Author Topic: ! lameplay  (Read 2488 times)

Offline DipStick

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« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2004, 04:23:57 PM »
Originally posted by SC-Sp00k
I truly have to wonder, just how many of you furballing Nancy boys are any good at all.

Altho I don't consider myself a "nancy boy" I have been know to furball on occasion.

Since I'm low man on the totempole (not very good) I'd be happy to fly a couple in the DA with you spook. What's your ingame ID? If you can't beat me then you're way outclassed by the others.

Offline DieAz

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« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2004, 04:34:51 PM »
LOL Jaxxo, sorry it was rather lame for my B26 to run your zero down and get you off the 6 of a team mate.  was fun though.

afterwards went after a nik. he evaded came in behind me, so I jumped in rear gun plastered him, while another team mate got his 6 and shot him down.

lame, yes, but rather fun.

Offline Zazen13

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« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2004, 04:35:00 PM »
Originally posted by dedalos
I still don't get it.  I am always able to find a fight.  I will try to get a couple out of the hord for a 1 on 1 or 2 or 3 or what ever.  If there is no horde, I will up from a field thats under attack.  If it is capped, I will go from a dif field to help.  Maybe escort bombers some times. What kind of fights are we looking for here?  1 on 1 with a little alt advatage and the other guy on the plane of our choice, and his buddies waiting till the fight is over before they join in?  That is not going to happen in the MA ever.  

Here is what I see so far:

A few will run cause they are afraid they will mess up their score.

A few will run cause they are on a mission.  You may not approve of that but who is asking anyway?

MOST will stay and fight although they may not be in the plane of your choise or the correct alt.

The guy with the advantage gets acused of alt monkeying and timid flying.

The guy that does not help his country man gets acused of letting him die so he would not lose his alt or what ever.

If he does join the fight, he gets accused of gang bangin

A squad or two trying to take a base is a hoard

The guy that gets vulched repeatedly is not really an idiot.  Its my fault.  I should let him up and kill the goon :confused:

Half of the people complaining about this stuff will be the first ones to run or atempt the HO at the first pass

These are just my objervations, I could be wrong.  Just play the game, it is what it is.

PS.  HT could you please make a change to the game to that I can up from a caped field and kill the goon with out being vulched?  Vulching is not right and I should not have to up from a different field.  I may not get there on time.  Or maybe limit the players to 1 vulch every 5 minutes unless on a big field.  Then it should be 3.  Unless ofcorse the ENY thing is on.  Then the number should be 0.

Where are those pills now.  They were just here on the table. hmmm

Yup, very insightfull. The fact is everyone wants people to fight how 'they' want. There are very rarely co-alt, co-e, co-plane-type engagements. Even more rare are engagements of that description that do not have other annoying variables, such as other planes participating before the original fight is concluded. The MA isn't really a place where you should expect any type of engagement much less a 1 vs 1 situation. The main attraction to the MA and the reason why 99% of subscribers, even the ones that complain about it, fly there is exactly because of the unpredictable and dynamic nature of engagements, the sheer variety is fun in and of itself.

That being said, I have noticed a general decline in the average skill level of my enemy. This has been the case ever since HT put those commercials on Discovery Wings. Prior to those commercials the vast majority of players, while possibly new to AH, generally had a strong background in flight sims. Since those commercials there has been a rather large influx of players with little or no flight sim experience whatsoever. Do you old vets remember how you were when you first started AW or WBs X number of years ago? Well, that is where they are at now and they make up a good chunk of our player base. Rest assured though, they will slowly evolve, as you did, going through the natural phases of development into the uber-aces of tomorrow.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 04:41:31 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline MOIL

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« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2004, 05:01:17 PM »
Originally posted by DipStick
Hey Moil just curious, have you played AH2 since this post?

I didn't see any scores for you since July. Did you change your handle?

I pop in from time to time, can you guess the handle?
But the arena and community is not the arena that we all came to love.
Might just be me tho

Offline B17Skull12

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« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2004, 05:25:04 PM »
as stated before speed is the dominating fact in dogifght now, so the AH2 MA is forever changed.  Much Less Furballs and more 1vs1's.

It only sucks for furballers, who have a hard time finding them because turning is not really a factor anymore.

Offline Overlag

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« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2004, 05:27:08 PM »
Originally posted by mechanic
MA gameplay needs some thinking about.

presently it sucks
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline phookat

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« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2004, 05:39:57 PM »
Originally posted by FT_Animal
In my own wicked personal opinion, *I* think the combination of these two things will have a positive effect in redjusting the game from a "game" to more like a "Simulator". As long as it's gamey the gamers will break it. As we read recently, and I believe in, there IS a difference between a Gamer and Simmer.

Make separtate versions/arenas, one for the circus geek gamer and one for the true aviation/wwii Simmer.

How would you classify someone who cares about the accuracy of flight/damage models, doesn't care about the wargame, and just wants to fight?  Gamer or simmer?

Offline phookat

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« Reply #37 on: September 15, 2004, 05:42:19 PM »
Originally posted by B17Skull12
It only sucks for furballers, who have a hard time finding them because turning is not really a factor anymore.

Well...I am a furballer.  Doesn't suck for me.  I prefer AH2 actually.

Offline MOIL

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« Reply #38 on: September 15, 2004, 05:45:57 PM »
Just another quick note,  as you can see from the posts it seems to be the same song & dance as I have stated. If numbers {rank,score,perks,points & medals} are a factor then the gameplay tends to lean that way.

Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2004, 07:21:55 PM »
Originally posted by Kev367th

Been 'surprised' at the amount of people currently avoiding fights inbound to a field to go right down the runway for a vultch. Then it's over the top down the runway again, rinse and repeat until they either get nailed or manage to run away on the deck.


A couple of weeks ago I was flying CAP at 12,000ft over our base that was under attack.  In the distance I saw a couple of P-51s coming in at 10,000ft and at 7,000ft.  Once I got within icon range of both planes, they both dove to the deck through our acks (none of them were down) just to vulch the couple of Knights that were taking off.  One of the P-51's died from puffy ack but the other one was able to make to the deck for his vulch run with me hot on his tail pinging him up and finally getting him as he tried to pull up for another vulch pass (he didn't get any his first pass, was going too fast).  Was somewhat surprised to see it was a veteran player with many years under his belt but then considering who it was, it wasn't really that surprising after all.  Oh, and he was a Rook.

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Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #40 on: September 15, 2004, 07:25:13 PM »
Originally posted by la7'sRule
I have 1 set oppinion on vulching...

Only do it if your trying to goon a feild and you need to protect the goons.

Otherwize your just cheating your self, And youl end up being realy bad at one on one's

Well, if you up from a base that is under attack then you shouldn't be surprised if you get vulched.  And to say that vulching degrades your flying skills is silly.  Vulching is one of the last true art forms.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline Vudak

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« Reply #41 on: September 15, 2004, 07:37:47 PM »
I think the game would just be more fun if people would throw together a thoughtful mission once in awhile.

When I first started playing, I thought the jabo mission, every plane loaded up 100% ordinance was fun, but now it seems like these are the only missions.

Some alternative suggestions that I feel the MA does not see enough of:

1.  High altitude bombing raids escorted by clean fighters.  Man, what I wouldn't give to be in a clean P-47 in a mission for once as oppossed to being weighted down by every bit of ordinance someone can throw on me!

2.  Fighter sweeps:  Why is it that you can get 30 people together for a jabo mission to some undefended base but you can rarely get more than four people to wing up for a mission to sweep an area of fighters/bombers?

3.  Combined operations:  Ok, so maybe the Stuka is not the best plane for the MA, but Stuka/Panzer missions really are a lot of fun! I've only seen one done in three months, but a Stuka, or Il2, group, supporting some panzers, while being escorted by CLEAN fighters would be a lot of fun!

Also, why should it be that any of these missions have to go after a specific base?  The third example would be a ton of fun just in the open somewhere like on furball island!

And if these missions must go after a base, why not go after a high-altitude one that will probably only be cracked with a well-thought mission in the first place?

Anyway, I think this would really make the MA more fun...  Imagine, if you will, a massive B-17 mission at 20k or so, escorted by P-51 and P-47 fighters, met by a large interceptor mission flying whatever.  THAT would be fun for a change.

Heck, maybe a few big Knight squads should talk to a few big Rook or Bish squads, and have their squadnights on at the same time, and go for the same objectives.  Sure, you might have an idea what the other side's up to, but wouldn't that meeting engagement be fun for a change?  I mean, just for a change?
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Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #42 on: September 15, 2004, 07:45:47 PM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
are now playing for score/rank and forgetting to have fun.
Can't put my finger on it but AH2 is certainly way different in gameplay than AH1.

I don't think the game play has changed at all from AH1 to AH2 other than the flight model and gunnery adjustments.  The same things people do now were done in AH1 with the same frequency.

I do think however that we saw a dramatic increase on those that play for score/rank when HT offered money for the Top 15 contest and it really hasn't decreased since.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline jaxxo

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« Reply #43 on: September 15, 2004, 08:32:37 PM »
"LOL. Yeah, been seeing this kinda thing happen a lot. So the other day I saw a 51b, and he starts running. I decide to follow him (in a G10). Can't catch him but I figure his wep is gonna run out eventually. I think we ended up running 2 full sectors, straight on the deck. Finally I guess his wep ran out because he broke. Funny thing is he was pretty good. We kept scissoring until I ran outta gas. Only got a few pings on him, and he managed to ping me too. I found myself wondering "why didn't this guy fight in the beginning, he woulda prolly kicked my ass?"

Wow irony ..i get it lol. That was me in the pony. I had 186 rounds of .50 cal left ( or nothing basically) and 5 kills on board. PLus i seriously misjudged your 109 uber e. So i extended with u catching scissoring you, and you dying despite my pathetic ammo load. I even said over ch200 many times I had no ammo, but you figured i was a running sissy and had an easy kill. Thought we were cool though, I cant figure why u would post this. anyway was a good fight.

Offline phookat

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« Reply #44 on: September 15, 2004, 10:44:23 PM »
Originally posted by jaxxo
Wow irony ..i get it lol. That was me in the pony. I had 186 rounds of .50 cal left ( or nothing basically) and 5 kills on board. PLus i seriously misjudged your 109 uber e. So i extended with u catching scissoring you, and you dying despite my pathetic ammo load. I even said over ch200 many times I had no ammo, but you figured i was a running sissy and had an easy kill. Thought we were cool though, I cant figure why u would post this. anyway was a good fight.

Jaxxo...I wasn't talking about you.  Obviously I wouldn't do that, given that I think you're a good guy.  This was another fight, and the circumstances were not the same.  

Oh, and I don't tune 200.  And they guy in my post was just entering the fight from his base, so I doubt he was out of ammo. ;)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 10:52:02 PM by phookat »