Author Topic: GAME COST  (Read 5505 times)


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« Reply #60 on: January 13, 2000, 09:34:00 AM »

"I can name several people who paid $360 a MONTH to play DOS AirWarrior -- and those were 1992 dollars."

I never paid more than $350/month...don't try to gloss your argument with inflated stats, Pops (newbie alert: this guy is well known for this kinda stuff...watchit...oh, and I know for a fact that he wears white sox with brown wingtips when he flys).

Spinny, VF-17, The Jolly Rogers 8X

Offline Westy

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« Reply #61 on: January 13, 2000, 09:43:00 AM »

 Slugged. You're so uninformed and ignorant of  the facts it's almost comical..
 AW had a cost of once up to $10/hour and it thrived. Granted the cost came down but then so did the expenses. It now costs $10 "all you can bleat" and it's barely hanging in there. It's because AW is being left in the dust by all these other new sims that have features that have been asked for years ago. Complacency and the current GameStorm marketing to the lowest common denominator (relaxed realism) will be it's further downfall.
 FAII is $10 per month and I'd be amazed if it hangs in there at all. On the Zone FA1.5 in the past had an average online count per day of 800. It's now 400. The FA II sims programming is subpar and pathetic. It doesn't cut the mustard. And neither do the clientelle for the most part as can be seen by popping in any of the 'rooms' or checking thier newsgroup and listening to all the gEnErAl dUdZ yacking thier maws off...
 I will cough up 30/moe because this sim is the balls. It is GOOD. REAL GOOD> It is far better than what is currently out there.
 And to compare FAII with this sim is like comparing a 5 yr olds Tonka to a real auto.
 Yeah kid. You got the best! <snork>
 I'll also eagerly pay the 30/mo to see the 'idjits' filtered out.  On the other hand there will be normal and enthusiastic folks who would pay it if they could but won't be able to - sad to say.
 I'm sick of the dreck that has come bobbing to the surface via way of the anonymity of the Internet. Clueless spouting morons that will pay more for BigMAC lunches per week but piss & moan  about having to pay for decent entertainment. Believing everything should be laid at thier feet for free.



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« Reply #62 on: January 13, 2000, 10:54:00 AM »
Him Westy lets see,

Search Fighter Stats:

Beta Tuor 1: 57 kills (both fighters and bombers)  185 sorties, 165 deaths.

Wow you almost got killed everytime you took off and with a death to kill ratio of better than 3 to 1.

Beta Tuor 2: 29 kills (both fighters and bombers) 75 sorties, 58 deaths.  

Ah doing better now I see.  Only a death to kill ratio of 2 to 1.  Still getting killed better than 2/3 the times your wheels leave the ground.

Beta Tuor 3: 4 kills, 6 sorties, 5 deaths.  

Probably just a fringe fighter now.  Reduced to waiting outside any big furballs waiting for some poor bastard with 70% damage to come limping out so you can pounce on him.  Use the force Luke!  

If your one of Aces High's Elite I would shut the F*CK UP!  

Offline Westy

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« Reply #63 on: January 13, 2000, 11:05:00 AM »

 Slugged. You just proved my point for me.


(ya gotta be this high Slugged <holds hand three feet off the ground> to go on the ride.
 You remember that ..|... )


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« Reply #64 on: January 13, 2000, 11:31:00 AM »
What was your point Westy?  That you suck?  Oh ok we all got that.  

Look needle d*ck.  AW and WB were both very successful games.  To call Aces High successful is a little premature.  Especially considering they haven't made a dime off of it yet.  But you are too much of an idiot to figure that out.  Apparently the rest of the software industry doesn't have a problem with selling a game at the retail level and then letting you play for free.  It's only a small handful that see it the other way around.  

Do you think EA or Activision could get away with that?  Not hardly.  

No I don't have a problem paying for a game.  I do have a problem with paying for the privilege of playing it.  

We all see how easily you cast stones down on the lowly "Goobs" from your lofty status.  Tell us all Westy how did you attain such spiritual enlightenment?  How are you at one with the machine?  How do you smite down all the "Goobs" with such a deft hand?  (See previous post for smiting ability)

Oh tell us Obi-Wan your our only hope.  


Offline Westy

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« Reply #65 on: January 13, 2000, 12:29:00 PM »
 I wiped the chin drool off that message and what it boils down to is mommy and daddy won't let Sluggo use thier credit card right?
 I went and checked scores on one Slugged. It took a bit because I don't normally check scores as they are quite pointless. Especially so in a beta test phase.
 Well.  Not one flight in AH. Not a point. Nada. Zip zilch. Yet he's here spouting.
 We need a freek'n guppy filter in here I swear. But thanks once AGAIN for proving my point and even more so than the last post.
 It's like you keep punching yourself in the eye trying to get at me.

[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 01-13-2000).]


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« Reply #66 on: January 13, 2000, 03:07:00 PM »

It's obvious that your pretty thick.  Did you ever think that I might not fly as slugged?  Probably not you dolt.  Anyway the score does exactly what it says it does.  It keeps track of idiots such as yourself that can't fly and can't fight, but feel compeled to let the advice/BS flow.  So you just keep spoutin off and remember that your death to kill ratio is still better than 2 to 1.  So when ever anyone sees good ole Westy flying high out on the fringe they will know that there is a 2 to 1 chance that they will fly away unharmed while Westy goes flaming into the ground.

