Author Topic: GAME COST  (Read 5503 times)


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« on: January 06, 2000, 09:20:00 AM »
HT said last night the game will be out of beta in two weeks or so and the free play will end.
First off I would like to say that AH is a great sim and has alot of thing to offer expecialy down the line. BUT AH is a work in progress and all of the features are not online yet. I said to HT that $29.99 for a project in the works seemed kinda high when all of the elements are not yet in the game. He simply said dont play untill they are working if you feel that its is too much money.
I dont have a problem with the 30 buck price tag for a 100% game.. But for a 50% completed game i do.

I would like to incorage HT to lower the start up pricing to reflect the stage of the progress of the game.

If the cost is going to be 30 bucks to play per month I will just have to wait untill its completed to pay that amount.\




Offline Lance

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« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2000, 09:59:00 AM »
Ruquick, using that logic, then we owe HT $15 a month (half price) for the past few months of playing a half completed game.  The real question is not whether Aces High is a complete game or not, but rather do you get $30 worth of entertainment during the month from Aces High in its current state?  I do

Eventually the people at Hitech have to turn their investment of time and money into profits or else there is no game for us to play at all.  Considering how much fun I have playing Aces High as is and their near weekly updates showing tangible progress, I look forward to paying them for their efforts.  They have more than earned my dollar.


Offline Westy

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« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2000, 10:05:00 AM »
 I'm replying because before I flew Monday night this was where I was at in my thinking.

 Sure there some things need tweaks. They always will to be honest.
 Sure strat and more planes would help. But they're coming.
 I had a blast on Monday. Imho this is the finest sim out. It has a great balance between simulating WWII aircraft flight and
WII aircombat. Since the sim is still being worked on that scale could tip either way.
 And to top it all off I've never (that I can recall) had a bad connect to AH!

 Is it still rough around the edges? Yes. But
only a little.  I figured the time would be coming soon to cough up the dinero.  
 And to be honest  I was on the fence, leaning towards NOT subscribing right away
due to the reasons mentioned in the first post.
 But. Then I had fun. I had alot of fun the other night.
 So to me it is worth the price that has been told to us. $30 US.
 I will not have my two bagles, toasted with plain cream cheese in the am along with a large hazelnut coffeee - cream and suger please! - two or three times a week at $4.50
a pop.
 This will fund my flying in AH *AND* I'll lose weight to boot!  (Move over Jenny Craig! Out of my face Weight Watchers!)
 I'll also probably cancel my brand AW account after the ciurrent running scenario because when I have time to fly I head here.
Not there. Here is more fun. Just being honest. Not sim bashing.
 However do not forget the biggy. The HTC folks need to pay rents, equipment leases, put bread on thier tables and have a whoop bellybutton kick off party.  
 The product is ready enough.




Offline popeye

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« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2000, 10:06:00 AM »
"I will just have to wait untill its completed"

Judging from their WB production, I doubt that HTC will ever feel that AH is "complete".  There's always something new to add, or something to refine.  Jump in when you think you will get $30 per month of fun.


Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline hitech

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« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2000, 10:22:00 AM »
I Realy dislike being misquoted.

First off I never said we would be out of beta in 2 weeks (I don't answere when questions online) we will anounce precisly when we will go for pay, but havn't yet. The only referance I made last night to 2 weeks was that once we go pay there will be a 2 week free time before you are charged. This will be our normal new user tryout for free period.

2nd I also said AH will never be complete in my mind. And that if you don't feel it's worth 29.95 don't play until you think it is.

AH will always be a living and breathing piece of software. There will be new features,new planes,new terrains, update's to the graphic engine as hardware changes for its entire life.

So the simple question is do you think it's worth your money for playing, this question will be there forever and is not somthing I can ever answere for you , it's your call.


Offline dolomite

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« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2000, 10:49:00 AM »
I'll put another spin on it. I've been playing for about 6 weeks free now... the least I can do is cough up $30 for 1 month. I can decide month-to-month whether I can afford/enjoy another month.  

