Author Topic: "Social Justice" type SF Bay Area 20yr old leftist joins taliban...........  (Read 5669 times)

Offline Karnak

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"Social Justice" type SF Bay Area 20yr old leftist joins taliban...........
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2001, 05:54:00 AM »

I know you're not a Fascist.

I wasn't implying that you are either, I was saying that like you are not a Fascist, so I am not a Communist.

I was assuming that you are a Conservative.

Many times I've seen rabid Conservatives, unlike rational Conservatives, accuse me, and anyone from the left side of American politics, of being Communists.

The two, Communism and Fascism, are the harmful extremes of Liberalism and Conservatism.  There are very few Americans who would fit either category.

As for the guy in the story, he couldn't be a Communist as he was action based on his religious views. Communism and religion are not compatable.
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Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2001, 06:07:00 AM »
Communism is a economic system not a polical one.

Offline -lynx-

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« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2001, 06:10:00 AM »
OTOH, who knows what crazy tricks the Taliban used to brainwash the poor bastard.
Jeepers - what's that got to do with anything? He's not a child - he knew exactly what he was doing. I hope he gets done for treason.

"When you’re young and impressionable, it’s easy to be led by charismatic people.” Oh please - 60 years ago there were millions of those. They died on battle fields or were hanged for war crimes later.

Communism and religion are not compatable.
I wouldn't be so sure if I were you...

Communism is a economic system not a polical one.  
??? Blimey... That's a novel approach to it. As a guy with a C in Scientific Communism I have to tell you that you're wrong, tovarisch ;)

[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: -lynx- ]

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"Social Justice" type SF Bay Area 20yr old leftist joins taliban...........
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2001, 06:32:00 AM »
Communism is a economic system not a polical one.

capitalism is an economic system. comunism is a political system wich also handles the economy by integrating it. quite miserably i may add.

Karnak - I am not a conservative. In fact, I dont very much enjoy thinking or talking about politics, but if I had to define myself, I'd say I go more to the left, same as you.

Offline Duckwing6

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« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2001, 07:02:00 AM »
The funny thing is that Conservative right wingers are about the same than the Taliban.. just the Taliban are consrevative right wingers with a hefty dose of religion clouding their brains too...

Offline Eagler

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« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2001, 09:41:00 AM »
no worries, the ACLU will get the little "brainwashed" hairy bastard off on a technicality, he'll write a book, make the talk show circuit and retire fat and happy back in CA. Tired of seeing his traitor arse on tv already...maybe he'll have an "accident" b4 he leaves country.
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Offline Ripsnort

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"Social Justice" type SF Bay Area 20yr old leftist joins taliban...........
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2001, 09:45:00 AM »
Best punishment is hand him over to the Northern Alliance...I'm sure they will treat him with tender loving care.  :D


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"Social Justice" type SF Bay Area 20yr old leftist joins taliban...........
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2001, 11:36:00 AM »
Karnak my definition of "leftist" does not work within the traditional USA political definition of left and right or liberal or conservative democrat or republican. John Kennedy was a liberal and a democract but he certainly was not a leftist. Ralph Nader on the other hand is slowly getting there, extremist lunatics like Noam Chomsky have pretty much arrived.

What I mean by leftist is the rabid USA hating crowd, the anti democratic anarchist types or the anti democratic communist types. Often they cloak themselves as intellectuals, but are really lazy arrogant complainers. Most hate or resent capialism because it doesnt reward their lazy "liberal arts" education in with salaries comparable to people with real jobs, which pretty much makes them marxists regardless of any other things they belive. Further most leftists ive met, and believe me Ive met plenty, deeply belive in class warfare and this thing they call "Social Justice" which is little more than glorified communism, class warfare, a spate of victimization complexes, and quite frankly a good deal of racial warfare and outright dishonest propaganda as well.

A  liberal is one who may have some justified concerns about out war in Afghanistan or our legal behavior at home, a leftist is anyone who put up the follwing signs.






A leftist is more concerned by the fact that Afghanistans Taliban are poor, muslim, (something else too), and that they are kinda folksy and ragtag then they are concerned that the taliban and al qaeda  killed some 4000 americans in a single day. Get it yet? The diddlying leftists hate america and they want it destroyed. They hate america, they hate real domcracy (they call most US voting population idiots since they dont vote green pary or some such nonsense), they hate freedom of thought and expression - they call this Political Correctness, frankly something I think was a fine idea but has been nurtured by leftists into a terrible monster. And so on and so on and so on.......

