Not really an intel bathroom story, but it is an intel story.
I'm sure you are familiar with "codes" (for those less fortunate to have worked onsite at an intle facility, codes are called over the PA system whenever an Emergency Response Team needs to meet, and the code is followed by the building number assiciated with the meeting). At least that's how it worked up until I left. Anyhow, I was working down in the subfab of Fab5 (I think this has been torn down now?) by an acid storage room. I was familiar with a lot of the chemicals in this room and I knew that most of it was stuff you really didn't want to get in contact with. Anyhow, I walk past the room, and can see someone lying on the ground inside, through the small window that's in the door. He wasn't moving. So I knocked on the door. Nothing. Now I was panicked. I banged on the door a few more times, no luck. Finally, I opened the door and peeked in (shouldn't have, really, without SCBA gear on). I said, "Hey, are you alright?"
"Hey man, I'm going to go call someone, if you can hear me."
So I went to the nearest phone, thinking this guy must be dead. Called up the emergency line, and told them what was going on. At first they treated me oddly, and I couldn't figure out what was going on. I just wanted someone to respond to this emergency. Finally, someone came on the line and said that this guy was an ERT member, and they were just about to run a drill, and that he must be thinking I'm the one whose supposed to "discover" him.
Shoot, I nearly swore a blue streak, after practically crapping my pants thinking that something major was wrong. Shortly afterwads, I hear over the PA, "Code 5, Code 5, Code5". They were just assembling to have the drill. So I walked back to the Acid room and did what I needed to in there, and the guy on the floor apologized for scaring me so bad.
Anyhow, that's my best intel story.
Oh, once we caught a contractor over in D1B (while it was being constructed at Aloha) peeing in a trash can on the main fab level. That counts, doesn't it?