Author Topic: Silent Hunter III Review  (Read 16389 times)

Offline DoctorYO

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Silent Hunter III Review
« Reply #75 on: March 22, 2005, 04:31:13 PM »
In the early war..  (1939-41) I would set most torpedos at impact...

the fuses are too iffy.. and i personally have had more success at impact

But...   If set properly with depth the mag fuses are superior for damage potential.. (set mag fuses with greater depth than that of your recon manual)

EXP:  it took 3 torps to down  a c2 cargo with impact fuses.. (most likely hitting close or high on the water line..)

with 1 magnetic fuse  it only took a  1 torp..  reason (i set my magno fuses to detonate below the vessel )  when a torp detonates below the vessel the dammage is usually catastrophic....  granted not a instant sinking but they go under with time... (10 minutes + sometimes less..)

I cannot comment on the latewar magnetic fuses...

remember to factor in sea state if your have 3m breakers out there then go impact for shure and maybe even set your default torp depth to a meter or two higher just to get a impact in the rough seas.

Currently I have 4 merchantment sunk in a Type II, bought a type vII (everyone should pilot a type II  you really get a appreciation of the type vII series as well as you get indoctrinated in a type II which will really help your overall tactics....

BTW i play 100% realism  And I have finished 1 mission in a type VII  and had 4 downed merchantmen..  total tonnage after 3 missions is in the 28+ range...  im about 4th on the leaderboard...

the keys to this game are just like real life submariner..  patience is key...  set up your shots...  I almost terminated a french trawler (not at war yet) the another night to getting too aggressive..

On all my torp hits  its always the same...  point your vessel to the target at 90 deg and get the most recent solution for your torps (dont use a old solution..) (worst case scenario just ask your weapons officer to plot your one..  he gets it right alot even on full realism)

again always point your sub at target..  your introducing more varibles by being off canter to your target and using the gyro's of the torp to correct..

Also i might add is that to use the fast speed setting on the old steam powered torps..  yes your max range downgrades to 5000m but you get a 45 kt torp...  less time to target more likely a hit .......

Longest hit to date is 2600m... vs a 5 i got a 3500m but that doesn't count...

remember to use 300m or more for your torps to arm..

tricks of the trade...:

visit  lots of info..

up periscope down periscope...  dont know if your fellas know but  ctrl+insert (ob scope) will raise scope all the way and the same taking her down by adding the control key...(exp:  ctrl+delete)

also you may pace your sub by using the ctrl+f2 key...  (normal is f2 key alone)  this give you the ability to traverse your sub..  be careful not to go outside it..  (blackness and easy to get lost..)( in short stay in the conning  tower main control room and the sonar/radio rooms..)

I hear the crew management screen is a chore...  well just double click whatever compartment to swap out the men..  your officers you have to manually do.. but even a tired officer is still worth it to have at whatever station trust me..  mine get tired all the time if im engaged they are at battle stations..

I suggest full realism it the way to go..  worst case scenario you have your officers do the math for you..  but overall every sinking is worth while this way and you get a appreciation to your efforts becuase you dont always bag them..  (just tracking them is a chore..)(ive missed 3 destroyer shots recently and am determined to get it right..)  for fun navigate the channel..  I just did it last night trying to reach the North Atlantic..  Did it in a type vII at 15m depth (nighttime of course) and was harrassed by multiple destroyers patrol boats.....  all in all the most target rich enviroment in the game that ive seen..  do the channel youll see....  btw i made thru unscathed , lucky maybe i not going to make it habit try it for yourself for a challenge..


Offline DoctorYO

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« Reply #76 on: March 22, 2005, 04:33:41 PM »
sorry for the double post first one in like 4 years....

skuzzy work your magic.......


Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #77 on: March 22, 2005, 06:20:29 PM »
Is there another way to determine the nationality of the ship other than the flag? I just sank 12Kt worth of american boats (1939, not at war yet.... ooops :D)

One of those fast patrol boats killed my experten flak gunner while I was touristing the channel area  :mad:  REVENGE!!!
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Gixer

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« Reply #78 on: March 22, 2005, 07:14:24 PM »

I just lost a career with 12 patrols in the North Atlantic due to some sort of strange bug where all your saved games are removed.

