Nash, you can be giddy about your fantasies all you want. Fact is all the left is dong now is giving us a huge amount of ammunition for the next elections.
Fact: Earl filed his first indictment for an incident that occurred in 2002 for a
crime that was not on the Texas books until 2003. Can't do that. It's called Ex-post facto. Not allowed.
Fact: When Delay's attorneys filed a motion to dismiss on this evidence he tried desperately to get the current conspiracy/money laundering charge through a second GJ on the last day their existence, they turned him down flat. Apparently he through quite a temper tantrum at the time.
Fact: He took his charges then to a GJ that was impanelled just earlier that day and rammed it through.
Fact: A member of that GJ spoke to the press and stated the only reason he voted for the indictment was that he doesn't like Delay. Not only is the fact that he admitted voting for an indictment regardless of the evidence wrong, speaking to the press is a crime.
When this story finally washes out Earl will be lucky if he isn't disbarred let alone keep his job as DA.
Anyone of any political stripe in this country should hope beyond hope that Delay is acquitted and that Earl is severely punished. If Earl gets away with this it will be open season on all politicians that ruffle the other sides feathers. That will begin a dark era in this country as good and decent people will never wish to enter the political arena. The side with the seediest lawyers will be the one to come out on top.
When the power of the prosecutors office can be used to destroy your political rivals we might as well be living in Stalin's Russia or Saddam's Iraq.
I would not trust either side with that kind of power.