Author Topic: Ok, I'm missing something obviously  (Read 1721 times)

Offline Waggle2

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Ok, I'm missing something obviously
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2004, 09:08:09 PM »
"for dead 6 attacks, place the center dot DIRECTLY on the target and fire only through your set convergance ranges"

I'm not an experienced gunner in real life but when I fire at something that is at, for example, range 400 and continuously fire unitl range 200 (with convergense set to 250), I kinda expect my target to blow apart.

Also, if it takes me 1/2 my rounds (in a P51 and/or LA7) to make a kill I kinda expect the same from an nme. I don't expect to get killed in a matter of 1/4 of a second.

The above is just an example. I actually still don't have a legit kill (ie. not pure luck and/or a prox kill).

Maybe I'll stick to ground targets. I seem to have a knack for that at least. :-/

Offline TequilaChaser

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Ok, I'm missing something obviously
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2004, 10:00:19 PM »
if you getting that many hit sprites you might want to check to see if  "vsync" is turned off, it should be in always on mode for your video card,  just a thought
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline Waggle2

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« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2004, 11:10:06 PM »
Thanks but I doubt vsync would cause this kind of issue. Also, if vsynch was off and was causing trouble I would expect to see "tearing".

Not to mention that I have a high performance system. My FPS capibility of my system in AHII exceeds the refresh rate of the monitor. Excepting of course when AHII decides to load up some new textures just as I get in close. Darn it HTC! I have a 256 mbyte card. Just load them all in! ;-)

Thanks everyone for the help. It seems obvious from this and other similar threads that I'm expecting more than AHII is capible (e.g. If I fire from someone's six at my convergence settings and they are in my crosshairs, I should hit them ... always). Apparently most people have learned to ignore the six shots and wait for the player to make a move exposing a large collision model angle.

No worries other games have similar hiccups. For example, UT2004 for example allows players to shoot through corners of walls. I've used that bit of knowledge to my advantage many times.

Offline Schutt

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« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2004, 02:03:31 AM »
Sorry, but i dont quite beleave what you state. I doubt you get constantly shot from 1k, only if your tail chasing bombers. And if your so great.. then no one is on your tail with his gun pointing at you anyway.

Maybe you record a film and post the part where the other is shooting you down and where you shoot at the others.

Then put it up to view it for us.

Other than that, i rarely get shot down from more than 400yards from fighters, if i extend straight maybe at 600.

To shoot something down i get on its dead six with 100 distance, have my wings parallel to his and then pull trigger for half a second.

Also might want to practice with the target in training arena (.target 200).

ciao schutt

Offline flyingaround

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Ok, I'm missing something obviously
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2004, 05:10:54 AM »
Originally posted by Waggle2
Thanks but I doubt vsync would cause this kind of issue. Also, if vsynch was off and was causing trouble I would expect to see "tearing".

Not to mention that I have a high performance system. My FPS capibility of my system in AHII exceeds the refresh rate of the monitor. Excepting of course when AHII decides to load up some new textures just as I get in close. Darn it HTC! I have a 256 mbyte card. Just load them all in! ;-)

Thanks everyone for the help. It seems obvious from this and other similar threads that I'm expecting more than AHII is capible (e.g. If I fire from someone's six at my convergence settings and they are in my crosshairs, I should hit them ... always). Apparently most people have learned to ignore the six shots and wait for the player to make a move exposing a large collision model angle.

No worries other games have similar hiccups. For example, UT2004 for example allows players to shoot through corners of walls. I've used that bit of knowledge to my advantage many times.

You could not be more wrong here.  What you are experiencing is just plain "newness" to this game.  This is hardly a UT or Quake type game, where you can expect to have any degree of success after a month of playing.  Give it 6months.  You will find that with much time and exp, you WILL make those shots, and are able to kill that buff formation.

A few tips.

