I think the argement that "we used to get ganged all the time...now its your turn" is silly. So...its rooks turn to have numbers and gang everyone else? lol. Human nature at its finest.[/b]
The arguement is not that we used to get ganged all the time and now its your turn (at least by some of us). What the arguement is that it takes time and some effort to turn things around.
Rooks were in the bucket badly for 2 years and actually until 2003 fielded the least amount of players (4 years straight). HiTech modified the perk system, several squads came over and flew Rooks for a campaign or two, etc. The Rook squads form the RJO to work with each other in a multi-squad format since no one squad was big enough to do things by themselves. Several squads went onto a recruiting drive, missions were posted to entice independents, etc., etc.
What some of us are saying is that you can't expect things to turn around over night or not without some collective effort.
It looks like USMC and 367th are trying to do some collective work and also apply strategy and tactics to deal with the situation. This is a very good step to do and what we did and proved effective the last two weeks. But it takes a lot of work and time to turn things around. Plus, some don't believe it was turned around by collective effort in the case of the Rooks.
So its not a matter of its your turn in the bucket and tough; its a matter of well here is what you can do about it but things aren't going to turn around in a month or two. Its going to take longer than that.
As for Rooks ganging one side over the other currently Rooks have been attacking the country with more numbers, not less on the average. Also at least over the past two weeks while Rooks have numbers you are not seeing 80% against one side and 20% against the other. You are seeing like 55%-60% versus one and 45%-40% versus the other .. roughly.
Camp stats bear this out at least for Camp 54 so far.
76902 Bishops killed (52.3%)
60974 killed by Bishops
70316 Knights killed (47.8%)
61822 killed by Knights
Rooks have been attacking the Bishops more than the Knights since the Bishops have more numbers and with it are more aggressive or have opportunity to be more aggressive generally than Knights. Yes, Rooks have numbers but in general they are not going after the weakest are throwing most of the numbers against just one country to the exclusion of the other.
Also yes, it would be nice if some squads switched over to Knights. However, as we found out very few squads will just switch of their own accord. A handful did and came over for a couple of camps. A few stayed but in the end it didn't help us that much. But it did give us a breather to stop working on recruiting independents into our squads and increasing pilot turnout of our squads (stopping the bleed of people stop playing or avoiding certain nights).