The thing that struck me when reading the article is, and this was a mini-epiphany for me, that there are definately americ citizens within the united states that have a deeply vested interest in a total political and military failure in Iraq.
I can understand france, russia, germany.....having a national desire and in fact a political need to see america fail in and indeed see Iraqi democracy itself fail, but to have americans (like the author of the article I linked) clenching their fists and actively trying to further the potentiol for failure makes me very upset and further solidifies my contemp for the liberal socialist elitist left wing politicos in my country.
Good news: Iraq had a national vote and is on its way to a constitutional government.
Bad news: Iraq is disintegrating
But the thing I appreciate, and the reason I posted the link, is that we all have access to the full menu of news and opinions, and we should read and understand the good with the bad. The truth with the falsehoods...the half truths and partial distortions...the spin and the non spin.