CHECK the vsync.  that is very important.  IT NEEDS to be on.  Also check your Variance in flight.  Is it spikey like a hear monitor (right click map, choose Net Status, and look at top graph)?  If it is you have processes running in the background, and/or spyware on you computer, and AH2 is quite touchy re. that.  IF it is all spikey, I would start turning off background processes and d/l a couple diff. spyware detectors.  I don't care if you have Dual 3ghz cpu's with 2gigs o' ram, if your variance is off, you gonna suffer in AH.

I would spend alot of time making films, and watching them.  Look HOW they are killing you when you turn.  "I have alot of flight sim exp." doesn't really mean squat in AH.   If you spend the time looking at HOW you die, you will see you are probably makin' obvious type turns that are ezy to 2nd guess, and are leaving yourself just hanging up there all 'purty like for your enemy.  Also look at how your enemy is doing it's reverses, and work on it.  Would be even better if you grabbed a trainer, or Shane, or even myself, and went into the Dueling Arena and filmed some fights.  1 on 1 training is essential in AH.

Set all guns to the same convergance.  Many have given you that advice, and it's good.  Myself, I have .50 cals set at 450 out.  I tend to kill my prey with deflection shots, and it works for me.  If you are trying to kill them as they run away from dead 6 (tough shot to make) consider setting them out further.  When you shoot, make sure you are holding steady.  Anticipate where the nme will be, and fire a nice burst smooth and steady right where they are gonna be.  The consentrated fire will give you the results you are looking for.  If you are bouncing and weaving, you can spray and spray all day, and do very little damage.

If you are attacking bombers, take the time to set up a good shot.  Do NOT attack from behind.  Take the 5min to climb above them, get some speed, and dive in from above them and shoot ONLY at the wing root, or cockpit.  Attack from the sides.  Dive down, and come up UNDER them.  Whatever you do, don't attack them from behind.

PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.  This isn't a game you well get down in a month, 6months, or even a year.  There are many horrible pilots flying AH2 that have played for many years.  Real dogfighting isn't easy, and neither is AH.  Don't write it off to AH being buggy, or people cheating, and/or using "bugs" in the game.  Couldn't be further from the truth.  This game is HARD.  Take the time to learn it.  It is well worth it.

III/JG26 9th ST WidowMakers

Offline Schutt

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Ok, I'm missing something obviously
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2004, 07:13:30 AM »
On bombers, as flyingaround pointed out, aim for one part only.

Possible is Wingroot,Wingtip,Engine,Tail,Cockpit.

Cockpit shots are hard to do.

I am not sure if engine works on all bombers, but on some you can fire on one engine till it burns then he will explode soon.

When you spray all parts you can easy hit with all your ammo and its still flying.

Offline Balsy

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« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2004, 09:09:22 AM »

Point #1:  If your FPS exceeds your refresh rate, than you dont have vsynch on.  If you dont have vsync on, then you will miss horribly. Please search for a Skuzzy post on this to get the technical explanation.

Point #2:   ah.. .Waggle how bout U load them in??? once you fire up AHII (dont go online), go to video settings.  set your textures to 256, then check preload into system memory, and preload into vid memory....

Done deal.

Offline Waggle2

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« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2004, 02:08:31 PM »
" If your FPS exceeds your refresh rate, than you dont have vsynch on"

You missed that I put "FPS capibility " rather than just FPS (i.e. if I turned off Vsnch then my fps would be greater than my refresh rate).

"Point #2: ah.. .Waggle how bout U load them in??? once you fire up AHII (dont go online), go to video settings. set your textures to 256, then check preload into system memory, and preload into vid memory.... "

Oops. You got me on that one. I didn't notice that setting.

" And if your so great.. then no one is on your tail with his gun pointing at you anyway."

The only times I have had people on my tail have been when:

A. I allowed them to be there for testing purposes
B. I intentionally put myself in danger for the greater good of the team (e.g. to bomb the city even though NME fighters were swarming it.)
C. I was just lazy and didn't keep track of the postion and energy of my opponents.  

"I would spend alot of time making films, and watching them."

I will certainly do so. Thanks.

