Author Topic: Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?  (Read 3681 times)

Offline Wotan

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2005, 08:18:56 AM »
The cost of unionization gets passed on to the consumer. Walmart's whole deal is cheap stuff. Make that stuff 'not-so-cheap' and not only does it hurt corporate Walmart through lost revenue and higher wages, it hurts the consumers through higher prices and eventually and ultimately it hurts the employees.

Walmart isn't some slave corporation where people are forced into indentured servitude, people except jobs there willingly. If they don't like the pay or working conditions they can go else where to find work. Walmart doesn't owe its employees 'a living' they owe share holders and it's costumers.

Offline Masherbrum

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2005, 08:39:10 AM »
Let's do the math.

50 rounds of .45 auto = $13.99 (more at the range)

100 rounds of .45 auto = $19.79 at Wal-Mart.

Thanks Wal-Mart.

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Offline Mighty1

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2005, 08:45:06 AM »
So buy them somewhere else.

Walmart cannot possibly be cheaper on everything all the time.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Masherbrum

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2005, 08:45:52 AM »
Originally posted by Mighty1
So buy them somewhere else.

Walmart cannot possibly be cheaper on everything all the time.

I shoot Winchester White boxes through my HK USP .45.

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Offline oboe

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2005, 09:07:32 AM »
I wouldn't call myself 'pro-union' as I have never been a member of one and I try to take a balanced view of them.   I think there is so much hatred for unions on this board though that my position makes it look like I'm a big supporter of unions.    

I just try to remind people that unions came into being for a reason during the 30s.   You can read some history to find out what ordinary people's lives were like back then and what drove them to unionize, and the violence that was spawned in some cities (Minneapolis included) as the labor movement grew in importance.   Unions are about more than just getting higher wages for members - they are also concerned with safe working conditions, benefits, job security, etc.   In return (and I'm thinking of skilled labor here) they offer companies highly trained and effective employees.    I worked in a unionized factory one summer and boy, those union members worked hard and fast, and when break time was over they were back on the job, right on time.    I also lived next door to a union welder for a while, who welded staircases for parking ramps and office buildings under construction.   He told me a number of horror stories about construction techniques (or lack thereof) of the untrained, non-unionized workers.   One case was they weren't putting in expansion joints in the concrete they were laying, which would seriously undermine the safety and lifespan of the ramp they were building.   Or would have to be torn up and done over, if the building inspectors caught it.

You business owners find no fault in yourselves for trying to maximize profits (in a sense raising the standard of living for your company and its stakeholders) - why do you denigrate people who try to do the same thing?    Labor union's goals are to essentially raise the standard of living of their members.

OK, so higher wages are passed on to the consumers when employees unionize, the flip side is that higher government costs are passed on to taxpayers when employees aren't unionized.   Someone in Montana recognized that, and is trying to do something about it.    Maybe they're tired of huge corporate profits being made out of state, while Montana taxpayers are left to foot the bill of the unmet needs of Walmart employees.

Anyway that's my take on it.

Offline mora

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2005, 09:48:44 AM »
Just  thought...

In an American supermarket, there's at least twice as many people working there than in Europe. Of course it's nice to have you groceries packed for you(Personally I hate it) and all that but I rather serve myself while knowing that the people working there are even somewhat decently paid. Also when I really need good service and help I'm more likely to receive it from a person who's better paid, at least that's my gut feeling.

Of course it means less jobs, but also less people living on the edge.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 09:51:07 AM by mora »

Offline Creamo

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2005, 10:51:34 AM »
Originally posted by FUNKED1
Big unions are pretty much organized crime.  

I knew it. The I.U.P.A is run by mobsters with badges, and the NTPA protects them!

The National Police and Troopers Association (NPTA) is a special program within the International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO (IUPA). The NPTA was created to provide specialized service dedicated to the specific needs of state troopers and police professionals. IUPA provides these police and troopers with education, safety surveys and equipment testing, wage and hour enhancements, organizing, and mutually beneficial communication with other like police officers and troopers across the nation who comprise the IUPA family.

It's going to be hard to make sure anyone that works all night at Walmart stays at minimum wage indy007 and might just think about starting a wildcat Walmart stock dooming union.

