Author Topic: make AH Open source.....  (Read 679 times)


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make AH Open source.....
« on: January 04, 2001, 12:14:00 AM »
make it like Rogue Spear where a person can change almost everything, that way if there is a problem or a change you want implemented you tweak it youself and send it to HTC if they dig what ya did they implement it and it is loaded to yer puter in the form of an update next time ya log on.

It would be neat to mess with and insted of squeak and wine you could say "here try this, i think this is how it should be" if they like or dont like they do wahtever they want.

i know this will never become a reality but with the formum bordom and nobody answering any of my damn questions i might as well stirr the pool a little.

Offline Saintaw

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2001, 06:45:00 AM »

I think we need a Nurse for this one...

Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline AKDejaVu

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2001, 07:33:00 AM »
Rogue Spear is open source?  That's strange.. I've never seen source code available for this one.  Don't confuse having a plug-in available for being open source.

And.. wobble.. have you ever paid to play a game before?  Have you any experience with a pay-2-play environment before?

Read through past events on this board.  Look what happens when someone does anything that is percieved as cheating.  Now.. take those posts and multiply them by about 1000 and you begin to see what happens when something goes open-source.

Also... how long would HTC have the only server if they were open source?  It wouldn't be too long before someone had an AH-Free server out there.

And... well... this could go on for hours.  Suffice to say its a pretty bad idea.


Offline Westy

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2001, 07:48:00 AM »

 Hey HiTech. I know AH is open source and you only provide the servers now but can you stop AirMarshalGeneralismoCrackHea d from flying his TA-183 at 2,000 mph while armed with forty 75mm gattling cannon! And he can turn ona dime and change directions with no loss of "E"

 Yeah, right. Open source? Nah,  Open Sores is what it should really be called.


Offline Betown

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2001, 07:57:00 AM »
There There wobble....
It's all going to be ok. Just come with us and put on this nice white backwards coat and we will make you nice and happy. We will give you all the help you need.

But Mr Betown I want to make AH open source so everyone can mess with it. Wouldn't that be cool?

Uhh... Yeah Wobble that would be great. (turns to nurse)
Twenty CC's of Valium. STAT.

Offline Revvin

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2001, 11:17:00 AM »
Open Source?....ROFLMAO I can just see the Freehost thieves warming up their internet connections now to get their grubby little hands on the AH source code  

Offline takeda

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2001, 11:59:00 AM »
Ok, now anyone cares to answer to Wobble's real question? Obviously he doesn't know what open source means... he was talking about "mod" making
, which, in a controlled manner, could be implemented as a way of having more hands working in 3d models for objects in the game, skins for planes, vehicles or buildings and so on. Just that.. a 3Dstudio to AH mesh converter and a skin editor. There is a lot of pretty good ppl around that can help nate and superfly with lesser details while they carry on w the main effort

Offline Hooligan

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2001, 12:07:00 PM »

I find your idea ludicrous.  Nonetheless I'm perfectly happy to give you an opportunity to show your sincerity by personally performing an act similar to what you are asking of HTC.

Please post your credit card number and billing information in this thread.  With your philosophy of trust and sharing, no doubt you are certain that nobody will use your credit card unless they really need to.

Possibly after this gesture of sincerity on your part, HTC might be moved to consider your request.


[This message has been edited by Hooligan (edited 01-04-2001).]

Offline Ripsnort

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2001, 12:13:00 PM »
LOL Hooli !

Wobble, don't let them get to you! Just 'kill' them in the Main! <S>

Offline Dos Equis

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2001, 12:16:00 PM »
Originally posted by takeda:
Ok, now anyone cares to answer to Wobble's real question? Obviously he doesn't know what open source means... he was talking about "mod" making
, which, in a controlled manner, could be implemented as a way of having more hands working in 3d models for objects in the game, skins for planes, vehicles or buildings and so on. Just that.. a 3Dstudio to AH mesh converter and a skin editor. There is a lot of pretty good ppl around that can help nate and superfly with lesser details while they carry on w the main effort

Didn't SDOE try something called "open plane" once? A way to build planes in 3D Studio and import them?

Warbirds released a tool to allow players to paint planes and then view them, I think that would be extremely popular. I like that HTC has allowed us to map our squadron logos on the side of the plane, I wonder if we uploaded our own painted bitmaps, if we could "fly" with our own custom skins.