" Take the 5min to climb above them, get some speed, and dive in from above them and shoot ONLY at the wing root, or cockpit. Attack from the sides. Dive down, and come up UNDER them. Whatever you do, don't attack them from behind. "

Seems like good advice for most encounters give what I have come to call the "six bug".

"This game is HARD"

Yes but my beef with the game is more technical in nature (i.e. If I am getting one hit then why is it taking so many rounds for me to shoot someone else down when I am on their six, they are at my convergence and I have the crosshairs on them?).

Cheers everyone. Hopefully your suggestions will help.

Also, thanks for not posting any "Face it. You just suck. Posts. To be honest, that's all I really expected to get.".
« Last Edit: October 12, 2004, 02:23:40 PM by Waggle2 »

Offline Urchin

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Ok, I'm missing something obviously
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2004, 03:16:57 PM »
Hum... ok.  It looks like you are flying mostly the P-51D and La-7.  I checked your stats, I hope you don't mind.  

Ok, let me start with the bad.  If you are new, odds are good you aren't going to be able to hit the broad side of a barn, even if you were standing (well.. flying) inside it.  Some planes are easier to kill with than others.  Some planes are easier to live in than others.  You seem to have gone with the "easier to live in" set.  

Some planes can in fact kill with one hit.  If you see "190" or "109" assume it can kill you in one hit until you learn to differentiate between the D model and the A model 190s (the D9 has a much longer, circus looking nose).  "Spit"s and "Typh"s can kill in one hit, if a cannon round lands on your tail.  Even an "F4U" or "P38" can.. if the F4U is the C-model (it has very large cannon barrels sticking out of the wings.. they are hard to miss.)  

The one thing all those planes (except the 190/109) share is the 20mm Hispano cannon.  It is hands down the best cannon in the game.  One hit on the tail will net a kill about 50% of the time.  Plus, it is incredibly easy to hit with, having a nice flat trajectory and high muzzle velocity.  

The 109 and 190 have 30mm cannon that will give you a one hit kill about 75% of the time no matter where the shell lands.  Until you get better at telling between the different models of 109s and 190s, just assume they can kill you in one hit, and try not to get in front of one.  One the bright side, they have to get very close to hit you, and you have to fly very predictably even then.

Bombers can kill you in one "burst" if you happen to run into a decent gunner and you fly straight and level behind them.  This is because you are flying straight at them, which adds to the tail guns hitting power (imagine getting punched just standing there, then running flat out into the same punch).  Plus, you are sitting in the biggest and easiest part of the plane to hit from their point of view.. so pilot wounds and outright kills are fairly common, along with engine damage.  

So, my advice to you would be to avoid flying right behind enemy bombers for a while.  A long while.  Unless they are bombing or shooting at someone else.. and even then you don't want to camp out there.  Fly in, shoot, and dive away before  you get hosed.

Now, for my advice.  If you are looking to kill people, fly something with Hispano's, or fly a Niki.  The Niki's guns aren't as good, but the plane is fairly manueverable (almost on par with a Spit 9), and it has some sick amount of ammo for the 4 20mm cannons.  If you want a fast plane that you would fly something like a P51 or La7, try out the Typhoon.  It has 4 20mm Hispanos and it fast and accelerates well.  And you will kill people in it, simply because you've got 4 guns that can all kill in one hit.  

The P-51 has incredibly nice guns - once you have good aim.  If you have poor aim, each individual rounds does fairly insignificant damage.. so if you are landing a lot of rounds but scattered all over the enemy plane.. you aren't going to kill anyone.  

The La-7s guns are considered "hard" to hit with.. I don't agree, but they are harder to hit with than Hispanos.  

Anyway, welcome to AH.  It does have a fairly steep learning curve, and it is full of bitter 'vets' like me that usually can't be bothered to give advice.. but once it gets you you stay got.  Enjoy the ride.

