Author Topic: Silent Hunter III Review  (Read 16670 times)

Offline Nefarious

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Silent Hunter III Review
« Reply #390 on: April 10, 2005, 05:36:35 PM »
Still on Patrol 10, As mentioned above I'm heading North through the Two Main British Islands.

I just encountered my first Convoy, 12 Ships, Mostly Coastals, but One T2, A couple C2's.

Got the Tanker, One Cargo, and One Coastal on a missed Shot.

Got chased off by an Armed Trawler, And Harrassed by a few Fighters, (In a ThunderStorm:rolleyes: ), But now I'm back on Course and Nearly half way to my objective. I'm out of Bow Torps, except my External Reserve, which I forgot to load, when I had the chance.

I'm still at least a 1000KM to my objective :D, I guess I'll just cruise through it and head home :D
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline Staga

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« Reply #391 on: April 10, 2005, 06:07:06 PM »
Just "bought" me a IXD-2; damn big sub that one is. Couldn't afford to buy schnorkel yet but 2x FlaK38 + FlakVierling 38 helps to stay afloat :)

Offline Russian

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« Reply #392 on: April 10, 2005, 06:32:51 PM »
Originally posted by Wotan
Those are single ship contacts. Sent via radio by bdu and auto plotted on your map. Imagine they are relayed reports from other boats.  

I had no idea that my radio worked 50 meters under water.....:lol

Offline Curval

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Silent Hunter III Review
« Reply #393 on: April 10, 2005, 06:56:04 PM »
Whoa...thanks Wotan.  You are like a living breathing SHIII manual.  :)

Not gonna change the settings yet, but at least I know why I'm getting those contacts now.

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Offline ASTAC

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« Reply #394 on: April 10, 2005, 06:56:43 PM »
Is there a way to play an ASW force against subs? Since ASW is my THANG!
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Offline Nefarious

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« Reply #395 on: April 10, 2005, 09:56:22 PM »

Unless they release a Destroyer Command Version, But I havnt heard anything...yet.

Also, I have yet to see an enemy submarine.

I saw them in SHII, but not yet in SHIII.

Just got finished Patrol 9. I kept saying Patrol 10, but it was Patrol 9 the whole time :o

I now have Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and Diamonds, and all my officers have IC in some version.


Dont go between British Isles unless you have signed a Living Will. I didnt get killed, but I narrowly avoided death countless times.

But it paid off, 46000+ Tons of Merchants, plus one Armed Trawler. :cool:


General Poll, whats your Uboat Number? Post Up, then compare the real boat with yours at


My U-55=9 Patrols for 177000+ Tons.

Real U-55=1 Patrol+1 Training patrol for 15.583 (Thousand?) GRT

Six Ships Sunk.

Sunk 30 Jan, 1940 south-west of the Isles of Scilly (English Channel), in position 48.37N, 07.48W, by depth charges from the British destroyer HMS Whitshed, the British sloop HMS Fowey the French destroyers Valmy and Guépard, and by depth charges from a British Sunderland aircraft (228 Sqdn.). 1 dead and 41 survivors.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2005, 10:04:20 PM by Nefarious »
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #396 on: April 10, 2005, 10:44:07 PM »
Laid down 11 Feb, 1935
Commissioned 25 Jul, 1935

No ships sunk or damaged

Sank 8 April, 1944 west of Pillau, in position 54.48N, 19.55E, after a collision with the German steam trawler Helmi Söhle.
Raised on 9 April, 1944 and stricken. 17 dead and 18 survivors

Laid down 24 Feb, 1937
Commissioned 2 Nov, 1938

21 ships sunk for a total of 90.408 GRT
2 auxiliary warships sunk for a total of 35.284 GRT
4 ships damaged for a total of 25.491 GRT
1 ship a total loss for a total of 2.080 GRT

Stricken at Neustadt in October 1943. Scuttled on 4 May 1945 in Kupfermühlen Bay, in position 54.50N, 09.29E.

Laid down 15 Apr, 1939
Commissioned 30 May, 1940

42 ships sunk for a total of 219.924 GRT
1 auxiliary warship sunk for a total of 3.209 GRT
1 warship sunk for a total of 683 tons
5 ships damaged for a total of 39.584 GRT
1 auxiliary warship damaged for a total of 13.984 GRT

Taken out of service at Lorient, France 17 Jun 1944. Scuttled there 19 Aug 1944. Surrendered to France in 1945 and became the French submarine Blaison. Stricken 18 Aug 1959 as Q165

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #397 on: April 11, 2005, 12:34:01 AM »

Laid down 13 Mar, 1937    Germaniawerft, Kiel

Commissioned 24 Jun, 1939 Oblt. Dietrich Knorr

Career: 3 patrols

7 ships sunk for a total of 27.316 GRT
1 ship damaged for a total of 8.022 GRT

Sunk 23 Feb, 1940 in the North Sea in the mid Orkneys, in position 60.32N, 06.14W, by depth charges from the British destroyer HMS Gurkha. 42 dead (all hands lost).