I've been in many betas, and it is always the same; when the end date nears, you begin to hear from people (not you, Ruqwick) who start bashing the project and talking about the "bigger-better thing" right around the corner. Never mind often it's the same guys you've seen on 24/7, always deeply involved in whatever battle going on, seemingly having the time of their lives.

I'm willing to try $30 a month. I'm hoping many more will too.  

a.k.a. Kieren

Offline CptTrips

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« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2000, 11:45:00 AM »
>However do not forget the biggy. The HTC
>folks need to pay rents, equipment leases,
>put bread on thier tables and

Beer.  Don't forget beer.  

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.


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« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2000, 12:41:00 PM »
Count me In!!! I still have to figure out how to shoot someone down and get out alive!
Course that may take a couple of years.

Any one got a dog eared copey of Shaw for my bathroom?

See ya on line.

Offline Sledriver

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« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2000, 01:38:00 PM »
I have only played in a couple of sims, and this is by far the best I have seen. And I wish HT all the best, but when you add a years worth gaming, thats about $360. Now add into it exchange rates from other countries. I'm in Canada and it is currently about 50%. So now that will cost me $540 a year to play. Plus ISP fees($480/yr) and equipment. I can go out and buy a lot of  games from the store which may or may not be as good as this sim. And you can always buy games that also have a game site (Diablo, RB2 3D, etc) I would much more prefer to pay a one time fee to purchase the software. Our pockets do have bottoms. And we also have to answer to the wives  
Also consider this fact. Each night you play, how much time do you actually spend sitting in a cockpit doing nothing but flying somewhere. Especially in a b17/c47.
I was on for 3 hours last night and only flew 2 missions.
This reply is by no means a flame towards HT, but simply and opinion.



Offline JimBear

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« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2000, 02:36:00 PM »
I for one have had a blast and continue to have the most fun (and frustration ;-) of any Sim that I have played online. $30 is the price for last years software title that I would put on, play for 2 hours and put away on the shelf. I might flinch a moment when I click ok on the payment tab. But not near as much as I will grin when I finally get that perfect bounce on Hangtime or see my m8s clear the air of the nme and we fly to home base. I plan on sticking with this Sim, the possiblities laid out before us are to enticing to ignore and for sheer fun a bargin.

=VMF111= Devil Dogs

Offline popeye

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« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2000, 02:40:00 PM »
I can name several people who paid $360 a MONTH to play DOS AirWarrior -- and those were 1992 dollars.

"Huh...??  No, Olive.  Not ME!!!"

popeye (burning old VISA bills)

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline fats

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« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2000, 02:51:00 PM »
I haven't flown in prolly a month ( ? ), because of that stupid thing called real life, but when I flew I know I had fun worth 30$/month.

It doesn't even seem like I will have the time to fly in the near future, none the less I will open an account immediately there is a chance to do so. And that is regardless wether I have the time to fly or not. IMO the game is obviously worth 30$/month as it is.


Offline NineZ

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« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2000, 04:33:00 PM »
This is the best combat flight sim Ive played so far.  WarBirds was too expensive for me, so I never really gave it much of a chance.  

If I divided the number of hours I spend online with this sim by 30 (dollars), I would have to be blind not to see how much BANG for the BUCK Im getting.  Im going to slap the 30 dollars down and chaulk it up to all the bars and theatres I dont patronize because Im sitting in my study having fun getting charbroiled by some of the best cyber pilots in the world.  

Of course, that wont last forever.  Im getting better. hehee

JagdNine (Musketeers Escadrille)

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« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2000, 04:53:00 PM »
My only real problem with forking out the bucks is that I must figure out the best way to break this news to the Big She, who can barely tolerate my addiction to the free version.  

Wish me luck.

Offline Camel

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« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2000, 05:13:00 PM »
Long Live HTC and AH!