Offline Waggle2

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Ok, I'm missing something obviously
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2004, 04:26:34 PM »
" I checked your stats, I hope you don't mind. "

Of course not. :-)

"...decent gunner and you fly straight and level behind them"

In one case yesterday I was below him coming up at a 45 deg angle and in the other case I was coming at him from behind straight on but had ping the heck outta him before he fired once.

"So, my advice to you would be to avoid flying right behind enemy bombers for a while. A long while."

Yes, gotta try and stay outta the kill zone.

"try out the Typhoon. It has 4 20mm Hispanos and it fast and accelerates well. And you will kill people in it, simply because you've got 4 guns that can all kill in one hit."

I'll give it a go.

Cheers Urchin.

Offline debuman

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« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2004, 08:50:55 PM »
Originally posted by Waggle2

Yes but my beef with the game is more technical in nature (i.e. If I am getting one hit then why is it taking so many rounds for me to shoot someone else down when I am on their six, they are at my convergence and I have the crosshairs on them?).

Sometimes when think you are dead on their six, they are still angled off a little bit from you.  If your crosshairs are dead on them at that time, you will miss.
I'd suggest going to the offline mode, and turning on the "lead computing gunsite."  It shows you very well where you SHOULD be aiming, even when you think you should be aiming "dead on." Even though I'm still a rather sucky shot, this helped me out quite a bit.  I can't remember off hand how to set that up, but if you do a search, you'l find it described for you.

Offline Waggle2

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« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2004, 09:35:15 PM »
Thanks. I'll try that.

Great help guys!!!!!

I am getting more kills by using your suggestions. The last two times out I killed 5 without getting killed myself. Unfortunately I was forced to ditch (at a friendly airfield) each time due to damage but ......

Offline indy007

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Ok, I'm missing something obviously
« Reply #27 on: October 13, 2004, 09:46:09 AM »
I've only been playing for a month, and I haven't found the game too terribly difficult. I'm already in the 300s as far as rank. I had the exact same problems you did when I started. Even now, at least once a week, I'll hit a 2 day dry-spell where nobody seems to die, I randomly explode, and lose planes to stupid mistakes (like turning of combat trim accidently).

3 things improved my game a whole bunch, and got me a decent rank pretty quick.

1) Everybody has said it. I'll say it anyways. Convergence. All my guns are set to 400. I ZnB 90% of the time, so the setting works pretty good for me.

2) Started out flying mostly -51D's. Then, I started flying a 190A-8. Not the best performer in the world, but the 2x30mm & 2x20mm damage help cover the gap in my atrocious accuracy. You also get quite a bit more perks in an A8 :)

3) I bought a Saitek X45 setup. I had a tendency to get excited & hit my rudder (had a twist-grip ms sidewinder) during the boom part of the run. Cost me more than a few kills. Now I use trim on hat switches to smooth out the merges and haven't accidently hit my rudder once. If you can get used to the setup, it does improve your game.

Offline TequilaChaser

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Ok, I'm missing something obviously
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2004, 09:52:55 AM »
Originally posted by indy007
I've only been playing for a month, and I haven't found the game too terribly difficult. I'm already in the 300s as far as rank.

3 things improved my game a whole bunch, and got me a decent rank pretty quick.


indy007, glad you are coming along nicely with in a couple of months..just don't put alot of  thought into can ruin the rest of what the game has to offer.......alot of the best players are ranked well higher than 500..........and the RANK and SCORING is easily manipulated by different factors.......

join the scenarios, fly the snapshot events, do the monthly KOTH tournyments etc.........if you fly for RANK as your main goal the game can become pain stakingly irritating ........check out all the venues Aces High has to offer and you will enjoy AH that much more!
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline NHattila

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« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2004, 11:13:32 AM »
i think a huge part of your problem is not concentrating the firepower on a specific part of the plane. when shooting down a buff you can knock it's winf off you 68- good concentrated hits, but if you hit it all over you could get 30-40 hits and cause no serious damage. i have found most people new to th egame think just because they land hits something should go down. you most concentrate young grasshopper :)  i didn't read all the posts, but i'm sure someone wrote this, just reiterating the point. good luck!