Author Topic: Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???  (Read 2981 times)

Offline straffo

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2004, 05:53:53 AM »

Villers Bretonneux War Cemetery

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (of which the Office of Australian War Graves is our representitive) duties are to mark and maintain the graves of the members of the forces of the Commonwealth who were killed in the two World Wars.

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Offline BUG_EAF322

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #32 on: November 24, 2004, 06:24:11 AM »
Ever been at a european cemetry ?

I (eurotard) at least know how impressing it is.

Akwabbitt u hear what u wanna hear.

probably with a big plate in front of ur head.

Offline Dago

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #33 on: November 24, 2004, 06:59:54 AM »
Originally posted by airguard
yeah if it was not for the USA we woulda been speaken German all of us, and USA woulda have to bargin with them after you  beat the Japanese (if).

Earth to airguard, we did beat Japan.  Not "if",  it is "did".  

There is no way in hell USA coulda stayed out of that war anyway. And it is a pity too see how some is using the fact that thousands of american soldiers died in Europe that way. They was killed because they belived in freedom not for you guys to use it against Europeans 50 years later.
While you liberated the French coast you libereated yourselve also, dont forget that.

What you guys is forgeting is that you did not have much or none civilian losses in that war, what if hitler woulda won the european mainland and England. He woulda been in the position to manufacture nuklear weapons too and that woulda been nasty.

You are slashing the same thing over and over again just to remind us of how much we need you, and yes we need you Americans. But you need us Europeans too, we are the only part of the world that have the same way of life, but some of you guys seems to forget that.

Please could the stupid Euro vs USA soon stop ?

We could have stayed out of the war dorkwad, but we choose not to.  Yes it would have been a risk to let Hitler succeed in taking Europe, but we were well enough seperated by distance to pretty much prevent an invasion of America.  Bombers didn't  have that kind of range then, and European nations didnt have the aircraft carriers to attack us.  Speaking of atomic bombs, we did manage to build a couple ourselves, and by the time Hitler would have had them, we would too.  Standoff.  Plus, I think your forget the Bear in the equation.  Russia was still a powerful force for Hitler to overcome.  

At least we werent rollled over like bowling pins as were so many European nations.

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Offline fd ski

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #34 on: November 24, 2004, 07:31:08 AM »

At least we werent rollled over like bowling pins as were so many European nations.

The only thing that saved you was Atlantic Ocean, nothing more.

So could you please decide on one of two options:

a) we - USA - joined the war because of our own interests and strategic goals.

b) we - USA - joined the war to liberate france, europe and save people all over the place.

If answer is B, then follow up question: why did it take Pearl Harbour and slaughter of millions for you to start ?

This whole threat is silly.
French should be "greatful" ? And express it by blindly following Bush's will ?
By the same logic Eastern Europe should be so greatful to Uncle Joe Stalin for "liberating" it ( and mind you, lots of Russian Cementaries here ) that it was to for him to force political compliance with his own goals for 50 years, right ? Same logic same effect ?

As someone previously said, they fought for USA, their died for USA. I wouldn't be suprised if they wouldn't appriciate you using their deeds to prop up your political agenda.

France should show respect ? Respect is a funny thing, it works both ways. And by the token of how USA is acting those days, publicly, freedom fries and all, you can hardly expect any respect... as sad as it is.

Offline CptTrips

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #35 on: November 24, 2004, 08:36:46 AM »
Originally posted by BUG_EAF322
Ever been at a european cemetry ?

I (eurotard) at least know how impressing it is.

Akwabbitt u hear what u wanna hear.

probably with a big plate in front of ur head.


I'm going to assume from your minimal command of the English language that you simply have missed some of the subtlties of this discussion.  Don't get you leather panties in a bind.

I was under the mistaken impression that the Normandy Memorial was french goverment run.  The idea that they were sending us a bill to do so was annoying and didn't ring true.  Bohdi's explaination make much more sense.  The only other thing I wondered was if the french leased us the ground.  Often rumours like this have some grain of truth.  But that as well seems not to be the case.  As far as employing locals to mow the grass and such, that doesn't bother me a bit.  As long as it wasn't the french goverment itself sending us a bill.

Thanks to those who provided all the useful information.  (Finger) to all the Ameristalkers. :)

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Rino

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #36 on: November 24, 2004, 09:46:00 AM »
Originally posted by fd ski
The only thing that saved you was Atlantic Ocean, nothing more.

