Author Topic: Killing Chutes, P-51's and the tears as big as horse turds falling down your cheeks  (Read 1321 times)

Offline Creamo

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Whoohoo! Nothin I like more than people getting fired up. I was however hoping for more actual reasons WHY people get so pissed off when you kill chutes. I can only assume that it’s the point thing, and that’s ridiculous. Sure, I’d like to lead the board, but I sure the hell aint going to sacrifice fun for it or WHINE cause someone shot my chute.

In response to everyone that contributed, thanks. Pretty cool to see everyones take on it. To the few that responded with sarcastic and mindless whining via personal attacks, I am not real impressed, but I’ll respond as people should on a BBS especially if they are flamed.

Yourdead  Quote /“You sound deranged or something...” /

Well then, can’t argue there.

Mancock  Quote/“Ive seen your posts before. Did you get your mom to write this for you?”/

Well, its my first post, but that is the single best comeback ever and I bow in humble defeat. That was intellect and flaming at it’s best, bravo. It must have taken years of thought, knowledge, and communications skills to ponder and actually take the effort to know your that clever and prove it by posting it on the message board for thousands to read. Still, I don’t think you wrote it because I heard that one a lot in 3rd grade. And guess what? Mom didn’t write that, because she lost her fight with cancer in December you mindless sorry bastard. You need an adult to slap you.

Bbgun Quote /“Good one Manock.”/

Can that be even more retarded? No comment.

Saintaw Quote /“Mmmmhhhhh....
Looks to me as we now have a new 1st class target “/

Cool. #1! Public Enemy #1 for simply killing a chute or eleven. So I guess the certain whine all day players are far better? Sheesh, anyway who did I replace?!

Hangtime Quote /“You are requested to NOT lend this individual aid or support, as his actions to date are not in keeping with established mutually agreed terms of honor and respect normally given to any vanquished player.
This pilot can be identified from the following nasty social habits :
Sniffs his fingers after pickin the clingers from his butt
Picks his nose with the same fingers.. and eats it
It's a detestable nasty habit. Thankfully its pretty rare. To avoid tempting those infantile players unable to resist the urge to pick their butts and shoot chutes; I always open the chute very low to minimize dangle time.
PYRO: suggestion: have system disable the 'chute open' command for any pilot who has a chute kill. Let the twit free fall to pancake status on his next bail.” /

Man Hang, I expect a lot better than this from you. I usually read all your posts which are generally insightful and intelligent. This is rubbish and childish. If you have no respect for everyones right to post their opinions, have some respect for yourself. I’m sick of your “BOOBIES” comments and am immediately tired of 12 year old references to my ass. That’s ok though, I assume it was a just a kid fit. The big one here is if you leave a wingman to die because for whatever reason he kills a chute, your missing the point of multiplayer. The single greatest moment in multiplayer gaming is making a kill on a opponent that was about to do the same to your wingman/squadmate/fellow countryman. When you see green text that says “Wow, thanks man” you know your not up with AI and it’s quite rewarding. I get a few of those each gaming session and it's pretty cool. Everytime I kill your chute will be pure gaming bliss.

Fatty Quote “/Still, I never have understood the outrage over it, suppose I never will. If you don't want your chute shot, don't get shot down. If it does get shot down, take a deep breath, relax, they have more back at the base “/

Hats off to you sir for being intelligent and posting that although you don’t kill chutes, you’re an adult and view it as such. I may reconsider after reading your take on it. NAW! :0)
BTW, you have the best damn squad name in the game!

Thanks for the reasonable posts regarding the matter, it is a pretty interesting subject. Now if only they could program in blood and the chute falling from the sky instead of that dreadful “Ooops, had 5 sticks of TNT in my pocket” explosion.

Tally Ho!


Offline Curly

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 What can I say. That was bewetiful man.

 ...Curly straightens out his burboun stained
   uniform, stands at rigid attention and renders a might respectful...


to  Creamo.


  • Guest
I think to truly realise the beauty of killing fellas in their chutes you have to get right up the nose of some guy who actually believes there is honour and chivilry in a computer game, you need to drive him crazy, get him sweet and b-ing online. They will probably accuse u of being hitlers lovechild but dont worry. They dont have warcrimes tribunals for virtual murder. Creamo, u go girl and if i see u trapped in your silk some day ill have no second thoughts about liberating u from it  


Offline Hangtime

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Nothin like a good fight; in the sky; on the BBS.. A kills a kill.  

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Gator

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Wow, this must be the internet, where you'll find opinions, knowledge, and maturity (or lack thereof) from across the entire spectrum ...  

Seriously, I would like to request, that in these opinionated threads folks post their squad affiliation.  In case rookies such as myself ever develop enough ability to be considered for squad membership, I'd sure like to know what squads are more "mutually compatible".  I'm new to online sims, but that looks to be part of the fun/attraction of 'em, partnering up with buds you like.  

Also, since AH sends out a message for who got credit for shooting down the plane, perhaps we can get 'em to also send out messages for who gets "credit" for shootin' chutes, ditched aircraft, and pilots on the ground?  Seems like that would please everybody ... those doin' the shooting get public "credit" ...  

Offline Creamo

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..and finally.

The initial post was effective. I actually learned something. I have just found reason NOT to kill a chute (gasp), and it falls right in with the sportsmanship ideal.

