Author Topic: Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)  (Read 4372 times)

Offline Zazen13

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2004, 01:45:22 AM »
Originally posted by KurtVW
Anyhow, I quoted the one sentence of yours above because it is the key misconception...   You can't make a program force a 'Natural' balance.  Natural balance can only occur naturally..  But Zaz knows more about that then me, he's the follower of Zen.  :cool:

In advance I would just like to say the following mini-essay I am writing on 'Natural Balance' is all Kurt's fault! All my friends know not to start talking philosophy with me because they have to slap me to shut me up. ;)

What is Nature? Nature is the sum of all the parts of the universe. Nature is not divisable, nature cannot be observed piece-meal one part totally independant of another, quantum physics teaches us this. The behavior of a sub-atomic particle is sympathetically reactive to the prescence of all other particles and the various fields of energy extending around them. Not only that, but if you were to truly isolate a sub-atmoic particle you still could not observe it in its 'true' state, the mere prescence of the observer alters its properties and behavior.

This is how nature works microcosmically. Nature obeys laws that pervade every facet of its manifestation. Evidence of this is found on the macrocosmic level. There is remarkable similiarity between the behavior of galaxies, solar systems and atoms. The reasons are obvious, they are all acted upon by the same fields of force (gravity, weak and strong electrical force, and magnetic fields). Einstein believed in the Unified field theory a theory that would reconcile these forces into one all pervasive force that could predict the behavior of everything in the known universe from super-string formations of galaxies to the tiniest sub-atomic particle. I also believe this exists, but we're missing a 5th field of force that is hitherto unknown, or I should more correctly say, un-quantified.

How does this effect Aces High? Well, suprisingly the answer is quite simple. Aces High is a contrivance borne by technology and innovation. The program has no dynamic nature in and of itself. The program can be perfect in every way, no bugs, everything modelled completely true to the laws of physics and operate at maximum temporal efficiency (no server/client lag). However, add human beings to the program and immediately, the ability to predict outcomes is annhialated. Humans, like the program and everything else in the physical universe are bound by laws. Human Nature, on an individual level is HIGHLY unpredicatable, no two humans perceive the exact same event in the exact same way, ever! How can this be? It happens because there is no true objectivity. Like the isloated sub-atomic particle that behaves differently just because it is being observed, humans behave differently because of one main factor, memory. Memory is a function of evolution that allows us to learn from mistakes, this enhances survival. Memory as it relates to experience super-imposes itself upon all sensory information cataloguing it and cross-referencing it, comparing it in a relative, not objective way to the memories of similiar past experiences. This is just how the mind works, it's by it's very nature biased and prejudiced by everything it has ever or will ever come in contact with.

Because of this phenomena of the mind there is a problem when we try to adapt methods that on the surface seem as though they should have a predictable influence on humans and their human nature. No two humans will be influenced in the same way. No two humans will perceive the 'method' in the same way. It's just not possible to come up with any kind of 'modifer' for human nature that will work predictably or universally. Nature is dynamic, constantly evolving, adapting, and growing more complex with every supernova and human experience. Any kind of static equation, formula, or hard-coded algorythm that is designed to modify human nature in some way is doomed to failure. Why? Because no sooner has the equation, formula or code been devised it is obsolete as the parameters of its design are inflexible and not dynamic whereas the subject of its operation is.

Nature and Human nature are in constant flux, they only remain quantifiable if viewed as a whole, interdependant and inter-related. There is a connected-ness of all things. Any attempt to compartmentalize, dissect, or otherwise isolate one facet of nature or human nature destroys the essence of it, it becomes "dead'. Nature and human nature that is "dead' takes the form of thought and memories in the human mind. They have no intrinsic reality unto themselves, they are only mental signposts that point to a bygone reality, a snapshot of reality.

