Originally posted by Tinpot
It doesn't matter what we think. The US will do what it wants regardless.
Thank you, finally someone recognizes that fact. Now if you could convince all the Eurotards of this, maybe they would shut up and stop annoying us with their opinion.
We had an empire that did much the same thing once upon a time. It all ended probably quite rightly, as will the great American empire.
Wow, what a great grasp of history you have. All world leading empires eventually fall, this is evident to anyone with even the slightest clue who has ever cracked a world history book.
What you fail to mention is that the British empire was bent on world conquest, attempting to colonize and control all the weak nations on earth, placing British subjects in to rule those weaker country while exploiting the people and the natural resources. The United States has not done that, even with countries we vanquished in war, rather we helped rebuild them and returned them to the native peoples.
What I do think is that you guys need a government that doesn't have the israelis in their back pocket. Then maybe there wouldn't be much need for this so called war on (arab) terror.
I dont disagree entirely, but rather I think we have too strong of an Jewish influence on our congress and elected leaders. If I had a choice, we would greatly pressure Israel to get it's poop together and work to achieve a workable settlement with the Palestinians, or else, after a reasonable time frame, our support would start to taper off.
Its worth remembering that we have been fighting our own war on terror for a long time. A terror that some of our special relationship buddies in the US actualy supported and paid for! we kind of know all about terrorism and its reasons and effects.
Here is a novel concept, since most of the terrorism you have dealt with is caused by British rule in Ireland, pull the hell out and let the Irish control their own country.
Whatever happens on your side of the pond, remember might isn't always right! We learned that the hard way.
I think we understand that just fine, but sad how the rest of the world just loves to pound us for each and ever mistake they think we make, real or imagined.
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