I'll take it at face value that you really want to make a difference in someone's life that is affected by this disaster.'s just a "suggestion", mind you.
I can't think of a better family situation that a child who has lost their family could ask for. Your 2 boys and your wife along with yourself would provide a nurturing environment for an orphan that you would adopt.
You have shown that you have the means, and the disposable income to make this happen.
I'll admit now that this is a taller order than I could fill. I know that I couldn't make this big of a self-less act. I have good friends that have done this, even though they have children of their own. Hell, they never even told most people of their plans. They just did it. I admire them more than I can say.
You have given me the impression here, on this BBS, that this is within your reach and more importantly, within your compassion to provide.