In Aces High, there can never be any truly successfull method for dealing with the proclivities, whims, and desires of human's nature. There really shouldn't be any reason to try. Human nature like all things in nature must be in balance. In physics and chemisty this is known as, "The Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy". In the human sphere, wether we know it or not, we are all at least unconsciously altruistic. The amusing thing is that simply by being selfish consciously we can be altuistic inadvertantly and unconsciously. I will give an example of this as it pertains to the game. Say player X is a Bishop, he enjoys being a Bishop because all of his friends are Bishops until one day the Bishops outnumber the other two by a large margin. Player X has a problem, he cannot score any kills, there are not enough of the enemy to satiate every Bishop's desire to score kills. Being a typical self-serving person he says good-bye to his Bishop friends and switches to Knights. Unbeknownst to him 50 other Bishops have done the same selfish thing for the same selfish reasons, all independant of one another. Suddenly, the numbers become balanced again and everyone has the same opportunity to score kills. The other two countries benefitted from 50 Bishop players acting in a totally selfish, self-serving way, unconscious altruism in action, the subtle balancing act of nature manifested in human nature.

I cannot explain to you why or even the particulars of how the arena will become naturally balanced without interference. But, I know nature, I know human nature, they are inescapable. Balance is the only reason the universe doesn't collapse in on itself and annhilate everything. Everything in nature seeks to be in a state of balance, even humans, whether they consciously 'know' it or not. You just have to have faith, patience  and trust in nature.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2004, 02:12:39 AM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
Author of, "The Zen Art of Cherrypicking" and other related works.
Quote, "Cherrypicking is a state of mind & being, not only Art and Scienc

Offline peterg2

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2004, 01:47:41 AM »
Originally posted by jodgi
Severe numbers imbalance seem to hurt the game for many players (not only a minority), HTC is trying to fix something that is broken.

I don't recall seeing as many threads and posts about team imbalance as about the ENY system trying to force people to switch sides. Maybe the many players you talk about aren't that many.

How can HiTech fix something that is impossible to fix? Just because on certain unpredictable days and times, the teams are "unbalanced?" That means the game is broken? I guess the game has been broken since the beginning. And it has been a fairly successful "broken" game for a number of years now.

Offline MOIL

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2004, 01:58:25 AM »
Oct states:
"Moil: Since when did this become an either/or deal? You of all people should know the performance/looks of the game is continually changing and seeing renovation/improvement. I never once thought there was a tradeoff in the whineability vs. playability realm"

Lemme make a few things perfectly clear here.

Performance & looks?   lets take a look at that shall we. You are probably unaware to the fact that I have sold over $7000 in computer hardware from my store to AH clients just so they can play THIS game.
I have sold more memory, vid cards & processors in the weeks leading to the release and after the release of AH2. Only to have all but two or three call and ask "what gives" my frame rate is no better here than it was in AH1, I thought you said this was good hardware. Were not talking entry level video cards here, 9600xt and 9800pro's, two 9800xt's and a bunch of 5700xt's & 5700xt Ultras.
Of course they fire up IL2 & OFP @ 1600x1200 it looks awesome then wonder why they spent all this money only to be rewared with a major let down. Then I'm standing here trying to defend the product {video card, proc & mem} and explaining that it has to be something with the game. Needless to say I feel like a fool and they {the customer} feel let down. Notice I did not say every single player in the arena, because I'm sure there's gonna be some guy to come post on here stating his frame rates are perfect with no problems what-so-ever and the game works perfect. Well if that was the case there would have never been post after post after post of all the frame rate issues.

I never stated the game wasn't improving, but to say the games appearance is now some kind of graphics miricle is absurd. I got emailed constatantly asking, "I thought DirectX9 games looked asesome" AH2 is DirectX9 right?   I will let HTC answer this one, I won't go there.

Renovation?  Please point out the "renovations" to me
I'm not here to put down there game, I call it as I see it.

Said it once, twice a hundred times,  I, from day one have supported HTC, offered ideas, help, insight whatever. Put together one of the most sought after squads in AH, had some of the best online battles I and my squad have ever played, against some of the best, if not THE best squads the game has to offer.
For some silly reason people think I hate HTC or the game, this is so far from the truth it isn't even funny. But to be told,  Get ready it's coming, gear up, tune up, post after post of "is this system good enough to run AH2?" with system spec's listed way beyond what would normally be more than enough to run this game at acceptable frame rates.
Then get in the game and see graphics that are just a tad better than AH1 AND with frame rates in the toilet, that my friend is a slap in the face. Then to top it off, be told you need to adjust this and that and check this and invest in that:mad:  Needless to say, that doesn't make for happy customers.
Take a real close look at the BB's for the last two months and tell me or anyone else that the majority is "happy" ?
You've got the "pi$$ed off crowd" that's leaving or left, the "I don't really like what HTC has done" but I have to much time & $$$ invested to quit now, not to mention the friends I've made here. Then the "Your all a bunch of whiners, don't let the door hit ya on the way out, HTC can do no wrong" crowd.
The rest don't post, so we'll never know I guess.