Har Har Har!

signing off

Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #67 on: January 13, 2000, 05:07:00 PM »
Ummm.... Slugged

Just who DO you fly as? And why don't you share with the rest of us how good your scores are?

You seem to be claiming that your quite the pilot, or at least implying it. So just fill us in.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure,
Dicta Verm: "Never give the suckers an even break!" or translated "Never engage without an advantage"


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« Reply #68 on: January 13, 2000, 06:31:00 PM »
slugged, Westy doesn't need any one to stick up for him, butt let me say this.  If you were familiar with westy at all you would know that he knows what he's talking about. I've listened to him for years now, even got to meet him at last years AW con, he prolly don't remember me, butt he is quite knowlegdeable (s) and doesn't go around talking about what he doesn't know.
  And what does Score have to do with it? ya go ahead and look up mine and let me know how bad i am too, i have no idea as score means nothing to me. (safe answer for some one with my skills   ). i guess what i'm saying is lighten up abit and stick to what ya know. Thank you

aka kjb  ;)

Offline Westy

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« Reply #69 on: January 14, 2000, 02:01:00 PM »
<S> Vermillion and KJB. Thanks for the nice words.

I do remember meetin you KJB  
But to be honest I can't remember nary a face of all those folks from that weekend today.
What really stuck in my noggin was I used to use my initials KJW for my handle. It struck me as funny at the time that if I'd still had my old handle we might have been mistaken for some kind of squad "KJ" squad  

 See you guys up!


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 01-14-2000).]

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« Reply #70 on: January 14, 2000, 02:33:00 PM » are an Idiot. I certainly qualify as total DWEEB according to the "numbers"...and realistically I'm buried somewhere in the middle of the pack with regard to ability...but I love to wade in and mix it up...I fly all planes against all odds and have a blast doing it. Do i make a lot of dumb decisions ..YUP.. Do i learn from em,well,maybe ..Lots of "scores" matter in life...this isnt one of them.


"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Dingy

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« Reply #71 on: January 14, 2000, 03:02:00 PM »
....and I qualify as one of the top 30 aces according to score and stats yet there are plenty of pilots with lesser scores who would wax my bellybutton in a regular 1 v 1 Co-E matchup.  Dunno what your point was here guys  

Slugged, EA and Activision do not offer any games with the same kind of persistent 24/7 massively multiparallel online simulation that HTC does.  What most proponents of the "free-play" right fail to understand is that it takes alot of money to support the hardware and network infrastructure required for just such a game.  Because of these costs, HTC has to charge a usage fee for the game.

Now, to refute another point of yours, the software in itself is free, just like Warbirds is.  Like Warbirds, you will even be able to fly against a friend using the Head to Head capability of the software.  This too is free.  What is not free, however, is the arena containing many pilots ready and willing to wax your ass.

HTC is offering a service.  You must pay for that service if you desire it.  Its the capitalist way.  


Offline dolomite

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« Reply #72 on: January 14, 2000, 06:46:00 PM »
...and I'll add that I have been in the top 15 before my decision to stop looking at scores and just use this beta to experiment with all the flight models and aspects of gameplay. Anyone who thinks that scores make one opinion better than another just doesn't understand what scores represent; how well you played the game according to the designer's concept. This doesn't make you a good pilot or bad, it doesn't mean you are smarter than anyone else, and it certainly doesn't invalidate anyone's opinion on the price structure of this game.

All you do with this tact is turn this argument into a big di*k contest, and that doesn't prove any point!

Every so often, we all get into altercations. Invariably someone will pop the challenge "oh yeah?! Meet me in X arena at 9:00 PM EST and we'll see who's right!" My response? "Ok, and you may beat me 10 times in a row, but you'll still be a jerk!"  

This isn't to say that you are without points here, but putting someone's score on display in this manner doesn't show much class.

Offline Tern

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« Reply #73 on: January 14, 2000, 06:57:00 PM »
$29.95?  Is that all HT's asking a MONTH for this game?  Hell yes I'll pay and gladly too!  Especially considering I was shelling out an average, AVERAGE mind you of $300 a month for WB.  And that was when WB was still in 1.xx versions.

Where do you jamokes think HT is getting the $$$$ to support his staff, the servers and everything else it takes to design a game...?  Y'all think he's got some government grant to fund this passion we fly in?

Well, like the man said up front... "This here is America!  You don't like the price, go eat somewhere else!"

"Live to fly, Fly to fight, Figth to live!"

Offline pzvg

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« Reply #74 on: January 15, 2000, 07:39:00 AM »
Slugged, your prose and manner are consistent
with that of a "flame troll" dweeb, I don't give a rats bellybutton about your score,my score or anyone else's SCORE. All I see is someone who gets off on pissing people off on the internet, which points out some ugly little insecurity of yours that needs to be looked after, If price is too big an issue for you, then the good news is we won't have to put up with your garbage after it goes pay, nicht wahr?
I'm satisfied.

pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"