Yep, that`s why I am interested in how would a plane with the same design pattern would make one plane free of to an aspect directly relating to that design pattern.
Two different airframes will have different flying charateristics, that's it.
Just because the Bf109 had to use high rudder forces to fly straigh at high speeds, doesnt mean the FW190 had the same issue JUST because the trimming system is build to the same pattern.
I study WW2 aircraft now for ten yeas and for the Bf109 there are numerous mentionings about the rudder input that was needed to keep the plane flying straight in climb & dive, while for the FW190 i never came across one.
And if you hang to much to my statement "it didnt require any retrimming", that was quick typed sentense, where i didnt have in mind that someone would weight each word with a gold scale.
I guess the others in here know what i meant by this sentence, but to make it clearer to you i will try to reformulate it.
Each plane needs some sort of trimming, thats why the trim tabs are there, but with correcty set trim tabs the additional trim forces are very small with the FW190 and posses no handling penalty at all. They are indeed so small that retrimming for various flight conditions was considered unnecessary.
because my opinion is not that it`s a 'miraculous design without any flaws'
Is it not? Than you have a real problem making yourself clear. Whenever some statement from anyone in this BB implies that another plane type has the slightest advantage over the Bf109 you jump on it and call it untrue.
You always claim that noone besides you can back up anything, but you have in any case the needed documents to back up anything.
@Angus: Knights, you should know that Angus i got you atleast once.

Or don't you fly under the GameID Angus?