Originally posted by ghostdancer
First off the Bishops have always lossed more than they have killed except for the first 3 months.
This indicates one of two possible things .. either they on average have had more pilots flying or their pilots fly more hops. Now from 2/00 to 2/03 basically their total number of kills were very competitive with the other two countries (not talking about K/D but total kills).
Or is it possible the Bishops just die alot more and kill alot less than Rooks per average sortie? Saying all countries have an exactly equal amount of skill and talent is a very romantic notion, and very politically correct. I personally believe it's totally ludicrous and highly improbable statistically. Fantasizing that skill/talent evenly distributes itself randomly across the 3 countries by chance or design is rediculously naive and is in complete contradiction to human nature. There is a difference in the flying skill/talent/tactics of each country, that is why the Kills and Deaths statistics for each country remain relatively constant over the course of years regardless of wide numerical fluctuations.
If you use logical deductive reasoning when looking at the Kill/Death statistics from the beginning of AH to the present, skill/talent/tactics are the only possible explanation why those numbers remain relatively constant while the number of players/sorties fluctuates greatly. Obviously, those consistant Kill/Death numbers are not derived from the numbers of players or sorties flown, the causal factor has to be the 'quality' of players, therefore the 'quality' of the individual sorties flown.
There is a core of players each country has that does not switch countries, so largely defines their particular countries' 'character'. I'm sorry, but there is a difference between the countries, I know, I fly all of them. It's as obvious as a dog's balls if you actually fly for the different countries for protracted periods and pay attention to patterns and behavior.
P.S. Sorry if this offends anyone, 'political correctness' has never been one of my character flaws.