Author Topic: It's going to be a messy election......  (Read 5981 times)

Offline lazs2

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It's going to be a messy election......
« Reply #30 on: October 19, 2004, 09:01:56 AM »
more information than I wanted or asked for... I was asking how you thought we should run our elections if not the winner is the winner no matter what the margin.


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It's going to be a messy election......
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2004, 09:13:16 AM »
Laz, I think what they want is "unlimited do-overs" until they get the result they want.

And really, that's fair, isn't it?
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Re: a foreign guy thinks
« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2004, 09:13:27 AM »
Originally posted by Tinpot
Lazs you asked

It doesn't matter what we think. The US will do what it wants regardless. We had an empire that did much the same thing once upon a time. It all ended probably quite rightly, as will the great American empire.
What I do think is that you guys need a government that doesn't have the israelis in their back pocket. Then maybe there wouldn't be much need for this so called war on (arab) terror.

Its worth remembering that we have been fighting our own war on terror for a long time. A terror that some of our special relationship buddies in the US actualy supported and paid for! we kind of know all about terrorism and its reasons and effects.

Its a complicated world. I'm not necessarily right its just my opinion.

Whatever happens on your side of the pond, remember might isn't always right! We learned that the hard way.

Wow, so wrong on so many levels.

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« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2004, 09:19:38 AM »
why am I so wrong? Oh go on enlighten me. I'm always ready to listen to reason:)


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Re: a foreign guy thinks
« Reply #34 on: October 19, 2004, 09:22:14 AM »
Originally posted by Tinpot
Lazs you asked

It doesn't matter what we think. The US will do what it wants regardless. We had an empire that did much the same thing once upon a time. It all ended probably quite rightly, as will the great American empire.
What I do think is that you guys need a government that doesn't have the israelis in their back pocket. Then maybe there wouldn't be much need for this so called war on (arab) terror.

Its worth remembering that we have been fighting our own war on terror for a long time. A terror that some of our special relationship buddies in the US actualy supported and paid for! we kind of know all about terrorism and its reasons and effects.

Its a complicated world. I'm not necessarily right its just my opinion.

Whatever happens on your side of the pond, remember might isn't always right! We learned that the hard way.

Near as I can tell you still do have an empire. Maybe not a "great" one as in times past but an empire nonetheless

I will agree you have been dealing with your own terrorism for a long time. and the reasons, rights and wrongs on that one could be the subject for an entirely different debate.
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Offline NUKE

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Re: why
« Reply #35 on: October 19, 2004, 09:34:07 AM »
Originally posted by Tinpot
why am I so wrong? Oh go on enlighten me. I'm always ready to listen to reason:)


America is going to do what it wants to do in our own elections. What's wrong with that? Every country looks after it's own interests and "does what they want to"

What does American support of Israel have to do with world-wide terrorism? Are you saying that if America dropped support of Israel, there would have been no Madrid bombing, no Russian school massacre? Arab terror would stop?

America does not have an empire and never has.

Britain has been fighting a "war" on terrorism for a long time? Maybe that statement could be turned around depending on your point of view. Certainly, the IRA was/is your problem to deal with. Hey, maybe if you had a government that didn't have other little countries around the globe in your back pocket, the IRA would dissapear. ( sarcasim)

Offline lazs2

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It's going to be a messy election......
« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2004, 10:05:28 AM »
staga.. I don't think uncle fidel can afford to by a 2 bedroom flattop in Florida.

gixer... you act like the supreme court stopped the only recount.... they stopped the third and, in some cases, 4th recount...   none of the recouns done latter showed that the supreme court did the wrong thing... just the oppossite.


Offline Dago

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Re: a foreign guy thinks
« Reply #37 on: October 19, 2004, 10:11:59 AM »
Originally posted by Tinpot

It doesn't matter what we think. The US will do what it wants regardless.

Thank you, finally someone recognizes that fact.  Now if you could convince all the Eurotards of this, maybe they would shut up and stop annoying us with their opinion.

We had an empire that did much the same thing once upon a time. It all ended probably quite rightly, as will the great American empire.

Wow, what a great grasp of history you have.  All world leading empires eventually fall, this is evident to anyone with even the slightest clue who has ever cracked a world history book.

What you fail to mention is that the British empire was bent on world conquest, attempting to colonize and control all the weak nations on earth, placing British subjects in to rule those weaker country while exploiting the people and the natural resources.  The United States has not done that, even with countries we vanquished in war, rather we helped rebuild them and returned them to the native peoples.

