Author Topic: Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:  (Read 6337 times)

Offline funkedup

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #45 on: June 29, 2001, 01:26:00 PM »
sweeping generalisations involving the word 'you' are a little tedious

LOL True!  If anyone feels that my comments don't describe him accurately then please consider himself excluded from those comments.   :)

Offline funkedup

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #46 on: June 29, 2001, 01:29:00 PM »
And yes I agree that European nations have been very well behaved since the USA took a strong interest in European affairs.  I hope this trend continues as the USA steps away from the nanny role.    :)

I actually have a pretty high opinion of almost all of the Europeans I have met.  But when their political leaders insist that people in my country live the way they want us to, you can understand that I am a bit irritated, especially considering recent world history.   :)

[ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: funkedup ]

Offline mietla

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #47 on: June 29, 2001, 01:32:00 PM »
Originally posted by Dowding:
America effectively stole the country from the native inhabitants, killed each over it and supported institutionalised racial segregation deep into 20th century. Just for starters.

Actually we were British then.

Offline funkedup

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #48 on: June 29, 2001, 01:33:00 PM »
Yeah damned Limeys!!!

Offline ispar

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #49 on: June 29, 2001, 01:36:00 PM »
Ok... what you are saying (some of you, I mean) is that because global warming cannot be conclusively, beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt confirmed, than it must not exist? Piffle.

Chances are that it DOES exist. It may not be so serious as to end he world next Tuesday, but it WILL have consequences, and not very far in the future! So why don't you just pull your collective head out of your collective... hole in the ground, wise up to the fact that there IS a threat?

Offline Ripsnort

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #50 on: June 29, 2001, 01:56:00 PM »
No, we are saying we believe it exists, but the left wing wackos and politicians are blowing it up FAR MORE than the issue really is, thus sucking your tax dollars, porking the politics, and laughing all the way to the bank..some of you are pissed because you've been had.  :)

Offline Eagler

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #51 on: June 29, 2001, 02:31:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
No, we are saying we believe it exists, but the left wing wackos and politicians are blowing it up FAR MORE than the issue really is, thus sucking your tax dollars, porking the politics, and laughing all the way to the bank..some of you are pissed because you've been had.   :)

Right on Rip!

If there is any global warming, it's from all the hot air coming from the Europe and the left in the US  :)

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Offline Dowding

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #52 on: June 29, 2001, 02:35:00 PM »
Bollocks, Mietla. The cops in Birmingham, Alabama in the 60s were British? British soldiers fought British soldiers at Gettysburg? Custer was in fact a British officer?

News to me and perhaps anyone but you. What do they teach in Ami schools these days?   :D

How very convenient and, of course, shallow. Blame any unpleasantness on your heritage, yet any success is due to the greatness of the good ol' US of A.   ;)

Eagler - isn't there some newspaper cutting you can post to substitute for having any opinions of your own?  ;)

[ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Dowding ]
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline mietla

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #53 on: June 29, 2001, 02:40:00 PM »
Is "yanking your chain" expression known in England?

Offline hblair

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #54 on: June 29, 2001, 02:44:00 PM »
Hey dowding, I live 60 miles north of Birmingham. There's a civil rights museum there. People come from all over the US to visit it. B'ham has had a black mayor for 21 years.

Now, lets talk about northern Ireland. So-called Catholics and prodestants killing each other over what? How many bombs explode in the average year there?

Offline narsus

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #55 on: June 29, 2001, 03:19:00 PM »
honestly i believe we are polluting the planet, but I think the best step we can take would be to stop the brazilian government from chopping down the trees in the amazon. Affecting nature directly ie. choppong tons of tree down has a far greater affect than driving our cars.

Forgot the volcano that blew its top in the philipenes (sp) changed global temps down 1 degree.

poluting our drinking water etc. should be a larger goal IMO.


Offline Yoj

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #56 on: June 29, 2001, 03:39:00 PM »
Originally posted by jihad:

I suggest you educate yourself a bit more on this issue, go to  and check out the NOVA articles on global warming, especially the articles about using ice core analysis to show climate history.

LOL - there's a laugh.  You suggest better education and then refer me to NOVA and PBS? That's like referring to the Fox Network as a source in a discussion on history.  No thanks - I'll stick with Scientific American, Nature, Science, and excerpts from the various Journals, like Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

Sorry Jihad, but, with all DUE respect, you don't know what you're talking about.

- Yoj

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #57 on: June 29, 2001, 03:50:00 PM »
No thanks - I'll stick with Scientific American, Nature, Science, and excerpts from the various Journals, like Theoretical and Applied Climatology.


