Welcome to the real world of Washington...
Nixon lied and misused his office to cover up crimes perpetrated by some of the oafs working for him. He did so because he was a politician, and a particularly bitter and slightly paranoid one at that.
Woodward and Bernstein and Rather and a pack of other editors, journalists, and talking heads flayed him alive because they are liberals and he was a conservative, because they despised him, and because it was a great story they would have sold their own grandmothers to be the first to publish.
W. Mark Felt illegally fed classified information from the ongoing FBI investigation to Woodward and Bernstein for a number of reasons, not the least of them because Nixon passed over one of Hoover's groomed proteges in favor of Gray, a man he knew he could control.
Who's the hero in all this? In my worthless opinion, None of the above.
Something to ponder, I seriously doubt if any of us would be in favor of the "leak first" methodology if we happened to be the target of the FBI investigation. This methodology has been used more than once to destroy the career and reputation of men and women who ultimately turned out to be innocent. By the time the investigation closed however, irreversible damage had already been done. Personally, I am a strong believer in keeping the details of a criminal investigation confidential until an indictment is brought regardless of the individual or their politics.