Newguy....did you really say ...your dislike of something doesnt make it wrong? Nah just a typo.
Bustr...I havent seen where anyone except gs started talking about invasion over the 16 year old.I dont think he meant we should, but by useing that as a misdirection , put grun a little more on defence.[ I think otto was tongue in check]
I mostly agree with your post,because you are able to make a moral judgement.
Saintaw...60 year old history is not important...
It is even more important now then it was then. The latest example of 60 year old history is the sudan.It is happening even as you post such goofyness. France because of europes worship of egalitarianism has vetoed any direct action against sudan for the genocide of the blacks. are right I believe we dont have a right to invade iran because of laws that allow such barbarism. I can make a moral judgement that our system , with its inherant problems is morally better than theirs. You and those of like mind cant. No matter how you spin it you cant.
If so and you say different why does europe hinder action on the sudan,Where are your troops to help? Where are frances and germanys troops? Because you would be helping people that are very very black? Or because you are in bed with the arabs? Or because your egalitarian beliefs has once again tied your hands.
I believe it is all three.So lets let europe sit on its throne again and do nothing, while another group is being wiped out.
Opionion; THIS IS A VERY GOOD THREAD, and debate, because to those on both sides who are not blind, can see clearly the 2 choices in this world today, It is better to see clearly each side then to agree.