Now this guy Kurt makes a post like this and everyone {just about everyone} says "wow, what a great post" {which it is} about the same thing I've been trying to get them to see.
It is a great post IMO

Offline MOIL

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2004, 02:02:30 AM »
Nice zazen  nice!

Offline Zazen13

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2004, 02:08:01 AM »
Originally posted by MOIL
Nice zazen  nice!

Thanks Moil. :D

Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
Author of, "The Zen Art of Cherrypicking" and other related works.
Quote, "Cherrypicking is a state of mind & being, not only Art and Scienc

Offline peterg2

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2004, 02:46:06 AM »
Originally posted by Octavius
Sorry Kurt, I have to disagree.  Not the content, but how it was written.  I guess I'm a minority... I would take offense if I created my own game.  

So, that means that you agree with Kurt? You just don't like the tone of his letter?

Maybe Kurt should have adopted Congressional-speak by prefacing with " to my esteemed distinguish programming colleague from the great state of Texas, it would dually honorably amend that we seek satisfactorily agreements to disagree, but you may suffer the dyer consequences in all probability if you so continue on such a potentially perilous course of C++ coding, I therefore do humbly beseech you to reconsider."

Would that be more palatable?

Basically, in all probability, Kurt is pissed off and toned it down quite well, I'd say. I'm rather pissed off too, especially after investing $1200 on a new system and $400 or so bucks in dues so far on this game that is rapidly becoming, not so much fun to play anymore.

Offline jetb123

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2004, 02:58:08 AM »
I hope this 14hundred dollar investment that  I am about to make just to play ah2. Will pay off.

Offline MOIL

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2004, 03:21:21 AM »
"I hope this 14hundred dollar investment that I am about to make just to play ah2. Will pay off"

Let's hope so:eek:

Offline TBolt A-10

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2004, 03:33:12 AM »
[size=8]KurtVW IS MY fluff'n HERO!!![/size]

KurtVW!  Your message was penned quite well, sir.

Offline jetb123

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2004, 03:49:28 AM »
Originally posted by MOIL
"I hope this 14hundred dollar investment that I am about to make just to play ah2. Will pay off"

Let's hope so:eek:
 If it doesnt then Hitech just lost 15$. Which isnt very much. I am preety shure aceshigh. Isnt the only flight sim.

Offline 4ACES

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2004, 03:53:12 AM »
I never stated the game wasn't improving, but to say the games appearance is now some kind of graphics miricle is absurd. I got emailed constatantly asking, "I thought DirectX9 games looked asesome" AH2 is DirectX9 right? I will let HTC answer this one, I won't go there.


Offline jetb123

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2004, 04:10:25 AM »
Originally posted by 4ACES
I never stated the game wasn't improving, but to say the games appearance is now some kind of graphics miricle is absurd. I got emailed constatantly asking, "I thought DirectX9 games looked asesome" AH2 is DirectX9 right? I will let HTC answer this one, I won't go there.

I am starting to say this to. If I am goign to pay 1k+ on a game. atleast he can do is upp the graphs somehow fix the bugs. I have no heart for the guys who computers cant handle it. Hey I paid money why cant you. And I am 16!. Still going to school.:eek:

Offline jodgi

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2004, 04:33:37 AM »
I have to do this...

I'm a very happy HTC customer, the product and support is so good I've never had reasons to feel differently.

I've tried them all, but AH is in it's own league in my view.

I have the time and the patience to see AH2 being improved over time. HTC has, over time, proved that they are able and willing to improve and expand their product.


This thread just needed some happiness ;)

Offline august

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2004, 05:25:38 AM »


Offline Dawggus

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Open Letter as sent to Hitech (from me, a Bishop)
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2004, 05:52:51 AM »
WOW, nice read!!!  Only six hours old through the dead of the night and some very well thought-out posts here.  You can tell how much people love this game and want to make it successfull.  This thread's a keeper :).

Cya Up!

« Last Edit: September 08, 2004, 05:55:17 AM by Dawggus »