Author Topic: GAME COST  (Read 5504 times)

Offline leonid

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« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2000, 05:23:00 AM »
I'm late for the thread, but better late than never.

Well, in less than one month I should be a father to a baby boy, so I don't expect to be online very much for at least three months.  However, I most definitely plan on subscribing to AH as soon as the final release is up.  This is a great game, and HTC are the best out there, IMHO  

leonid, aka grisha

ingame: Raz

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2000, 05:36:00 AM »
Congrats Leonid  

I'll have to remember to shoot you down before you go  

C.O. Phoenix Squadron
'feel the heat .......'

Offline dolomite

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« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2000, 07:35:00 AM »

I was following your thread- not agreeing, but respectful of your opinion until this remark:

People should not have to pay money to enjoy themselves. Its facist if you ask me.

Whoa! The one thing you really don't fully flesh out is how HTC can make enough money to recoup development costs AND make a profit. And the facist remark? Careful....

Offline Curly

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« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2000, 08:01:00 AM »
 <rolls eyes> I gotta. I just gotta. Damn lead paint babaies....

Quote: "i hate being told i have to pay for things more than once, hell i hate having to pay for it in the first place. Its software not a car or a house. People should not have to pay money to enjoy themselves." End quote.

Hey bright eyes. People pay for cable tv.  People pay to go to see a play at the theatre. They pay for music videos and CD's. They pay for sex (not ME!) They'll pay to watch a movie in a theatre.
People will pay to see a band at a concert.
 They pay for telephone service. They pay the neighborhood geek to mow thier lawn on every other Saturday.  People will pay to visit Six Flags. People pay to have an ISP.  People pay for cell phone service so they can order thier cafe'lette ahead of time and order out chinese food. People pay to watch WWF, and chomp on SlimJim beaf jerky while doing it, on pay per view.....


P.S.  Congrats Leonid!! BTW, thought of a Name yet? Curly works well no matter boy or girl  

[This message has been edited by Curly (edited 01-07-2000).]

Offline Pongo

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« Reply #34 on: January 07, 2000, 08:40:00 AM »
Have you "Fallen" on your head?
I am sure you gave HTC a good laugh at the coffee room this morning.

Offline hitech

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« Reply #35 on: January 07, 2000, 10:10:00 AM »
Im realy curious on the basis of fallens ideals and how he formed them. Fallen , not a flame but how old are you ? And just to fire an opening shot for discusion what % of the cost of a car do you think is for software (and im using the term software very loosly).


Offline Superfly

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« Reply #36 on: January 07, 2000, 10:30:00 AM »
fallen-"and free up HTC members to go get real jobs."

What is the definition of a real job?  One where you're miserable working in a cube for some corporate overlord getting no recognition, while you secretly plot to get promoted for work that you do half-assed because you hate your job?  We are following our dreams and doing what we love.  What's the matter?  Jealous?  

John "SUPERFLY" Guytan - Art Director
HiTech Creations
"Ain't I clean bad machine/ Supercool, supermean/ Feelin good for the man/ Superfly-here I stand" - Curtis Mayfield

[This message has been edited by SUPERFLY (edited 01-07-2000).]
John "Superfly" Guytan
Art Director
HiTech Creations, Inc.

"My brain just totally farted" - Hitech, during a company meeting

Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #37 on: January 07, 2000, 10:38:00 AM »
I am Superfly !!!  

If you ever need someone with a background in Engineering, can code a little, knows unix admin, and a good all arounder in computing, give me a call...

Not to mention my VAST knowledge of aircraft   heheheh

cause I AM jealous !!  