Make a copy of your career folder at the end of each session and save it somewhere else just incase, it's located at



Offline Gixer

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« Reply #79 on: March 22, 2005, 07:20:36 PM »
BY the way on the issue of Torpedoes and pistol setting, I've had more success (no matter what year) setting them all to magnetic making sure I set the Torpedo depth between 1 to 2 meters under the keel and always trying to shoot from 90degrees or close to it as possible otherwise they just glance off.

Usually one hit under the Keel in the right place is enough to sink anything upto 10k ton range.


Offline DiabloTX

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« Reply #80 on: March 22, 2005, 10:42:40 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
Diablo, I installed it today and there is an automatic checker which tells you if your system is up to it, piece by piece.

Looking at the specs, your vidcard should be OK. However, your CPU is below spec. I have the AMD XP2600 which runs at 1.9GHz without being overclocked. The recommended CPU speed is 2.0GHz, so you're way under spec there. Also, 512MB RAM is the bare minimum. 1GB is recommended. I have 768MB (512+256) and I will get another 256 to add in my third RAM slot. You should get more RAM too.

The game seems to run smoothly enough with what I've got, but a few stutters...

Wow guys, that FLAK gun is quite a bit harder than the AH FG.

Doing my torpedo training next!

Much obliged to ya.

(that's Texan for "thanks!")
"There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Denmark I eat a danish for peace." - Diablo

Offline -tronski-

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« Reply #81 on: March 22, 2005, 11:35:15 PM »
Originally posted by GScholz
A little hint for you Tronsky: You don’t need to return to base immediately after finishing your patrol. Cruise around Britton and use up your torps before returning. ;)

Also, stop your engine once in a while and do a manual hydrophone search. Unless your crew are experts (not likely early in the war) you will pick up contacts manually long before they do. Once you’ve found a bearing, just cruise down that bearing while intermittently stopping to correct your bearing. You will eventually find a target. Also note that your crew does not use the hydrophone while surfaced. You have to dive to (at least) periscope depth for them to start listening for contacts.

Yup doing that mate :)

My 2nd patrol was a disaster, between torpedo dud city and when i got a couple of hits on a convoy - nothing would go down (weather too rough for deck gun!!!) my wunderbar third patrol I was chasing around the Welsh coast looking for easy meat before I went to my assigned sector when I ran into an ASW group..even got a snap shot at a destroyer bearing down on my six (bloody bounced off)...

Good tip on hydrophone...

travelling 1/3 out of Kiel to Norway is a long trip, but does lengthen your range alot!

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Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #82 on: March 23, 2005, 12:49:44 AM »
I've been playing it "safe" except for my little incursion in the english port...  and as far as the torpedoes go, unkel kartoffel told me to set the pistol on "impact" at about 4 meters, and as I still use the steam torps, I try to take my shots below 1K at the best angle I can get, they seem to bounce less than the magnetic ones, but of course, you need more.

4th patrol starting in ... 5 minutes :D
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #83 on: March 23, 2005, 01:01:01 AM »
I tend to blow up the torps below the ships....

but another thing which I do also, is to try hit the ships fuel tank, which has a great chance of cutting the ship in half or causing massive structucal damage.

In C3 Cargo ships the sweet spot is high up in the hull in front of the smoke stack, but not below the smoke stack.
From about front end of the bridge to the front of the smoke stack.

