Author Topic: Gawd I Love This!!!!  (Read 458 times)

Offline AWMac

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Gawd I Love This!!!!
« on: August 14, 2004, 05:03:13 PM »
Did my 20 in the Army...ABN RCN, Tunnel chit, Intel/Security, MI... I get a letter today from the Department of the Army.

*Fading back to Sept 11...on Sept 12 I requested reinstatement to Active Duty US Army....later I rcv a nice letter stating how great an American I am to want to give up Retirement to return*

This Letter reads as follows:  

  Our records at this command indicate you previously volunteered for recall to active duty in support of the Global War on Terrorism. The Secretary of the Army now requires a formal application for all retiree volunteers. This letter is to invite you to formally apply and confirm your status as a volunteer.  

Then yada, yada, yada... retaining my retired rank or above. yada, yada, yada....

Signed by the same person I trained as an NCO back in '83 before she went to OCS, she's now a Full Bird.

Back in the Fire Again!!!


Offline Nilsen

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Gawd I Love This!!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2004, 05:10:38 PM »
stay safe

Offline RedTop

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Gawd I Love This!!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2004, 05:14:20 PM »
Best Wishes....and Thanks for doinig it again:aok

USN 81-85
Original Member and Former C.O. 71 sqd. RAF Eagles

Offline AWMac

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Gawd I Love This!!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2004, 05:21:21 PM »
Civilian life sux... it's the Camels I want!!!

No but seriously, my Daughters fiance was in Afganland and Iraq as a sniper, no he's not Voss or Mr. Black.   He did well 34 confirms..bad day his way back to the rear Hummer got it with an IDE... shrapnel put him out of service...he's been trying to get back in too.

I told DA back on Sept 12th, the day after ... why send 18-19 year olds into something they don't know what to expect.. send me and a few other Retirees that know the ropes, saves lives.

3 years later they are now realizing that.

Offline AWMac

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Gawd I Love This!!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2004, 05:27:56 PM »
Originally posted by Nilsen
stay safe

Naw, Stay Smart, Stay Alive...

Ohhhh to be back in the game again, wifey is gonna hate this to no end!

Did I mention that Civilian life sux?

Once a MAW, Always a MAW!


Offline Gunslinger

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Gawd I Love This!!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2004, 05:44:53 PM »
Cool thing about being mobilized as a reservist IRR or otherwise


I was makin $55 a day just to be on active duty after 911.


Offline AWMac

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« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2004, 05:56:51 PM »
Site is slow....whole lotta shakin going on....

How was it said in Apocalypse Now?


Crude but rings of truth...

Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2004, 06:02:38 PM »
ok. now im getting worried ;)

Offline culero

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Gawd I Love This!!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2004, 06:03:53 PM »
Bless your heart, bro.


“Before we're done with them, the Japanese language will be spoken only in Hell!” - Adm. William F. "Bull" Halsey

Offline AWMac

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Gawd I Love This!!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2004, 06:04:21 PM »
Originally posted by RedTop
Best Wishes....and Thanks for doinig it again:aok

USN 81-85

RedTop <<>> I was a Navy Brat... My Dad did 28 years in the Navy.  He's got Barnacles on his arse and his farts smell like bilge water... Best times we had were the yearly "ARMY/NAVY" games... we were brutal...I was at Ft. Bragg and he was at Norfolk D&S piers off Hampton Blvd... bet ya know where that is.

  We soap each others cars, His said "BEAT NAVY".. he had bumper stickers all over my 69 Camero that said "Go Navy"


Phone bills went sky high each quarter!!!

Offline AWMac

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Gawd I Love This!!!!
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2004, 06:22:35 PM »
Wife is gonna be Pisssed!!! Maybe I can use this to get lucky....Hey we've been married 24 years now... if it rises in the morning I'm feeling lucky...

I can say "Baby, I'll decline the acceptance if I can get them CH pedals and joystick I've been drueling over...."  Then get them, and pack puter, stick, pedals and run!!!!

I have a heart... I'd leave her my house and cars, credit cards...


Offline AWMac

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« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2004, 06:28:38 PM »
My problem is I hate the people I work for, my Manager is the Biyatch from the Wizard of OZ...Black Hat, Bicycle..yep her..... the Money is great *shhhh $50,000+ a year sittin infront of a puter* but if you can't have fun at work why work at all?

In the Army it was great, never a dull moment.

Wife will watermelon ....
I'll put the ball in her court...

"What's it gonna be baby?..." "Do ya Love me now? Will ya love me forever..?

"Let me sleep on it...I'll tell ya in the morning.."


LOL giving away my age!!!!


Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2004, 06:30:02 PM » you are talking to yourself :D

Offline AWMac

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« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2004, 06:49:47 PM »
Naw just the voices in my head... as long as they don't answer the therapist sez I'm I'm..well okay....:rofl

Offline Otto

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Gawd I Love This!!!!
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2004, 06:53:57 PM »
If you're 'Happy' that's all that counts.....  Don't start WWIII....