Let's go back to our rancher. Say instead of finding just a chest of gold, he finds a magical endless chest of gold. I get the feeling that he isn't going to be ranching for much longer. Ranching takes time, work and investment. He can buy want he wants with his gold. Now, the community still wants cows as the supply of cows goes down it becomes a good investment for someone else to start producing them. As the years go by and the rancher is buying stuff with gold, people are probably going to get tired of it. They are all sitting on heaps of gold, and that gold isn't doing them much good. The gold is decreasing in value. They might decide to say, "Screw the gold, let's start using something else.".
In which case the rancher has a problem. Someone else is already producing cows, he's out of practice, his ranching infrastructure is going as well. The rancher has some hard times ahead.
The US got it's "endless chest of gold" in 1971. Look, at the trade balance from then on.
http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/statistics/historical/gands.txtIt's been printing US dollars in massive amounts and it's only increasing. The US government, due to massive spending. Pays interest on the dollars it's that are printed, to China and Japan. For this they need to print more dollars. The US government also sells debt to the Federal Reserve, which in turn prints off even more money. So we have an absolutely increadible amount of currency expansion.
Some people have said that the US defaulting on it's obligations can't happen. But it already has, in the 1930's and again in 1971.
Other's say that, for example, it's bad for China if the US doesn't buy thier stuff. I'll use an anaolgy to explain why I think it's wrong.
You have a tech support company called...Chinatech. They have several clients, one of thier major clients is named Uncle Sam. They allocate a techmonkey to handle Sam's calls. Now Sam has been paying for the service in IOUs. Chinatech pays it's employees in cash, not in IOUs. If Chinatech tells the employees to take the day off and not service Sam's calls, yet still pays the employees. How does that hurt Chinatech or the employees? It doesn't. But Sam is out those services.
What if Chinatech tried to buy something off Sam with the IOUs and Sam told China to piss off? Would Chinatech be will more or less will to accept IOUs from Sam?
What if other companies started accepting less and less of Sam's IOUs, would thier value go up or down?
What if Sam kept giving out ever increasing amounts of IOUs?
These things are happening. China couldn't buy Unical, serveral countries are diversifying their reserve currencies. The US trade deficit, and government deficit spiral upwards. US dollars are printed with abandon. Personal debt increases as people invest what is in effect money from currency expansion into the housing boom. All this is reminicent of the the precursors to the Great Depression. But in my opinion many times worse.
Gold has increased in value by 60% in the past three years, the US dollar has fallen by 30% in the last 6. Central Banks of various nations are diversifying from the US dollar. I don't think that other citizens of the rancher's community are going to using "gold" for much longer.