Go ahead and read/believe your Sierra Club tripe. I won't debate someone who allows others to make up his mind for him.   ;)

As far as knowing what I'm talking about, ice cores don't lie - unlike the lemmings who write for those magazines.

Offline miko2d

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #58 on: June 29, 2001, 03:55:00 PM »
Originally posted by Sparks:
People who know me in person know that I am a generally tolerant.
That is not obvious from your post. It seems that once you see something that you are ignorant about, instead of figuring out or learning why that is, your tolerance runs out.
 Please allow me to enlighten you on a few points any child is supposed to learn in school:

I couldn't give a toss about what scientists say about global warming - I do give a toss about what I see in my life every day
 What use seing if you brain is not involved?

I see 1 in 4 kids in our schools carrying inhalers for asthmer - it was almost unheard of when I was at school
 And when was that? In the few recent decades medicine made enormous progress - especially pediatric care and obstetrics. Infant mortality dropped enormously so lots of babies who would not have a chance to survive pregnancy or first few months are alive today so you can see them. Of course those people would be less healthy then avarage. Plus they would in turn make babies who would inherit their parent's weaknesses.
 On top of that you have huge progress in fertility treatments so sick people who would not have had babies in the past now often do and sometimes have babies with inheritable diseases.
  How about our generous welfare state where the whole generations of mothers are using drugs and alcohol and making sick babies by the dozen to survive and tarnish your statistics?

 Similar thing happened in WWI when introduction of steel helmets caused more people with headwounds in the hospitals - not becasue helmets attracted bullets but because they allowed survive a bullet hit with just a wound!

 So you see how a positive thing of more babies being born and surviving despite some of them being weaker is presented as a negative by manipulating politicians or morons like you.

I see every man and his dog with unexplained allergies
 Same thing as the  previous point plus lots of cheap food produced that involve artificial ingredients, lots of new materials some people are allergic to, etc. Nobody prevents people from buying all-natural stuff. It is more expencive then common products but not more expencive then natural stuff was 50 years ago when it was produced on inferior technology or manually. If you buy a Honda Civic instead of Ford Explorer every five years, the difference would be enough to pay for all-natural food and clothes. Most people do not chose that.

I see my and my neighbours and relatives dying of cancers of every type
 Lot of them would not have been diagnosed in the past or would not have survived to get cancer because average life expectancy is much longer now. Are you going to argue that it is not? All your personal observations are BS because people do live longer, not shorter lives and that is a common knowlege.

I see millions of acres of every type of enviroment destroyed to make money - tropical forest in Africa for oil, rain forest in South America for timber and cattle
 Have you noticed that human population increased considerably over the same time?

I see the blind use of finite resources because they are there and cheap.
 Once they start running out, they will get more expencive.

WHAT THE HOLY F**K do you all think is going to happen when all this cheap fuel runs out ??????
 Then it will become commercially feasable to invest money into newer or more expencive tectnologies. The laws of society and ecnomics are as basic laws of nature as the physical law of gravity.

What do you think our grand kids are going to do when the last of the fossil fuel resources are controlled by one or two countries or corporations.
 They will stop buying huge SUVs and industrial size air-conditioners and having showers every day and switch to solar collectors.

So 1776 why don't you look past your own selfish life and think what we might be capable of in another 4000 years.
 Why would we care what will happen in 4000 years? We can plan for no longer then 20 years anyway because everything changes too fast - rechnology, explosive population growth, politics.

We strive for constant economic growth because the bean counters in grey suits say thats the only way for a country's economy to survive and so we fight for the resources to keep growing
 They are only saying that because shareholders (us) want that. What is your pencion fund invested in?

and you know what?? - those resources have to come from somewhere, from other poorer people or from natural resource but from somewhere. Its a culture of pure greed and laziness and it's worldwide - poachers killing tigers in Russia or Shell digging for oil in Antartica its all the same "F**K you and everyone else there's money to be made here" .... and I tell you I am sick to the pit of my stomach with it.
 And we are all voting for it every day when we pay money for stuff we could live without and for comforts that are not really necessary, etc... Such is a human nature.

 P.S. Quite a few of your points are correct, but when you are spewing obvious lies, you damage your own cause.


[ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: miko2d ]

Offline Yoj

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Tree Hugging Hippie Crap:
« Reply #59 on: June 29, 2001, 05:32:00 PM »

Go ahead and read/believe your Sierra Club tripe. I won't debate someone who allows others to make up his mind for him.    ;)

As far as knowing what I'm talking about, ice cores don't lie - unlike the lemmings who write for those magazines.

"Don't pay any attention to those eggheads who study that crap their whole lives.  Watch TV and make up your own mind".  Amusing, but sad, too.

- Yoj