Author Topic: You think Bush got pwned tonight?  (Read 2422 times)

Offline Martlet

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #45 on: October 01, 2004, 11:25:13 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
what did he say that we didn't like?   he wants more control of the U.S by the un.... he wants to take away the tax cuts...  he claimed that he made mistakes in speaking when what he reall did was make mistakes in voting.... he voted against the afghanistan operation until he seen it was a success and voted for the iraq invasion before he seen it was turning into a tough little war.

plus.... he looks like a snotty liberal herman munster.


Add to that:

He wants to give Iran nukes.
"Global Test"

Offline TheDudeDVant

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #46 on: October 01, 2004, 11:27:12 AM »
he wants more control of the U.S by the un....

He said no such thing. He simply stated our country needs more foreign support in our foreign policies. How is that related to the UN controlling the US? Is the statment that the US needs help in Iraqi wrong?

he wants to take away the tax cuts...

Tax cuts that you have not seen yet. How much will they effect you Lazs? You think you might save more than $500? In the long run those tax cuts will cost much much more..

he claimed that he made mistakes in speaking when what he reall did was make mistakes in voting....

Was this last night? I saw no such statment.

he voted against the afghanistan operation until he seen it was a success and voted for the iraq invasion before he seen it was turning into a tough little war.

He voted to give the president the power to goto war after he was told this administration would do everything in it's power to not goto war. He helped this administration with a bargaining chip that was prematurely used.

I did not know he voted against the Afgan war. Could you give a link please?

Offline TheDudeDVant

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #47 on: October 01, 2004, 11:28:23 AM »
Originally posted by Martlet
Add to that:

He wants to give Iran nukes.
"Global Test"

Nice spin! But I only give you a 3 on it.

Offline RTSigma

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #48 on: October 01, 2004, 11:30:58 AM »
Originally posted by slimm50
RT, do you really believe that, or are you trolling?:lol

I do in some ways. Either way we're all paying too much for gas. Perhaps Kerry being inconsistent can help the country through a lot of changes.

As for the debate...I missed it because of a function which was worth it (we won dodgeball tourny against other frats and now we get beer breakfast....on...get birthday!)

I tried to read all the news about it and it just seemed even, with Bush getting angry, and Kerry being told he was inconsistent.

I just want to see a change in things.


Offline Martlet

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #49 on: October 01, 2004, 11:32:44 AM »
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
Nice spin! But I only give you a 3 on it.

Where is the spin?  He said both of those things.

Care to show the spin, or do you just feel obligated to flap your gums and release no substance?

Heck, your rebuttal to laz shows you didn't even watch the debate.

Offline Muckmaw1

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #50 on: October 01, 2004, 11:37:34 AM »
Originally posted by RTSigma

As for the debate...I missed it because of a function which was worth it (we won dodgeball tourny against other frats and now we get beer breakfast....on...get birthday!)


If I send you a six pack, will you not vote, too?


Offline TheDudeDVant

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #51 on: October 01, 2004, 11:44:03 AM »
Originally posted by Martlet
Where is the spin?  He said both of those things.

Care to show the spin, or do you just feel obligated to flap your gums and release no substance?

Heck, your rebuttal to laz shows you didn't even watch the debate.

OMG talk about flapping. Its seems your listening skills are right on par with your civil speaking ability.

What he said was..

Instead of Iran receiving nuclear material from France, Russia, and Germany for nuclear POWER, the US should have offered the same first. If we had we would have been able to control the situation much better. We could have sent OUR people in to test, report, and come back to US (america) and give the US (america) the real story that was going on in Iran. As it is now, we have absolutly zero control over what fission material Iran receives and what they do with it.

But martlet.. Keep on spinnin man!

Offline Martlet

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #52 on: October 01, 2004, 11:48:49 AM »
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
OMG talk about flapping. Its seems your listening skills are right on par with your civil speaking ability.

What he said was..

Instead of Iran receiving nuclear material from France, Russia, and Germany for nuclear POWER, the US should have offered the same first. If we had we would have been able to control the situation much better. We could have sent OUR people in to test, report, and come back to US (america) and give the US (america) the real story that was going on in Iran. As it is now, we have absolutly zero control over what fission material Iran receives and what they do with it.

