I don't carry a gun either. I do have such at night since I'm not as young as I once was. Only one other human being is supposed to be in my home. My girlfreind of 8 years. When I am in my home, if there is or are persons here who arn't her, I choose to be judged by 12 peers rather than make the mistake of hesitance. In the post mortum of any violent encounter hesitence in the face of the split second decision is the leading factor in the death of either combatant.
I do not beleive you or many of our BB members have ever been there nor do I wish it upon them. But it happens faster than you can formulate a whitty responce. And then your freind or loved one is gone. I cannot and will not advocate to others against human nature. We don't want to die, and we generaly wish it would pass us by never showing up in our lives. But I want you to think, are you betting the lottery wheel will always fall on the odds you want, or are you demanding that another human being lay his or her life down for yours if it does? Is your life more important than the policeman's life who you are ultimatly expecting to protect you?
That kinda violates our first pact with the All Mighty. To take care of and protect the life you are given as a reflection of mastering and honoring living life to the absolute best of your personal ability. And so to the extention of that protecting the lives of those whom you love and cherish. Evil will and does seek to take that from yourself and your loved ones.
So, is your life more important to you than a policemans, a soldier, your wife's when you have the human ability to act in your own service and your wifes?
Relying on the government for your personal saftey is asking another person to lay down their life for you because you won't do it for yourself. This is not about carrying a gun. This is about freedom as americans view it. Do you value freedom or the imagery of security where you accept anothers death as the price of your personal security and the restrictions that ultimately grow with it?