WB's: (verm--), **MOL**, Men of Leisure,
"Real men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires ;) "


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« Reply #38 on: January 07, 2000, 11:03:00 AM »
"People should not have to pay money to enjoy themselves. Its facist if you ask me. I believe this way for movies and concerts and walking on the beach and every thing else they try and make you pay for these days."
What about these people who spend their time and MONEY to make these movies, and put on these concerts (or create these games)...... Do you think they are doing this for their health? No! They do it to make money... Why? Because they have to eat, pay bills, and do everything else that you and I have to do. The thing is, they are good at entertaining you, so that's what they do for a living.
So I don't know about you, but tonight, I plan on spending money on a beer (or 12) because someone brewed it, bottled it, and shippped it to me. I'm gonna spend money on a movie, because someone wrote it, someone acted in it, someone produced it, and someone shipped it to me, and I'm gonna sit back and enjoy my beer and movie and my money well spent. Hell, I probably even play AH tonight, a sim that has brought me closer to people from all over the world.
And if that's facist....... then I'm guilty as charged. That's just how I see things.


Nathan "NATEDOG" Mathieu
Art Director
HiTech Creations

[This message has been edited by NATEDOG (edited 01-07-2000).]


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« Reply #39 on: January 07, 2000, 01:27:00 PM »

30 bucks a month.

Everytime you shoot down HT, you get a dollar knocked off your bill...


-Wolverine [wlvrn]

Offline leonid

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« Reply #40 on: January 07, 2000, 02:29:00 PM »
Fallen :
I don't know what to say, Fallen.  You got the right ingredients, but the mixture is all off.  You may want to reassess your percentages.

Thank you    
As for shooting me down, I think you shot me down enough for a decade's worth on that day I defended F17 from you and Gigantor.  In fact, now I'm gonna shoot you down  

Thank you  
His name will be Benjamin.  'Benjie' for short, but only when my wife's not around  

Thank you  

leonid, aka grisha

ingame: Raz


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« Reply #41 on: January 07, 2000, 03:20:00 PM »
my suggestion is either: a)elect politicians who will lower the cost of your internet access, or b) move to the U.S.  It's not HiTech's fault that your gaming costs so much.

thanks for your comments.  I can now refer people to your post as an example of what someone who's lived with Mommy and Daddy too long thinks about the cost of living.  LOL, as Daffy Duck said "what a moroooooooon"

[This message has been edited by Rawhide2000 (edited 01-07-2000).]

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2000, 03:50:00 PM »
These threads about cost are an excersise in pure roadkill.  Its like talking about politics or religeon.  One of the very few things the old man told is dont discuss politics or religeon when people are drinking.

I suspect some people here, based on their posts, are drunk.

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns


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« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2000, 06:07:00 PM »
Ouch. I didnt mean to get the entire HTC on me, i feel so belittled, ill open two windows and reply to each message as i read them.

Dolomite: The facist thing was sort of a joke, i believe theres alot of really stupid things that go on in capitalist societys but its unavoidable if we want the freedom we have, i just think some things should stay like 'the golden days' so to speak, such as software being primarly free except for mailing costs. Also like i said, id be more than willing to lay down one or two hundred dollars to them just becuase i enjoy myself and i want to see them continue to make games, but not on a pay-for-play basis, yes its the same thing but its the 'point' of it i guess. Some things i make a stand on, some things i dont.

Curly: No not AOL, i despise AOL and all of the idiot inbred americans it spawns onto the internet who know nothing about computers or even the world around them. Another classic case of 'the olden days' syndrome. Where you had to actually be worth your weight in gold in network ability and computer savve to get onto the net :P Not saying it should be as hard as it was, but not quite so easy as it is now.

And yes people pay for alot of things that we really shouldnt have to pay for in life, we pay for so many nesscacities(sp?) these days we hardly have money left over to pay for simple forms of entertainment. The worst crime in that is that alot of forms of entertainment actually teach you something (ive learned more about world war two flying and tactics than i ever thought existed, just trying to stay in the 'game' so i wouldnt get totally wasted)

Pongo: Im sure they didnt, maybe a chuckle or so but i think they found it alot more disturbing that some one thinks that way, and im sure they found it horribly immature.

