Originally posted by Pooh21
Apparently according to that Newdow guy it is forcing God down his throat and his weak mind cant handle the stress.
Apparently when cogress added "Under God" to the pledge in 1954 they made a state religion.
Which religion? Cristian, Jewish,Budda,Muslam,Hindu, American indian?
Seems to me by ruling it unconstitutional they are also violating the "Free exercise" portion of it too.
I remember when I was in school they didnt make you say it. It was a choice to recite the pledge. And if you didnt want to recite it you didnt have to. But you did have to sit quietly while everyone else did.
Seems the fairest way to me.
But of course that would never be good enough for Newdow.
Cant someone just put him out of his and our misery?