Offline moose

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« Reply #84 on: March 23, 2005, 02:21:46 AM »
wasnt there outlines of where fuel/ammo were on the original recognition manual screenshots?i seem to remember them, maybe im creazy

Offline DiabloTX

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« Reply #85 on: March 23, 2005, 03:11:13 AM »
Hope they come out with an official Beatles "Yellow Submarine" mod.  That would be kewl...
"There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Denmark I eat a danish for peace." - Diablo

Offline LLv34 Jarsci

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« Reply #86 on: March 23, 2005, 03:19:14 AM »
I´m running late 1940 campaign and managed to ambush a convoy without any cover.. 4 ships destroyed with torpedoes, managed to spend all of my torps while doing that. 75% of hits just resulted bounced torps.. couple of torps missed and rest just worked..

I was pissed and surfaced the ship. Then spent all my ammo on enemy ships and total was 70000 tons of shipping sunk.

Funny thing I haven´t seen a single escort yet...

Playing with 75% difficulty (god map mode is on..)

Me likey!

Offline Kirin

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« Reply #87 on: March 23, 2005, 03:41:10 AM »
I use magnetic pistol whenever possible. I only got a few duds that way. Explosion under keel kills em with 1 or 2 hits. Usually I add 1m to keel depth. Another advantage of magnetic pistol is that you get better succes at steep angles. I blown up ships from dead 6 that way -  e.g. when you cannot catch em.

Drawback is that they get very unreliable in bad weather conditions. High waves makes keel depth unpredictable.

If I really need to sink a big target in 1 go (convoy for example) I use a salvo of mixed magnetic and impact. Ok, that takes a lot of torpedos but usually a fat tgt is worth it.


At the moment I am in the middle of a huge convoy (10+ vessels). I sank a large tanker and a C2 in the first attack. Being chased by the destroyer now. Man, it's fun to dodge between the ships. Stayed at persicope depth most of the time trying to get one of the convoy ships between me and the destroyer. I flanked a C3 (first one I saw) by 5m or so. It's american and we got early 1940 - so I am unsure to sink it. Well, it IS supplying the British - so I guess it's ok... :D

Using the hydrophone with that many tgts is hard though. I hope I make it out alive!
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Offline Schutt

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« Reply #88 on: March 23, 2005, 04:22:33 AM »
I saw that map screenshot listing M, i installed my game in german version and play in german and the map lists kilometers which is a chore.

Does the english version list land miles or sea miles?

calculating knots to kilometers is unnecessary for a naval game i think.

Apart from that, i think the maps should really have the ports mapped to.

Never crashed on me so far, but i dont use the crew auto management.

I leave one crew spot empty in the Type II boat, made it easier for me to handle the crew, have the same amount in the back crew room than in the engine room but only 6 crewman and 4 maates needed.

If the crew is exhausted from a battle make sure to switch as soon as you have fully rested ones. Fully rested sitting in the bed will make you loose "overall resting capability".

Cruising to and from target at one third gives enogh fuel to rturn to base and spend some time at full ahead chasing contacts.

The merchants are using routes, once you know them in your area you can travel along those to find em.

I found a lot of traffic and no enemy destroyers at the begining between danmark and norway.

I travel back all the way to my harbor but im not sure if that gives extra points or not. I am sure the hit is not big, so before you run out of fuel after completing mission you can hit esc and return to home base, eaven if your nearly out of fuel, guess they sail home.

I use magnetic under keel but untill now always needed 2 for C2 cargo, smaller ones needed 1.

Best shot was a C Class destroyer from 3000m out, couldnt get closer without surfacing cause he was to fast for my dived speed of 7 knots. 2 Torps in 2 degree fan, one of em hit and sunk it.

Offline Bluedog

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« Reply #89 on: March 23, 2005, 04:42:40 AM »
Originally posted by moose
wasnt there outlines of where fuel/ammo were on the original recognition manual screenshots?i seem to remember them, maybe im creazy

I'd say there's little doubt moose, you are certifiable ;)

But that feature you are talking about is definately still in the game, it shows up when your U-boat is pointed within about +/- 10 deg from having a 'perfect' 90 deg deflection shot, or 180 deg for the stern tube.

You must have the recognition manual open on the right class of boat for the one you are targeting also.

You can just click a box for engine room, fuel tanks, keel etc, and let her rip.