But martlet.. Keep on spinnin man!

You mean like what Clinton did for North Korea?  That turned out well.

Like I said.  Kerry wants to give Iran nukes.  You can spin it anyway you'd like.  The end result is the same.

Keep drinking that Kool Aid.  Fortunately, most of voting America isn't that stupid.

Offline TheDudeDVant

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #53 on: October 01, 2004, 12:07:02 PM »
Originally posted by Martlet
You mean like what Clinton did for North Korea?  That turned out well.

Like I said.  Kerry wants to give Iran nukes.  You can spin it anyway you'd like.  The end result is the same.

Keep drinking that Kool Aid.  Fortunately, most of voting America isn't that stupid.

When did NK start it's program?

It doesnt really matter. You seem to still be believing that Iran is not capable of recieving fission material. The fact is they have. Seems a great deal better if we were the ones in control of it. But, our one track administration lacks the thinking ability to see past this or even see it coming..

Its not the same thing martlet.. But keep spinning as if it were. Perhaps now they will develop a uranium weapon. But how could we know since we have absolutly no control nor say about it. We cant even know how much they have.

Offline Flit

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #54 on: October 01, 2004, 12:08:21 PM »
I like the "fact" that Kerry is gonna confiscate all the loose nuclear material in the world in 4 years.
 Yep , I believe that
And he's gonna hold a "summit" with all the UN countrys and make sure they pay thier fair share in Iraq.
 Yep , I believe that
 And the fact that he will open a dialog with NK, and then NK will give up thier nuke program
 Yep I believe that will be productive (for NK)
 Fella's, there's only 2 things that come out of Massachusits politics-Kerry and that slimeball Ted Kennedy.
 Just the facts that they are buddys is enough to convince me Not to vote for Kerry.
 O , and Kennedy should be in jail for murder, just as Kerry should be in jail for treason.
  Goes to show ya, "Birds of a feather..."

Offline Flit

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #55 on: October 01, 2004, 12:10:28 PM »
As for Irans Nuclear program, I'm sure that Isreal has plans for That.


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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #56 on: October 01, 2004, 12:11:17 PM »
So because Kerry is (or if he was or will be)  president you think Iran's leaders would suddenly warm up to the great satan america to such an extent as to allow us so much influence over their nuclear program?

That kerry guy is amazing..  

He can miraculously get all the worlds oyther leaders to do what we want them to do - just because he says so.

Thats it, I'm voting for him.

Offline TheDudeDVant

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #57 on: October 01, 2004, 12:14:07 PM »
And the fact that he will open a dialog with NK, and then NK will give up thier nuke program

Yea.. That might be good for NK.

It would be better for the world.

Offline Rude

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #58 on: October 01, 2004, 12:23:57 PM »
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
Yea.. That might be good for NK.

It would be better for the world.

Are you aware of the fruit produced by the Clinton Admin's Bilateral talks....if so, how could you support Kerry's viewpoint?

Fool me once kinda thing I think.

Offline Preon1

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You think Bush got pwned tonight?
« Reply #59 on: October 01, 2004, 12:24:11 PM »
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
When did NK start it's program?

Ask them.  I'm sure they'd be glad to tell you.
It doesnt really matter. You seem to still be believing that Iran is not capable of recieving fission material. The fact is they have. Seems a great deal better if we were the ones in control of it. But, our one track administration lacks the thinking ability to see past this or even see it coming..

So you're suggesting that Iran, or any other country for that matter, would submit to unilateral inspections?  What's the threat?  Unilateral sanctions?
Perhaps now they will develop a uranium weapon. But how could we know since we have absolutly no control nor say about it. We cant even know how much they have. [/B]

I agree there, and I would take it one step further: We can NEVER be sure that they don't.  So, if we honestly believe that they are developing nuclear arms, and we believe that they intend to export those arms, then it is certainly in our best interests to blow the ever living piss out of their ability to do so.  

Aside from that, they don't (and shouldn't) give us a second thought (because of the distance between us, the only actions we could take would be wildly against our own self interest).  But, if we got some of Iran's more powerful neighbors on our side (enter, 'free Iraq'), then we would have a more viable option than the distasteful invasion or the toothless UN
« Last Edit: October 01, 2004, 12:27:31 PM by Preon1 »