Originally posted by KONG1
You are under the impression that you punished him and this caused him to run away. You simply satiated his need for attention. His complaining and whining about you acting like him just got him more attention. You did not stop him from flying, he could have easily moved over one base and upped a jet or a rocket and harassed you guys some more.
If hes gone now, its not that you ran him off, hard to do when you give him what he wants. Hes just somewhere else, kicking over sandcastles, pulling girls hair, and griefing other gamer
You remind me of those whimpy, do-gooders who let 3-time murderers back on the street for good behavior.
Actually, Kong I (we) did run him off. He left the DA. He came back an hour later and spent 10 minutes in the tower (never upped or said a word) waiting for us to leave. He did that again a half hour later. He was gone for two days.
Next time I saw him, we was playing nice, fighting with Hemp. Eventually Check6'ed me, to which I replied I would never engage with him again and if I saw one round go in my direction from him, he was on the ground again. He never said a word and left.
I've been in there twice more and he eventually Check6's me and I ignore it. He's never fired another round at me.
So Kong, the proof is in the results. Punishment, if its near enough and dear enough to the perp's heart, will work. Of course, he's the socially inept, short-memory type so I expect he'll get rambunctious again some time in the future. But I'll bet the resulting punishment will not have to be as long or severe to get results. We'll see.
As for whether there are two people using the same account, I obviously can't be definitive, but I don't buy it.
First, his Jekyll and Hyde behavior has occured in the same session. And the voice has always been the same. So unless there is tag team flying going on, it's a single person who both plays nice, then goes off the wagon, hard.
And here is another reason this guy is a little off. I don't know if any of you have seen this as well, but I've seen Liam in the MA trolling for victims to come with him to the DA.
His message usually reads something like, "Anyone up for going to the DA?". I mean this tells me he's hard up for whatever kicks he's getting in the DA and that he has no clue about the MA. Now, that's his perogative, but leads me to buy into his being a very strange individual (like all of us are not, ha!).
Anyway, the main thing you are missing Kong is that the rules in the DA have been agreed upon by the greater majority of the society that plays there, and it is encumbent upon every individual who values and abides by those rules to enforce them because the reality of the DA is, there is currently no other authority to do so. Not the Trainers or HTC, at the moment.
And given that and the reality of the limited actions capable in a virtual gaming world where everyone is essentially anonymous and untraceable, the only available method of 'policing' the DA left to the members of its society, and enforce some restraint on violators, is to use the airplane in the only way possible, i.e. vulch him to prevent him from flying and interfering with others.
Finally, IF there are two people using LiamRay's account, AND one is a parent, adult or other such authority over the junior partner, then THAT person is ultimately responsible for the behavior of the junior. Should THEY know about this behavior and not do anything about it, then they are just as guilty, in my opinion.