Hitech: The basis of my ideas go back a ways, ill keep it short. Grew up in the late 70s, early 80s, got really deep into both computers and punk music at the same time. (bad combo) saw the software world begin and take shape. Then from my already capitalist hating eyes i saw the entire computer industry take a turn for what i consider the 'worse'. People stopped being (not you guys, you actually are putting out a very high quality product, and keeping in touch with the community following) artists and programmers and idealists...and started becomming buisinessmen (John Carmack any one?) For the record im 26. Oh and the price of a cars software is more than half of the production cost of the vechile. Metal and gears doesnt cost THAT much. Take a gander at Saturns new 'super computer' car with the road tracking and GPS link....70 percent of that cars price is software.

Superfly: Jealous? Of course. Would i do things differently than you guys? Of course. But your there and im not, thats why these things are opinions. I guess my personal (and ive been told immature) and offical stance is "If an artist isnt starving hes not a real artist." Making some cash doing what you love is a wonderful feeling, but it shouldnt be the main direction your heading in.

PS Curtis Mayfield is rock'n  

Natedog: About the people who spend 30 million dollars to create a stupid love story about bland characters who never even try and be different. The people who spend millions upon millions to create films that do nothing more than satisfy the huge ego of americans and make us feel better about ourselves. Those people can take all that money and...well i dont need to finish, its a family msg board...but those people are not artists, theyre buisinessmen, and they dont deserve the money, and dont need the production costs they use. I havent gone to a 'feature' film in over 8 years, been sticking to independant films and festivals and small film houses that really dare to break the mold and be entertaining and educational. And as for concerts....bands....Well there are two groups, the backstreet boys...and the sex pistols (not a huge fan but theyre well known) One 'requires' 500 thousand dollars to produce each album, the other needs 50 bucks for a recording sweet for 30 minutes, one group has the lyrical content of a bag of molded rotten apples, the other group has the content of just a bag of rotten apples heh but at least they make you think (shoulda used the dead kennedys as an example) one makes you pay a 40 dollar ticket...ive even heard 100 dollars for upfront (read: where they dont look like ants on stage) tickets....the other makes you buy them a beer after the show and sits down with you and the other 50 people who showed up to the club to see them. Who needs the mega bands and mega producers...all it does is dumb people down. And id be glad to buy you guys a round of beers  

Leonid: Yeah im not exactly mixed well myself.

Rawhide2000: I wont comment on the macho-rama meat head name, but ill just say i dont live with mommy and daddy. They did however raise me during carter and reaganomics (oh god didnt we all love those reaganomics!) when the cost of living was insanely high, and now were seeing the after effects. If thats different some where else, ill be happy to move there. If you have a job thats so great you can throw around money at every corner please send me the address so i can apply.

Yeager: Drunk is the key word.

And just to sum things up and say a few things. I play guitar in a pretty crappy (so far) industrial/punk band, and yes we play shows, and no i dont take money for doing it. I write software, pretty amatuer stuff so far, but ive worked on some top notch MODs for Doom, Quake, Halflife so my experiance in devolping software people will actually play is not in question, and no i never took a cent for the work i did. I also do photography for local magazines and portraits for my friends (since photography is what i took in school im pretty darned good) and , guess what? Never taken a cent for that either. I work in a music store, and do odd jobs for people in my nieghborhood, i fix people's computers and TVs and such. Nothing else i can really say.

Sorry for not capitalizing all my i's...and for the bad grammar and spelling and whatnot. Its been a while since ive been in an enviroment where people correct me on such things, so my skill at it has diminished.


"Im tired of self respect, I cant afford a car, I want to be a prefab superstar, I wanna be a tool, dont need no soul, wanna make big money playing rock and roll."
                Lovely Dead Kennedys Satire.

Offline Toad

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« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2000, 11:42:00 AM »

Yah, this capitalism stuff is just the pits!

Fortunately, there are still a couple of "worker's paradise" countries around.

Have you applied for a Visa to North Korea? I'm sure they'd love to have you and all those talents you're just giving away here.

Power to the workers, bro!

I'll even chip in for your airfare....don't mention it!
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!