Originally posted by Angus
So, that's what struck me. Barbi claims that the DB was about,,,what,,,,30% more fuel saving (?), so on the equal fuel load, the 109 should have ventured further than it did, - or the Spitfires should have ventured much shorter than they did.
Well, they still went where they went.
Well the report Guppy was kind to post says Spitfires went a
whole 30 miles into France.If you want to know wheter the DB was ca.30% more 'fuel saving', you only have to check the engine cards if this is true. They say :
Merlin III, ca 1050 HP, Combat : 89 imp. gallon hour (404 liter/h)
DB 601A, ca. 1050 HP, Kurzleistung : 69 imp. gallon/hour (313 liter/hour).
29% better fuel effiency for the DB.
Merlin 61, 1560 HP, Combat : 130 igph, or 590 lit/hour
DB 605A, 1550 PS, Notleistung : 470 liter/hour
25% better fuel effiency for the DB.
Merlin 66, +25, 1960 HP, Combat : 197 igph, or 895 lit/h
DB 605D, 1,98ata, Sondernotleistung : 650 liters/hour
37% better fuel effiencz for the DB.
Originally posted by Angus
Then to the secon phase.
I have over and over seen Barbi's statements off how quickly the Merlins got thirstier, and hence the Spitfires running on their normal 85 gallons, should have been getting shorter and shorter legs. So, time for RL stats
Like, range at 220 mph IAS econo cruise :
Bf 109 G : 725 miles on 88 gallons
Spit IXLF : 434 miles on 85 gallons
Indeed the earlier Marks of Spit were probably more fuel efficient, so I guess their range were ca. 500+ miles.
We have yet to see the documentation for the SpitI and Vs range. Considering that many Spit affiendos are watching this thread, and obviously have such data at hand, I wonder the reason why dont they post it...
What does this tell you?
The answer to the riddle promoted earlier is this:
Spitfire Mk IX, low flight up & down through clouds and fronts, 200 gallons max used, flight time 5 hrs, distance equal to east-Anglia to Berlin and back, Pilot Jeffrey Quill.
I my have some PR data to come, but, well, this is a 109 thread [/B]
Looks about right on the first glance, I have yet to find the IX range docs for ca 200 gallons. The difference is, the Spit had to carry 60% of the fuel externally to get that range, making jettisoning of the droptank a very bad idea - and the aircraft a lumbering beast burdened with a huge d/t.109s had as good range on 154 gallons, which meant they had 88 gallons internal after the they dropped 66 gallon tank, making such d/t missions practical for combat operations, unlike in the case of the Spitfire.
R-R would have to pay some attention to the fuel economy, not just being fixated on raising boost...