Author Topic: The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....  (Read 3069 times)

Offline Animal

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2001, 07:06:00 PM »
hehe cool nice story dad  :)
I love the "you got ripped off" cops.
they are so "IN THE KNOW"

Offline easymo

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2001, 08:25:00 PM »
Had 3 kids.

Offline capt. apathy

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2001, 08:29:00 PM »
it's a long story and i don't come out too well in it.

Offline Hangtime

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2001, 08:53:00 PM »
I know whatcha mean there, Cap'n... totin around some herb is about the least dumb thing I survived back then.

Why I'm still walkin round the planet is beyond me, and in the domain of fortune cookies and miss cleo.

..went to work drunk and stoned, nail-gunned my own hand..

..drove a duce and a half off a cliff.. chased around my vw by a boar i'd just hit..

..woke up inna hospital after breakin up a guy-squeak fight.. the squeak nearly killed me..

..tried to stop a falling pallet of truck parts by turning and pushing back..

..leaned up against a jeep door that wasn't there.. at 40mph..

Theres more. My bones ache thinkin about it..
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Udie

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2001, 09:14:00 PM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:
Just out of curiousity, how did you manage to hallucinate for a long period of time off of ecstasy?

It takes a good number of "today's" pills to pull that off (4 or 5 of okay ones, 2 of good ones but it only lasts for about an hour or two)...

Were the cut with LSD(I don't believe you can actually pull that off), or was it half MDA and half..... something else?

Just asking.

The fact that you guys thought you could fire a gun and actually hit something was probably stupider than doing it. My eyes would rapidly twitch back n forth too much for me to keep focused on anything. And my hands would shake too much for me to steadily hold a rifle too, I'd probably somehow manage to shoot myself in the ass.

 I tried to private message you but it won't let me.  Could you give me your email?  I don't want to post a reply here as I don't do that stuff anymore and don't want to sound like a total junky here but I defenately would like to swap some stories with ya from back in "the day"  :)


 Do we share the same DNA?  Your probobly like me, knowing you will die by some stupid act you had no idea would kill you.  Like getting in your car or something.   :D

[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Udie ]

[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Udie ]

Offline MrBill

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2001, 09:42:00 PM »
Volunteering for a lurp insertion 2 weeks after "graduating" from ES classes.

Attempting to see how fast I could get from Denver to the Springs in a hemi powered Savoy set up for turn left dirt tracks.  UMMMM YAAAAS to the required safety equipment, and alcoholic relaxants.  (we salvaged the block and a couple tires)

With racing out of the picture maybe smoke jumping was the way to go ... NOT.  

Deciding that because I was the same height and 6 lb heavier than Rocky Marciano, I too could have a pro boxing career.  

Deciding to turn the third story apt of the house into a hemp farm to "get rich quick"

Then I turned 25 and I guess a couple of brain cells decided to start functioning.   :)
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We grow old because we stop playing

Offline capt. apathy

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2001, 10:07:00 PM »
ok, i've thought it over and i'll tell the story.
 i was 19 yrs old about 2 weeks b4 my sons first thanksgiving. i was making about $3.90
an hour and we where very broke. had no money for the dinner, and was on my way home at 8am from a 16 hour shift.
 it's about 25 deg. and as i head home in the middle of nowhere i see this turkey, he's keeping warm by sunning himself in the middle of the road. he hardly moves out of the way when i go by (the road was warm from the sun so he musta been cold), so i stop about 30' past him and look in my car for options.  all i have is a spool of speaker wire so i make a lasso(figuring it's a longshot but i've got nothing to lose)

 i'd like to interject at this point that while we had domestic turkeys around the farm while i grew up, i'd never been exposed to wild turkeys and they are a completely different animal.

so i pop open the trunk (to stuff him in there to take him home and fatten him up).
and armed with my improvised lasso i go after the turkey, i walk up real slow like, and he starts moving away when i get about 8-10' away, so i through the wire and i actually catch him around the neck and start reeling him in, feeling very proud of myself and quite clever, and saying to myself over and over 'I GOT HIM!!, I GOT HIM!!',
things where looking bright as i reached out and grabbed him by the neck, at this point, 'i got him'  quickly turned into "HE'S GOT ME, HE'S GOT ME!!! "

for those of you who've never experianced a wild turkey up close and personal like, let me tell you they are NOTHING like their domestic counterparts.
domestic turkeys are slow,dumb, easily pushed around.
wild turkeys on the other hand, have big claws, a very sharp beak, have a real fighting spirit, and there wings push enough air that when they flap there wings up against the side of your head your ears pop as if you've been slapped on the ear hard.
so here i am holding this bird by the neck my ears ringing, trying to find away to let go as he shreds my long sleved shirt up past the biceps, taking deep furrows out of my arm (kinda like i was attacked with a carrot pealer)so i manage to get away from the bird and he trots off to a feild.
i make it to my car, arm shreded and bleeding heavy.
i hate losing and i can be vindictive (not proud of it, but there it is)
so i jump the ditch in my mustang and haul bellybutton around this feild until i run over, then back over the turkey,  HA I WIN. not so tough now are you, ya dumb fluff'n bird
so iget the car back on the road and make it the 40 miles home. lost about 1 1/2 cups of blood on the drive home and the car was a mess, the whole right side of me from my shoulder to my knees was covered in blood, the shirt looked like it went through a 'incredible hulk' episode, and my ears where still ringging pretty loud.
i walk in the house and the wife asks what happend.
i just said "shut up and get the peroxide and bandages"
it was about 9 months before i told her what happened and probly 10 or 12 years b4 i told anybody else.