What I do think is that you guys need a government that doesn't have the israelis in their back pocket. Then maybe there wouldn't be much need for this so called war on (arab) terror.
 I dont disagree entirely, but rather I think we have too strong of an Jewish influence on our congress and elected leaders.  If I had a choice, we would greatly pressure Israel to get it's poop together and work to achieve a workable settlement with the Palestinians, or else, after a reasonable time frame, our support would start to taper off.

Its worth remembering that we have been fighting our own war on terror for a long time. A terror that some of our special relationship buddies in the US actualy supported and paid for! we kind of know all about terrorism and its reasons and effects.

Here is a novel concept, since most of the terrorism you have dealt with is caused by British rule in Ireland, pull the hell out and let the Irish control their own country.


Whatever happens on your side of the pond, remember might isn't always right! We learned that the hard way.

I think we understand that just fine, but sad how the rest of the world just loves to pound us for each and ever mistake they think we make, real or imagined.

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Offline vorticon

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It's going to be a messy election......
« Reply #38 on: October 19, 2004, 10:21:53 AM »
Originally posted by Holden McGroin
Wow... even this guy?

He doesn't look like he's laughing.

Just after this picture was taken, I told him a joke about a country with more sheep than people and he was rolling on the hut floor.


the day before the election bush will choke on his own slobber, and kerry will kill himself trying to prove he can use a m16


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It's going to be a messy election......
« Reply #39 on: October 19, 2004, 10:37:21 AM »
Originally posted by Staga
Well you could always sell it to uncle Fidel :)

We the exiles of Uncle Fidel's regime already own Florida.  We're working our way North as well.  Soon very soon we will recapture all the territory stolen from Spain in the 18th Century.  The 21st century will be called the Spanish Century, you'll see  buahahahahahaha  you'll all see. :D


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It's going to be a messy election......
« Reply #40 on: October 19, 2004, 10:54:31 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
staga.. I don't think uncle fidel can afford to by a 2 bedroom flattop in Florida.

gixer... you act like the supreme court stopped the only recount.... they stopped the third and, in some cases, 4th recount...   none of the recouns done latter showed that the supreme court did the wrong thing... just the oppossite.


actually even the recount led by none less then Jessie Jackson showed Bush won Fla

Not that there could possibly be anyone less then Jessie Jackson
Cept maybe Micheal Moore:)
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Offline Tinpot

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« Reply #41 on: October 19, 2004, 10:56:40 AM »
Dago says

Here is a novel concept, since most of the terrorism you have dealt with is caused by British rule in Ireland, pull the hell out and let the Irish control their own country.

Lol Lol.

So Does the same apply in Iraq?  Saudi Arabia? Afghanistan? etc?

Come on mate The US has been interfering in other countries buisness for years and not very openly at times. Go  and learn some history.

You acuse me of being simplistic. (it helps as this a BB not an essay lol ) But realy do you honestly believe the good old USof A realy returns people to freedom without first making sure that that freedom benefits the US themselves in some way.

Ever heard of the saying "Whats good for the goose is good for the gander?"

All western powers are at it, the scary bit for those of us outside the US is that they have all the might and economical clout right now to dictate a world view based entirely on their rather limited grasp of how that world functions.

Go on argue with me though maybe we should start a new thread as this one was origionaly about your elections. Something I might add appears on our news rather a lot. I wonder if your media concentrates so hard on what is going on outside in the world?

Offline AKIron

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It's going to be a messy election......
« Reply #42 on: October 19, 2004, 10:56:48 AM »
Originally posted by Gixer
So Bush won by 500 or 200 odd votes? Out of a population of how many millions? What's that deciding vote as a percentage?

2000 was a joke and the whole world was laughing.


A close election where emotions ran high resolved peacefully and not a single shot fired. What exactly was the "whole world" laughing at?

I think we need a new word that describes displacing one's feelings of inferiority by ridiculing the US. I hereby declare this word to be "Gixer".
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Offline slimm50

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It's going to be a messy election......
« Reply #43 on: October 19, 2004, 11:04:51 AM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
actually even the recount led by none less then Jessie Jackson showed Bush won Fla

Not that there could possibly be anyone less then Jessie Jackson
Cept maybe Micheal Moore:)

Speakin of Florida, boy, whatta screwed-up state. They whinin already about how things aren't gonna go right. Whoever's runnin the election process down there is a total boob.

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It's going to be a messy election......
« Reply #44 on: October 19, 2004, 11:07:24 AM »
Originally posted by slimm50
Speakin of Florida, boy, whatta screwed-up state. They whinin already about how things aren't gonna go right. Whoever's runnin the election process down there is a total boob.

I'm thinking we may be seeing some of that "pre-emption" from the DNC guidebook. Maybe things aren't really so out of control there?
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