans". They have to deal with the planes the player chooses. The cost of the perk plane is irrelevant in that each player has the same opportunity to earn as many as he can get. Whether he chooses to or not is up to him.


 Even if the perks are applied very cheap, if there's something the people can spend the perks regularly upon, then the importance of perks ways higher to the average flyers. 3 points, even for the most newbie of all newbies, is not a hard point to get one's hand on. Go HO a few planes and he probably earns some points in 20 minutes. However, it will not be cheap enough to continuously waste away in foolish flying, like drops of water ultimately carves the stone. And only that, a direct perkage, can make an average pilot think twice before he joins the ranks of overusaged plane pilots.

Cheaper perks = more perk planes flying about in the main.

Higher the perk value = less perk planes flying about in the main. That’s a good thing and shows the perk system works as designed.

It will always be harder for the new guy or the less skilled guy to earn perks. But if he wants or desires to fly a perk plane he can do what every one else did over the past 3 years or so since the perk system was introduced. By landing his kills and not dying. He can increase the rate at which he accumulates perks by flying planes that earn more per sortie.

If every guy flying the top 5 planes in AH can get an F4U-4 or Temp or Spit 14 for 10 perks it would suck.

Just listen to what folks are saying now about perk planes in the AH2 beta.

I think perk system is fine as is and as the plane set develops I can see more planes being added to the perk list. Other then that don’t fix what isn’t broke.