 Can you please post your job description and wage, with an exit plan including education choices so they can strive to loft themselves to your well earned union-free status? Give them a goal, the over achievers might follow your footsteps. F the hold outs that are worthless bag stuffers.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 10:59:48 AM by Creamo »

Offline cpxxx

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2005, 11:37:42 AM »
Originally posted by Airhead
"There is also a carrot to complement the stick of this tax proposal. Big box stores which have fewer than 25% of their workers as part time and which pay entry level employees at least $22,000 per year, including benefits, may be exempt. This is a fairly low bar to pass. The rationale behind the exemption is that research shows that large employers who pay sub-poverty wages are actually a drain on the local economy rather than a contributor."

WalMart holds seminars for their employees on how to apply for county welfare benefits. They have also established  "transient camps" in their parking lots with their policy of allowing free unrestricted RV camping on their property..."RV" being defined as any motor vehicle, BTW, at least up here.

It's amazing what big business and a socialistic County Government can do when they work together- the more WalMarts who move in the bigger our County beaucracy gets. WalMart gets cheap labor and the County gets to administer the welfare money.

It's a win-win for them and a big loss for the taxpayer.

That I find incredible. It actually costs the taxpayers money to have a Walmart store in some areas because the some employees are paid so badly they have to be on welfare.

Isn't that a kind of subsidy for big business?

Offline FUNKED1

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2005, 11:40:53 AM »
LOL blame Walmart for people being on welfare.  Tards.

Offline Silat

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2005, 11:48:00 AM »
Originally posted by Mighty1
My younger brother works at Walmart and he gets full benifits and is paid well.

I really haven't heard of ANYONE here at our Walmart that is unhappy with what they get.

I guess that's a red state thing. We don't think that we are owed anything just because we exist.

Please send all your fed money ( Farm subsidies etc ) back if you can take care of yourselves.
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Offline Airhead

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2005, 02:46:00 PM »
Originally posted by Wotan

Walmart isn't some slave corporation where people are forced into indentured servitude, people except jobs there willingly. If they don't like the pay or working conditions they can go else where to find work. Walmart doesn't owe its employees 'a living' they owe share holders and it's costumers.

By all means- if they don't like working at WalMart they can always get a better job at McDonald's or Starbucks or one of the other career opportunities created by our booming economy. :rolleyes:
I'm surprised so many of you are willing to accept so little for yourselves....sounds like some of you have serious self worth issues.

Offline indy007

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2005, 03:13:23 PM »
Originally posted by Creamo
Can you please post your job description and wage, with an exit plan including education choices so they can strive to loft themselves to your well earned union-free status? Give them a goal, the over achievers might follow your footsteps. F the hold outs that are worthless bag stuffers.

LOL. I have 2 jobs, a small business, I go to school at night (no loans/grants/scholarship/parental help), and spend time with my low maintenance girlfriends. If somebody doesn't make enough money to support their lifestyle... they need a second job. Right now I work upwards of 80 hours a week and still find time to study and play. I just don't sleep much.

I also intentionally live well below my means, so I don't get into the same dire financial positions I see my co-workers fall into.

Offline SLO

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2005, 03:40:24 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
So, in other words... you would still have your old job if some union forced your employer to keep you,  even though they hated you and thought you sucked as an employie.

Unions suk.

comprehension problem there NUKE, I actually trained his people on the new systems...4 employees with more the 20 years exp. yet he choose it wasn't an EMPLOYE problem, it was a BOSS using his privileges.

like I said, one day he woke up and didn't like me telling him his equipement was due for a major upgrade, he thought otherwise, I tried giving him the facts, he thought I was pushing him too much...

we where actually 3 who lost the jobs because of one bosses whim of madness and lashing out, we had no protection against least with a union he would of had to justify himself...

Offline SLO

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2005, 03:42:09 PM »
got your e-mail Bodhi, sorry didn't have time to respond...

anytime you come up, Beers on me, oh and some fine food too :aok
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 03:44:59 PM by SLO »

Offline SLO

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #44 on: February 10, 2005, 03:44:30 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
someone didn't like slo?  Inconcievable!


the day you do like me, is the day I shot myself...

wait a minute, no guns here, Hari-Kari for me then...:D