So yes I do diddlying hate leftists, every real American from the left to right should seriously consider hating them and be wary of them because they are bad people who are trying to take this countr away from us.

Finally leftists may be people who blantly refuse to display the US flag at a US public library on concerns of not being offensive (To whom I ask?), then post an "art" display of ceramic severed human noodlees "strung out to dry" in support of some cozy "appropriate" political cause.

[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: GRUNHERZ ]

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2001, 11:42:00 AM »
hmm, just where in this thread did Grun label all leftists as traitors and say he hates all liberals?

In my reading of the initial post, it looks like Grun is saying he hates the people who are actually traitors and go to help the Taliban (I recall at least two other cases posted on the O'Club of this happening, one British and one from New York).  That's just my reaction from reading it, I can't speak as to what Grun's intents were.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

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« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2001, 12:25:00 PM »
What kind of parent allows their kid to travel to foregin country by himself to learn a language ?

That's what tutors are for....

I have a question for you fellows, was he a traitor before Sept 11 too ?
Or just after ?

Grun, he prabably ain't much different from you. Same extremist beliefs just in different direction.
You might want to start controling yourself...

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2001, 12:47:00 PM »
Abdul Hamid is an insignificant turd. This confused boy isn't worth the time and trouble of shipping him to the U.S. much less a full blown tribunal.

Offline easymo

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« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2001, 01:26:00 PM »
"They ignore the proud tradition of American Liberals putting themselves in harms way for their beliefs in freedom and equality in favor of only seeing the man who wears his patriotism on his sleeve as willing to put himself in the line of fire."

I must have missed these guys, when I was in Vietnam.

  Of all the total BS I have seen on these boards.  This has to be the topper.

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2001, 01:35:00 PM »
bay area leftists are a special breed though.

it doesn't matter what the issues are they will be against it because their identity is based on dissent. they have a physical uniform they wear, approved facial expressions and an urge to argue about everything, etc etc - it's like a starter kit only it's ideas.

 they are bored suburban guilty white girls(the guys are girls too afaiac)and they dont have a clue.

you can tell they are naive too because they are all marxists. you know what a marxist is? someone less than 1yr out of college that's what. everyone's a marxist til they realize that human greed would negate the effectiveness of a marxist society - they all have a che guevare poster somewhere because they saw it on a rage album or something....boring boring boring...anyway...

they are the kind of people that made their dolls have arguments at pretend tea parties when they were little and then made them talk it out and be friends. they got to be the mommy and say "see now i told you we could work it now share and sing...kumbaya"

they are convinced that this, a sit in with candles and hand-holding and a bake sale will fix the world and that everyone except white males is fundamentally good and oppressed and if they were in charge of the world everything would be fine.

like a black woman midget lesbian moslem president would be the best choice because they oppressed in multiple ways and therefore more noble and intelligent.

it's kinda their way of finding identity and being cool. they are just choosing one of the boring prepackaged personas that 99% of american droids buy instead of creating themsleves as a person.

this is a nation of lazy automoton consumerbots and the right is just as guilty of buying into a prexisting persona as the left, its just different. as long as you both drag your pittance down to the strip mall who cares.

you could have just as well chosen "god will show me who to use my manly gun on" v 1.03

these people just chose: "socially conscious cool person" v 1.06

they are required to protest something with a peace sign and since there isnt much to protest these days since there isnt much war so they jump when a war ike this comes along. they HOPE a cop shows up in riot gear so that they can be sprayed with tear gas and have some actual struggle in their lives.

their premade persona was created in the 60s and even though it is irrelevant for the times today, they still want the same experiences as that generation. just drive thru berkeley. you will see long hairs in vw busses with all kinds of procohcoice stickers etc - do you think thats an accident??? no its a UNIFORM a flag, a badge, a resume....its a readymade life is what it is.

they sit around with their headphones on getting teary over one of bono's peace on earth speeches etc.

it's easier to buy one of these ready made identities because you dont have to think. just match all issues that arise against your list of pre-approved views and viola! you avoid having to use reason or making tough decisions.

they are boring and predictable, the tough guys in the big trucks that "dont take no toejam<hock lugie here>"on the right are boring and predictable and the people reporting and legislating on the whole mess are boring and predictable.  

perhaps an alien will wipe us out with a massive energy ray some that would be entertaining  ;)

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« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2001, 03:17:00 PM »
HEHE good post mrfish  :)

Offline miko2d

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« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2001, 03:26:00 PM »
If your are not liberal at twenty, you do not have a heart. If you are not a concervarive at thirty, you do not have a brain.
 Who said that? Churchill?