Author Topic: Rather acknowledges--there are serious questions about the authenticity of the docs  (Read 2649 times)

Offline AKIron

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Admittedly I'm no Chris Rock, but I'll never stop trying.

Hey, I've been the victim of the dreaded off-topic virus too. No biggie tho, we have our conversations and they disappear. Not so different than the spoken word.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline Nash

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Originally posted by AKIron
No biggie tho, we have our conversations and they disappear. Not so different than the spoken word.

Quite true... But with the spoken word and nobody able to filter it, we choose for our own selves what we dismiss.

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No argument from me, my bedtime, good night.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

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Originally posted by Wotan
CBS doesnt need to come clean at this point for the truth to be known. They need to to save their reputation.

Its pretty clear where CBS got the memos,  Bill Burkett

He has as much as admitted it
I agree that Burkett is likely the source. But forcing a news organization to reveal it's sources isn't the way to go. If Burkett forged the docs, it's a huge black eye. But so far there is no definitive evidence.
My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.
Stay thirsty my friends.


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Rpm the memos are forged, and if Burkett is the source then he forged them..

Just another disguisting thing during this campaign..

You know by the end of this I might go to vote in the presidential election just so I can write some obscenties on the ballot as my "write in"...  That will  e a lot more meaningful than putting the namew of somebody who wont win...

Offline Wotan

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Burkett has already lawyered up and declined to answer any questions from reporters.

His lawyer David Van Os made this statement

"Asked what role Mr. Burkett had in raising questions about Mr. Bush's military service, Mr. Van Os said: "If, hypothetically, Bill Burkett or anyone else, any other individual, had prepared or had typed on a word processor as some of the journalists are presuming, without much evidence, if someone in the year 2004 had prepared on a word processor replicas of documents that they believed had existed in 1972 or 1973 - which Bill Burkett has absolutely not done'' - then, he continued, "what difference would it make?"


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You are kidding about that quote, right???

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David Van Os, issued a statement on Burkett's behalf saying he "no longer trusts any possible outcome of speaking to the press on any issue regarding George W. Bush and does not choose to dignify recent spurious attacks upon his character with any comment.


They also traced the documents to a Texas Kinkos...

Incidentally Os is running for the Texas Supreme court. You probrably guessed it; he is a democrat...

Offline Wotan

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CBS Guard Documents Traced to Tex. Kinko's
Records Reportedly Faxed From Abilene

By Michael Dobbs
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 16, 2004; Page A06

Documents allegedly written by a deceased officer that raised questions about President Bush's service with the Texas Air National Guard bore markings showing they had been faxed to CBS News from a Kinko's copy shop in Abilene, Tex., according to another former Guard officer who was shown the records by the network.

The markings provide one piece of evidence suggesting a source for the documents, whose authenticity has been hotly disputed since CBS aired them in a "60 Minutes" broadcast Sept. 8. The network has declined to name the person who provided them, saying the source was confidential, or to explain how the documents came to light after more than three decades.

 There is only one Kinko's in Abilene, and it is 21 miles from the Baird, Tex., home of retired Texas National Guard officer Bill Burkett, who has been named by several news outlets as a possible source for the documents.

Robert Strong, who was one of three people interviewed by "60 Minutes," said he was shown copies of the documents by CBS anchor Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes on Sept. 5, three days before the broadcast. He said at least one of the documents bore the faxed header "Kinko's Abilene."

Strong's comments came as CBS News President Andrew Heyward in an interview acknowledged that there were "unresolved issues" that the network wanted "to get to the bottom of." Since the broadcast, critics have pointed to a host of unexplained problems about the memos, which bore dates from 1972 and 1973, including signs that they had been written on a computer rather than a Vietnam War-era typewriter.

"I feel that we did a tremendous amount of reporting before the story went on the air or we wouldn't have put it on the air," Heyward said in an interview last night, while acknowledging "a ferocious debate about these documents."

Asked what role Burkett may have played in CBS's reporting, Heyward said: "I'm not going to get into any discussion of who the sources are."

Burkett, who has accused Bush aides of ordering the destruction of some portions of the president's National Guard record because they might have been politically embarrassing, did not return telephone calls to his home. His lawyer, David Van Os, issued a statement on Burkett's behalf saying he "no longer trusts any possible outcome of speaking to the press on any issue regarding George W. Bush and does not choose to dignify recent spurious attacks upon his character with any comment."

In news interviews earlier this year, Burkett said he overheard a telephone conversation in the spring of 1997 in which top Bush aides asked the head of the Texas National Guard to sanitize Bush's files as he was running for a second term as governor of Texas. Several days later, he said, he saw dozens of pages from Bush's military file dumped in a trash can at Camp Mabry, the Guard's headquarters.

The Bush aides Burkett named as participants in the telephone conversation were Chief of Staff Joe M. Allbaugh and spokespeople Karen Hughes and Dan Bartlett. All three Bush aides and former Texas National Guard Maj. Gen. Daniel James have strongly denied the allegations.

Suspicions that Burkett could have been a source for the CBS documents first surfaced earlier this week when Newsweek magazine reported that Mapes flew to Texas to interview him over the summer. Yesterday, the New York Times reported that a CBS staff member, speaking on the condition of anonymity, confirmed that Burkett was a source for the "60 Minutes" report but "did not know the exact role he played."

Yesterday, reporters from several news organizations were camped near Baird, Tex., outside Burkett's home, which is on a working ranch, with a gate barring access to a one-story farmhouse and a pickup truck outside. At 6 p.m. Central Time, Burkett walked to the gate on his cane with a black dog by his side to collect his mail. He refused to answer questions about whether he provided the documents to CBS.

"Get out of my way," he told the reporters. "You need to go home."

Earlier this year, Burkett gave interviews to numerous news outlets, including The Washington Post, alleging corruption and malfeasance at the top of the Texas National Guard, much of which have never been substantiated. He has also been a named source for several reports by USA Today, which reported Monday that it had independently obtained copies of the disputed memos soon after the broadcast.

Offline straffo

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Originally posted by ASTAC
I can't wait until they find the guy that made those and put him on trial.

isn't he supposed to be dead ?

(J/K ;))

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Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
I have right to be pissed at the major candidates, I have the right to xpress those views, and as a result not vote in the presidential election.

IMO you should vote blank (if it's possible)

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Originally posted by Nash
I could be wrong.... but the fact that Nuke is the only dog in this fight (as opposed to the usual pile) is telling....

I can't speak for others with a similiar stance to mine, but as far as I'm concerned, I said my piece, stated my opinion, and that's all I wanted to do.  Nothing else to read into it.

Offline Maverick

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I also said my piece about voting here. There is no need to further clarify my position so why continue posting. I am not interested in how many posts I have on the bbs.
A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
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Originally posted by NUKE
So, even though I can vote for anyone I want, I am limited?

Nash loses everytime he tries to argue with me because he does not use his head.

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