So could you please decide on one of two options:

a) we - USA - joined the war because of our own interests and strategic goals.

b) we - USA - joined the war to liberate france, europe and save people all over the place.

If answer is B, then follow up question: why did it take Pearl Harbour and slaughter of millions for you to start ?

This whole threat is silly.
French should be "greatful" ? And express it by blindly following Bush's will ?
By the same logic Eastern Europe should be so greatful to Uncle Joe Stalin for "liberating" it ( and mind you, lots of Russian Cementaries here ) that it was to for him to force political compliance with his own goals for 50 years, right ? Same logic same effect ?

As someone previously said, they fought for USA, their died for USA. I wouldn't be suprised if they wouldn't appriciate you using their deeds to prop up your political agenda.

France should show respect ? Respect is a funny thing, it works both ways. And by the token of how USA is acting those days, publicly, freedom fries and all, you can hardly expect any respect... as sad as it is.

     What is it with Ameristalkers and this automatic assumption
of moral superiority these days.  Because you disagree with US
policy does not mean you have all the answers.

     One thing you might want to remember is that America had
to project power over the same oceans that apparently "saved"
us from the Axis.  Oh yeah, and we fought 2 fronts our entire
war and won.  

     Respect is indeed a funny thing, and I'm sure it pains you
terribly to admit the US has ever done anything "right".
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Offline Maniac

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #37 on: November 24, 2004, 10:41:28 AM »
Originally posted by Rino
What is it with Ameristalkers and this automatic assumption
of moral superiority these days.  Because you disagree with US
policy does not mean you have all the answers.

Respect is indeed a funny thing, and I'm sure it pains you
terribly to admit the US has ever done anything "right".

Its in your mind dude.

This is what YOU want to belive.

Ameristalkers :rolleyes:

Flip the coin.
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Offline Airhead

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #38 on: November 24, 2004, 10:42:47 AM »
I spoke too soon I guess, huh, Neubob? Thing is, there's only one way for a thread like this to go, and that's down. It doesn't matter if Wab has a legitimate question or not either- it still deterorates into a USA- Euro pissing match over a war that not one person here particapated in, nor is even old enough to remember.

Offline FiLtH

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #39 on: November 24, 2004, 10:44:06 AM »
Personally I think the french government would have paid for this over the past few decades, but as that generation passes on, I wouldnt expect them to keep it up to infinity.

  If that were the case, we'd still be holding french appreciation days for the help Lafeyette gave us in the American Revolution. The French have our grandfathers to thank, not us younger guys and gals.


Offline Monk

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #40 on: November 24, 2004, 11:24:52 AM »
Everything you need to know
They do a good job too.

oops sorry - been posted.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2004, 11:27:57 AM by Monk »

Offline ET

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2004, 12:04:41 PM »
Sraffo, thank you. It was interesting seeing all those different
cemetary's. It's easy to overlook the others who died there when you usually see only the largest one in the pictures.

Offline ET

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #42 on: November 24, 2004, 12:04:42 PM »
Sorry , double post

Offline Furball

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #43 on: November 24, 2004, 12:19:02 PM »
Originally posted by AKWabbit

I don't like the french, but the one classy thing I thought they did was provide this monument to all the thousands of American boys that died on their beaches trying to liberate their country.  

Not that it seems like any american gives a damn about the other nationalities that lost servicemen trying to liberate europe, check out this website for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Its a sobering experience searching for your surname and seeing page after page listed, especially since i have a rare surname.

The "Debt of Honour Register" is the Commission's database listing the 1.7 million men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died during the two world wars and the 23,000 cemeteries, memorials and other locations world-wide where they are commemorated. The register can also be searched for details of the 67,000 Commonwealth civilians who died as a result of enemy action in the Second World War.
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Offline Neubob

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Do the french charge us money to maintain the graves at Normandy???
« Reply #44 on: November 24, 2004, 01:48:02 PM »
Originally posted by Airhead
I spoke too soon I guess, huh, Neubob? Thing is, there's only one way for a thread like this to go, and that's down. It doesn't matter if Wab has a legitimate question or not either- it still deterorates into a USA- Euro pissing match over a war that not one person here particapated in, nor is even old enough to remember.

I'm not gonna argue with you. Any thread containing the words 'French', 'France', or even 'Euro' is inevitably going to end up in a bunch of mud slinging.

I just wanted you to understand that I'm not somebody whose name should immediately pop into mind as soon as you see a thread going that route.