Kind of like Combat Mission does.

That would be great.


Offline 214thCavalier

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2001, 12:25:00 PM »
Yup then you would have people painting aircraft fluorescent yellow or some such colour so they could be seen a lot easier.
No thanks leave well alone its a rocky road if we are given too much input.
Btw nothing wrong with PINK cos they actually used PINK Spits in WW2 and they look so damn ugly it hurts to look at em !

Offline takeda

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2001, 12:39:00 PM »
ok... lets talk about controlled "mods"... reviewed by the HTC crew for quality and suitability and then adopted for "official use" just like Med Map. Someone mentioned combat mission... it a great example of what ppl ca do just changing some textures. So, if natedog and superfly have to concentrate on new planes now... whats wrong about some talented individual out there making new paintjobs for the models we have now... its obvious some of them would benefit a lot... (compare the Hogs with th TBM for example). Theres a lot of painting for just two guys, no matter how extremely good they are.

Offline BaneX

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2001, 12:54:00 PM »
Actually, it doesn't really need to be open source. A programmer who wishes to contribute could write his own class ( or structure, function, etc.) for what he was wanting to do and then send it to HT and let him check it out. If done correctly it should be easily adaptable with just the passing of some variables. No need to make source code open.

13th TAS

Offline Westy

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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2001, 01:13:00 PM »
 Ok. Now you're talking skins for aircraft/vehicles and not opening up the program for public use,  nor having a player provide the whole ball of wax for modeling an aircraft.  Hey. I'm all for skinning. AW has had that for over 3 years now. It's a great tool that really allows for a deeper immersion in events or when watching your films. And if folks had to paint all other aircraft pink to have an advantage,,,,well they suck so bad any how that even doing that wouldn't help them.

 But. HiTech had already said, for reasons unexplained, that AH cannot allow this. Ask him why, maybe he'll give the reasons.

 As for player contributions?  Well. I look at it this way. AH is going to constantly move forward. Unlike EAW, Janes WWII or SDOE which are packaged, pushed out, patched and  then considered history forcing players to use as is or move it along themselves. With AH I am paying for an evolving product and I like having one source (the HTC folk) to either praise in a glorious fashion for great work or squeak like a step child at for questionable modeling. It may sound real nice for WB III to have folks like Lemso build and model a Macch, it looks great, but who's flown it? Judging from the nature of the community at AGW (and it would be the same here or AW or FA) I give it three weeks before someone starts publicly whining that Lemso was too liberal with his figures and made the Macchi too good, or someone has better info with a more reliable data from some study that proves without a doubt that the Macchi FM is way off, or that iEN favours so-and-so because they will not use thier aircraft that they just took a whole six weeks to make.

 Skins are one thing. But to have to use the community to bolster up a company and it's product because of layoffs and a lack of development funds is quite another.


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 01-04-2001).]


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make AH Open source.....
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2001, 02:21:00 PM »
Ok first off a person could not cheat because the file if changed has to be run on the host's machine, otherwise you can only use it offline.  

Second, the source would be for the purpose of allowing pople to change or adjust things they did not feel were accurate, Like a rollrate or maby even damage modeling, almost anything that you have herd a whine about could be changed looked ant and torn apart,  HOWEVER the catch is that no matter what you edit do or anything else You will not be able to use it in MA or H2H unless HTC approves it and loades it on their server.  If you try to log on to play in or even Host an H2H game it will say your version is out of date and ask you if you want to update, of coures what that "update" does is set everything you have changed back to the standatd that HTC's servers are running.  You could not cheat in any way, if you had a "modded" version and tried to log on you couldent, you would have to just save the modded part and load the normal settings....Its not that complicated, try to play RS with a mod there server isnt running it will say "this game is of a different version than the one located on your machine please update"  just having a different gunsight resoultion will trigger that message, try to change anything and log on to Mlagger and it will tell you you need to "update" then it will reset everything to what the servers had deemed the current version.
See what Im saying? you could changes stuff YES but unless you send it to HTC and they deem it a worthy improvement and load it on their servers You cant use it, of course if they DO load it everytone that doesent have it will be given it via the auto update.
So just get off the cheating thing, that is not a worry.  
keep flaming though