Nashwan is propagating a sinlge 'MkV' test which has a strange spike on it (it was repeated in NACA report 868).
He claims it to be a flight test,
however every time I ask him to post the ENTIRE document, he refuses it... strange!Moreso, None of the other Spitfire roll rate tests show similiar 'spike', which is rather abnormal. It seems to indicate the uniquely high roll curve Hop is showing is a result of calculations, or, simple extrapolation of aileron effectiveness and stickforce, and was not actually measured.
Interestinly enough, Dave Southwood who flew the clipped Spitfire, claims 3 seconds (=120 deg/sec) for the plane as peak roll rate.
He was a liar, like rest of the British pilots, as Guppy said.
I wonder if Nashwan will deny again to provide to complete document and cherry-pick from it while dismissing half a dozen contradictionary test results, or just skip the whole and leave us with his claims unsupported, as usual.
To me the paper he presented looks like a calculated/extrapolated performance probably from a experimatal plane used to evaluate new types of ailerons on the Spit, and these facts are pointed out in the rest of the report Nashwan denies us to see.
Here are more of Guppy`s 'liar' british pilots :
NACA roll curves for Spitfire. No 'spike'.
Aussia RAAF roll curves for Spitfire. No 'spike'.
Here`s another one from AVIA 6 10126/2. Comparison of Mustang and Spitfire roll rates, Aug 1942:
Here are British interviews with RAF pilots who flew both clipped and normal winged Spits
As per Guppy, these pilots including a WING COMMANDER, were liars, too.
Note that while Nashwan`s chart cliams the clipped wing Spitfire would roll with and even the FW 190.
Five pilots have to say on that in regards of rolls :
"Clipped wing Spitfire is unable to hold FW 190 in rolling manouveribility"
"No, the Spit does not stand a chance"
"Definietely not".
Liars, all they are, according to Nashwan and Guppy.
Of course, Nashwan for some reason won`t post the details of the test... probably because it for some odd experimental machine or calculation, as the spikes indicate.