 I chased a B26 for quite some time and as he was slowly turning and firing at me it bled his speed a bit. DoctorYo came in much higher than me and tore it’s wing clean off. I thought it was a good combination of two greens. Although I didn’t get a kill, the speed losing turn/diverting of attention surely helped. I followed him down watching the nice firey effects. DoctorYo messaged me to break off. I hadn’t fired nor intended to, it’s bad SPORTSMANSHIP to do so.  If I had chased him all the way down, made the kill, and someone could have blasted him even more in the death spiral and took the kill, now that would be a bummer. That’s where I can see sportsmanship. So I was thinking if I recognize that as fair play, certainly it must pertain to this topic as well, including blasting chutes.

Actually, earlier in the flight, someone had shot down Storm, and I buzzed by and shot his chute. He wasn’t exactly impressed, but that led to another good point. I can’t find much satisfaction in killing a chute from someone else’s kill, unless it’s part of a vulching package. Even a Rook!;0) It was kinda weak to do that as a green may not want that to happen to his kill. So, guess there is times when to and when not to kill a chute.

When I won’t-

1. Any kill from someone else
2. Any Kill I get that was a great fight
3. Any Kill on NON-WHINERS I respect   

When I will-

1. Any kill by myself or anyone else when the chute came from a aircraft that was vulching.
(Although it’s fun strafing planes on the ground, when I do it I expect to be shot out of my chutes as well!)
2. Any Kill by myself or others of a well know whiner or who flames other people. (you know who you are. :0)  )
3. Any of the HiTech staff. Not only are they good sports about it, they’ll finally give us .45’s if they get blasted enough! (BTW, one of you staff guys just refuse to bail out, that’s my course most of the time as well.)

Please disregard the first section if I’m drinking.

Tally Ho!


Offline Tern

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Originally posted by Hangtime:
I too have had accidental chute kills and been killed myself.. and made and recieved similar apologies. It's part of the game.. it happens...

Right on Hangdoobie!  I have had exactly two accidental chute kills and none deliberate.  I immediately appologized to them both.  
Why don't I go after chutes?  Simple and it's the exact same reason the Pac theater boys WENT after em....  Deny the enemy a quick replane and pilot.  
It's hilarous seeing a guy pull his chord at 20+ feet!  Takes him that much longer to get back into the fight.  In the PTO, the Allies shot down Jap chutes to deny them pilots.
  SO Tern sez:  "Live to Fly!  Fly to Fight! Fight to Live!"  but leave the bastidges hanging in their silk.  THEN watch the frustration factor rise  

Offline Gator

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Since most disagreements seem to result in accusations of whining, I did not earlier post one of the reasons I don't like getting shot out of my 'chute since I wasn't sure the thread was interested in a rookie's thoughts ... but maybe Creamo is serious ...

As a rookie/newbie, I was learning something by floating along in my 'chute and watching how the masters do it ... seemed like a decent vantage point for watching & learning about dogfighting (since if I'm in a plane gotta keep checkin' my six, and feel obligated to help out my side by being a target   ).  'Course, then somebody came along and decided I'd had enough spectating ...  


  • Guest
Sorry gents,
Virtual honor, virtual valor???
You guys probably having virtual sex at porno sites too???!?!!
Say after me, ENME. DIE DIE
Matters not where, matters not why, die.

[kicks puppy as he leaves room]

Offline Central

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You forgot one "When to-".

When the SOB is sitting on the ground begging you not to shoot him. BECAUSE hes just admiring the view of the battle, WHILE the whole time he's monitoring the situation telling his country man to CHECK SIX.  

Oh sure, let me be a dumb arse, and not shoot him.  

Check Six Squadie!

Dickweed FG

Offline YourDead

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I once parachuted and landed on an enemy base. I took a little stroll down their base.  LOL!!  Too bad I didnt have a .45 to ping some planes

Offline Hristo

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Too bad I did not have the chance, but I would like to strafe some guys in their chutes. To show how much I appreciate their flying.

The same guys who strafed my chute (Granger, on occasions).

The same ones who came to vulch my smoking plane while I tried to ditch (fine by me if they deserved the kill, but quite a few times thea arrived after the fight and picked what's left of it).

Offline dolomite

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I guess we shouldn't forget, prettythangholes are historically correct too.  

Offline jely

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I tend to let em float to earth, because they ain't flying when they floating.


Offline jscharpf

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I really don't have a problem with Chute Killers. This is a game, and people shouldn't take it personally. I do agree with Creamo that the point is to kill the opposition. In a real war, I think you SHOULD kill that SOB that was just trying to kill you. I don't understand why people always looked at this as a bad thing. It's like if he's floating innocently in that chute that all of a sudden he is some poor hopeless innocent child. Should we not jump an opponent if we surprise him on his six, since that's not really "fair" to him? Should we not fire all our cannons available if we are up against an inferior plane?
Anyway, since this ISN'T real war, I can see that it is more of a waste of time to kill a chute, for the reasons stated above that you're just putting him back in his plane earlier. I've been shot down in a chute several times, and it really doesn't matter, because he already killed me so he has nothing else to prove.
The reason I don't do it is because kills don't come that easy for me, and the last thing I want to do is expend ammo trying to chase down a little floating object that I can hardly see anyway.
Now, if I could charge through him and cut his chute with my prop..maybe I'd reconsider,lol