like i said " it's a long story and i don't come out too well in it"

[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: capt. apathy ]

Offline mrfish

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2001, 10:17:00 PM »
last cogent memory was seeing an assortment of beautiful fluffy white and beige powders laid before me and thinking about how good it felt to be all set for a few days.

my usual set of moocher friends were salivating for some kickdowns and saying nice things to me and handing me some purple drink and drawing the shades in paranoia.

confidently i said "hell, i could probably even mix all this sh&t, i mean that'd be fun right?...."

<insert fuzziness here>

next clear memory was wearing an open backed hospital gown dragging a toppled iv stand behind me and pissing on a wall in a hospital hallway with a cast on my arm, 15 or so stitches on one side of my head and about 10 on the other, with a freakishly swollen lip, none of my 'friends' in sight, and saying to myself:

"why the hell am i pissing on this hallway wall and what are all these people staring at?"

in fact i'm pretty sure i asked them what the hell they were staring at as well.  :D

did some time in the mountains getting clean and serene after that one. still got a crooked finger though since the fool set my bone wrong - the other bones healed ok
at least. used up about 3 o' my 9 lives that night.

waking up face-down on the street next to a bus stop was another proud moment but i think i'll hold on to that one for now. i just hope no one has pictures from those days!

Offline AKSWulfe

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2001, 09:54:00 AM »
Check your private messages Udie.

Offline Ripsnort

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2001, 09:57:00 AM »
Originally posted by easymo:
Had 3 kids.

ROTFLOL! (give me sympathy, brother!)

Offline Gunthr

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2001, 10:47:00 AM »
I was on a motorcycle trip with some buddies up in Quebeck/Ontario,Canada, way out in the boonies, pup-tenting our way accross the wilderness.

We were on very infrequently traveled roads, and I had gotten about ten miles ahead of my buddies. I stopped at an interesting hairpin turn in the road and set up an accident scene, with my bike layed down in the middle of the road, and me splayed out with ketchup on my head. My buddies knew I had whiskey in my canteen, so sprinkled good Canadian whiskey all around, and on my jacket.

Well, it was the OPP that came around the turn, not my buddies!

I had some 'splaining to do.   :) Long story short, the cop eventually laughed about the whole thing.

I'll keep my stupidist and craziest antics to myself   ;)


[ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: Gunthr ]
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Offline midnight Target

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2001, 11:17:00 AM »
I was once a Special Education Teacher in California. This is a true and accurate account of one of our less well thought out activities.

We were on a trip to San Diego with most of our "Less developementally disabled students" which is PC speak for less retarded. One of these students was fairly high functioning, but had set phrases he would repeat whenever he was agitated or worried. These phrases included "It's Monday Hon", "Out-the-way copper", and "Scores 14 to 7". He also happened to be hispanic.

Well, someone got the bright idea to take a few of these guys shopping across the border in Tijuana. "What a great idea!" we all thought in our hippie dazed drugged out minds. And it was ok, until we brought them back across the border.
Now at that time (late 70's) the US Border Patrol used to lean into the window and look everyone in the eye asking "Where were you born?" This agitated our student for some reason, so when the officer got to him he blurted "Its Monday Hon!"

Thinking this poor kid didn't understand the question (it wasn't Monday) the BP Officer tried again. To which our student replied even louder "OUT THE WAY COPPER!" "SCORES 14 7!"

Yes, the car was sent over to the detention area. Yes, we talked our way out of the situation eventually, and Yes, everyone I worked with at the time will still double over at the mere mention of "Out the way copper".

Offline Gunthr

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2001, 11:29:00 AM »
LOL Tah Gut- reminds me of the outing in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
"When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off."  - Helvetius 18th Century

Offline Tac

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2001, 11:39:00 AM »
I was unfortunate enough to be witness to this extreme act of stupidity.

Camping near the lake (on fishin trip) with 2 friends and some friends of my friend I just got to know that day... campfire is lit and we're cooking some fish and joking around.

Then this moron decides to spice things up and throws a handful of bullets into the fire.

We actually RAN to the fuking lake and dove in, there was no other cover. late night, gdamn cold. popopopopopop.

The military police came over to investigate an hour after it happened. They found 1 guy with black eyes and broken nose and 6 very pissed off youngsters.

Offline Raubvogel

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The most stupid and crazy thing you've ever done....
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2001, 12:04:00 PM »
capt apathy, thanks for making me bust a gut on a crappy day. That's the funniest toejam I've heard in a long time  :D