Frankly, we got the Hurri IID with twin 40mms, which you could also use as a buff killer that way if you were so inclined. Also, of the 8,600-odd Hurricanes made, only 300 or so were IID's, so having an unknown number of 50mm armed - 410's out of 1000 or so built shouldn't really be an issue either.
Thank god you're not a sniper, because you're way off mark.
The Hurricane definately had more then 300 built, I'll dig up the numbers again, but 1500 sticks out in my mind.
Not only that, but the dual 40mm's on the Hurricane are AP rounds. Basically, really really big bullets. They do not explode on contact. Nor are they insta kill shots on Buffs. They don't even kill 100% of the time against fighters.
The Hurricane can catch all the buffs easily with the exception of the Ju87. The 87 actuall moves pretty fast.
But of course you are speaking from experience, right? That's how you can come out and make all these statements, right?