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #398 on: April 11, 2005, 12:53:51 AM »
Laid down    15 Apr, 1939    AG Weser, Bremen
Commissioned    30 May, 1940    Kptlt. Karl-Heinz Moehle
30 May, 1940 - 19 May, 1941     Kptlt. Karl-Heinz Moehle (Knights Cross)
19 May, 1941 - 31 Jul, 1942     Kptlt. Reinhard Hardegen (Knights Cross)
1 Aug, 1942 - 17 Jun, 1944     Oblt. Horst von Schroeter (Knights Cross)
Career    12 patrols    30 May, 1940 - 30 Sep, 1940  2. Flottille (training)
1 Oct, 1940 - 17 Jun, 1944  2. Flottille (front boat)
18 Jun, 1944 - 1 Aug, 1944  2. Flottille (Frontschulboot)
Successes    42 ships sunk for a total of 219.924 GRT
1 auxiliary warship sunk for a total of 3.209 GRT
1 warship sunk for a total of 683 tons
5 ships damaged for a total of 39.584 GRT
1 auxiliary warship damaged for a total of 13.984 GRT
Fate    Taken out of service at Lorient, France 17 Jun 1944. Scuttled there 19 Aug 1944. Surrendered to France in 1945 and became the French submarine Blaison. Stricken 18 Aug 1959 as Q165.

U-123 was one of the most famous U-boats in the war. U-123 took part in the opening of the Paukenschlag (Drumbeat) operations in January 1942 and completed two very successful patrols on the US east coast.

AHA!! This is a good omen, U-123 did survive ze var!

I'll have to start a new career once I finish this one, as I was dweebing during the 10 1st patrols... I have 750 000 Tons ;)
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #399 on: April 11, 2005, 01:22:59 AM »
Patrol 19 was interesting, I was sent to GR91 :mad: (That's Cape Town!)

While leaving the port, rain was already there to welcome us.

While on a speed run to pursue a sound contact at night, in heavy rain... we almost collided with a merchant.

Fortunately for us, he hadn't seen us... took the liberty to send him a german "Sardine"

48 hours without a single contact... the weather is still crazy, Hans has been so sick the ship doctor mentioned we should head back to the closest port to replace him... we gave Hans a bottle of Becks (found in the captain's cabin)... on the way we met a tanker, it was apparently full of fuel.

Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #400 on: April 11, 2005, 01:23:34 AM »
Having met very little contacts while in the south african sea... we decided to sneak in around Gibraltar on the way home... not such a good idea, this fellow left us with a lot of damage to the ship. U-123 is a trusty boat, she will get us back to base...

As we come near Lorient, the sun finaly shows its face!

I was affraid Wilma would not be at the pier this time... but she was there, throwing flowers in the water upon our arrival.
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #401 on: April 11, 2005, 02:58:06 AM »
I was affraid Wilma would not be at the pier this time... but she was there, throwing flowers in the water upon our arrival.

Back it in next time see what she throws...

Offline Dinger

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« Reply #402 on: April 11, 2005, 04:30:59 AM »
ah well, cool enough game. Problem for me is the SF-free version has any number of career savegame bugs:

1) Savegames causing CTDs
2) Saves in base appearing in the boat
3) In base saves keeping the current date (so if I revert, I lose several months)
4) other stability problems

Since I can only play a little at a time, I often have to have it paused and minimized. Or I save and exit. Once the save file corrupts, I can't revert to the base, or any other saved file. If the game resets on me, which happens from time to time, I lose a patrol; if I try to go back and not lose that patrol, I lose the time of the patrol.

After trying two careers and losing them to this, I'm shelving for now.

I'm also having an annoying sound bug where all ships but my own (and my own in certain circumstances) don't make normal engine noises, but an annoying "stutter". I haven't seen any info on this in the patches; so even if I wanted to put up with SF, I wouldn't get a working game.

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #403 on: April 11, 2005, 04:58:52 AM »
Dinger, it must be dependant of th system (I have yet to have a CTD or a corrupt save... and as you can see... i've been playing extensively since the day it came out).

How much memory have you got?What soundcard? latest drivers? (Sorry, have to ask that one ;))
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Dinger

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« Reply #404 on: April 11, 2005, 07:07:39 AM »
1 gig of memory. Soundcard has latest drivers (last July), but is a "Soundmax" Ac97 or whatever for laptops.
found this on the subsim forums:

Patch 1.2 did not resolve sound crackling problems, I can tell you that. Turning of DX acceleration makes the sound response time sensibly slower and you loose some effects if there are many at the same time.
By the way, when I did convoy training, one of the DDs attacked and sank the other. Major bug, that definitely should be solved ASAP. (With the other problems of course.)

sounds like mine, if "sound crackling" is indeed this stutter.