Author Topic: SnipeSter And All Da Friends And Fo! <S>  (Read 441 times)

Offline WMsharp

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SnipeSter And All Da Friends And Fo! <S>
« on: October 08, 2005, 10:56:22 PM »

Thanks for help other day in DA!
Finally turned off stall limiter for good!
Always played with it .... ughh.....
Lute and many others said get it off, guess all my real life flying just made me want to fly easy and lazy in here but now need to step it up another notch!

Now I have way too may uncontrollable buffets at low speed such as on the onset of an impending stall. Whats my next step?

I am amazed how well you turn that spittie!  shheshhh

Okay I want to optimize my game for better overall turn performance.
Heres my breakdown and any advice or comments are appreciated!

Sniper maybe next week or so would love to go da again! Gonna go with lute also!
Thanks again!


No Pedals (dont think I need em)
Logitech Twistie (twistie fine for my rudder for now)
Sliders (all at bottom)
Deadband (1/2 inch up)
Dampener(1/2 - 3/4 up)
Geoforce 4mx Vid Card
Stall Limiter (OFF FOR GOOD hehe)
Views (all optimized for full coverage)
Cockpit View (usually set full back ot a pinch forward)
Zoom (set just a pinch closer not too much so that everyhing looks like its in the plane)

Okay besides practice anything else I can do to get this suker to turn as sharp?
Even in our 1st merges I would hold the blackout with full elevator and you still WAY outturn me to the point where you can almost hit me on 1st loop. Whats wrong with me plane and pilot? HELP!!!  Do you use flaps on our battles or just pop em out for the over the top and then retract em? Are you a throttle jockey on the 1st merge or just keep max blast with wep?
Thanks all!

PS: Just watched vid of you versus wldthg, was nice!


Offline OOZ662

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SnipeSter And All Da Friends And Fo! <S>
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2005, 02:15:27 AM »
All your slidders at bottom? :eek: The higher the sliders are, the better the response. If you have all of them to the top, the movements will be very precise and follow your every move, but are more touchy and can lead to spins. With them lower you get dumbed down responses that may not fit the bill. The huge dampening also slows response times. I've never gone over 1/4.

My sliders are default on roll and about 3/4 up with a dent in the middle on the pitch. The dent is because my joystick's creepy scrape plate thinger gets stuck there and causes a jump. If you've ever seen an X45, you know what I mean.

I fly P-51Bs a lot, and seeing as they aren't really "super turnfighters," I keep one notch of flaps down through a whole fight until I have to make a level shot. I dump two in emergencies. It's my basic rule of thumb for other combat-flapped planes as well.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2005, 02:19:15 AM by OOZ662 »
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline sniper68

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SnipeSter And All Da Friends And Fo! <S>
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2005, 08:28:13 PM »
i told you top goober what the heck are you doing lol

Offline Schatzi

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SnipeSter And All Da Friends And Fo! <S>
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2005, 11:02:23 PM »
Sharp, im really no expert, but.... heres my limited DA experience.

I got my sliders all to the top, except on pitch (the first is 1/2  inch from top, second and third are each a bit higher, from 4th on all top). Same goes for rudder, to dampen my nose bounce a bit. Deadband as far down as possible, Damping just high enough to avoid serious nose bounce. This makes for a very fine control, but needs some getting used to be 'more gentle' with that stick of yours (pun kind of intended here ;)).

You can try rising the sliders slowly over time. I changed them from default to all top all at once - needed a few weeks to adjust to the new 'stick feeling'. I guess by making the change step by step, you wont stall as much.

Speed/throttle management is the key to turning i think. The slower you are, the tighter youll come about. But hanging there at 40 mph when the 'other guy' is still fast isnt really fun. On merge, it depends on what the 'other guy' does and/or on the situation.

I MA i usually try to keep my Speed (E), unless i *know* its gonna be a duel-like 1 on 1. I watch and try to react to whatever the 'other guy' does.

On equal terms duel merge, i try to come about as fast as possible, ie chop throttle, get her around in oblique kind of immel (merge speed between 240 and 300 max). Flaps as soon as possible (not sure if thats a good thing though...). If i pull double immel or not again depends on what i feel would be best move now.

If you know you got seriously more E, you can try to fake an immel, hit full WEP and go for a surprise rope. Doesnt always work, but is usually fun!

This goes for Spitty flying.

In Hurr1 the world looks quite different, since you just cant afford to loose E, no matter it hurting your turn. Once youre too slow, the eng just dont have enough power to get you going again.

Another thing i noticed. It does make a big difference *who* you are fighting. Theres a lot of different styles out there which require very different counter tactics. Whith some you need to keep your E/speed, with some its just about who-can-fly-slowest. And with some you never know what you get next.


Edit: One more thing. 2 weeks ago i changed my stick map. I always needed to remove my hand off throttle (ie rudder!) to look up. Now i changed that. Can look up and use rudder at the same time. This made a *HUGE* difference on my flying. It got a lot smoother and i stall way less than i used to.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2005, 11:14:53 PM by Schatzi »
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Offline SuperDud

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SnipeSter And All Da Friends And Fo! <S>
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2005, 11:31:22 PM »
Originally posted by Schatzi
Edit: One more thing. 2 weeks ago i changed my stick map. I always needed to remove my hand off throttle (ie rudder!) to look up. Now i changed that. Can look up and use rudder at the same time. This made a *HUGE* difference on my flying. It got a lot smoother and i stall way less than i used to.

Glad to hear it Schatzi!:D
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