One comment how can they call themselves African Americans, when the vast majority are not even from Africa? So do I have a right to insist instead of being called white to being called a European American? Guess what if I do it labels me as a racist, try this one out as well B.E.T, I open a TV show called W.E.T. How long do you think it will last before it is cancelled?
I have mixed views on this whole racism thing. I come from a true southern family yet I was the only one in my whole family born in the North as they might say. I find racism to be quite silly for I have friends that are both white and black. And I treat both equal, why because they treat me the same way. What we have is ignorance and it isn't getting better it is getting worse. Do I condone rap music for what it stands for? No, but I also hate country "I really hate country".
Everyday you read in the paper or hear in the news racism this or I was a victim of that. Why does this happen to me? And when it does why make a big deal about it? My god hasn't everyone ran into a person that treated them like total sh*t? It didn't matter what color the person was, they still were prettythangholes to you. Boycotting a state because they don't see to your views, doesn't this bother anyone else?
We look upon adults to act like adults, when I see the likes of JJ or Ferakhan "However you spell it" to me they seem to insight racism to spread it more to better themselves. I live in a predominantly black city 60% I think, I have been doused with racism to a full. Is it reported? Of course not that is not what the news wants to show or the public wants to see.
Back to the flag subject, it is a piece of history. Let it go out as that and not as a symbol of hatred. We must also remind these "African Americans" that slavery was not just from the white people their own kind sold them into slavery. From doing a research project on this in High school it was interesting to find out a lot of slaves did not want to leave, and a lot of them fought for the southern side "how ironic".
I think the media, movies and portrayals has dimmed a light on this subject that is irreparable now. The time is coming and I foresee it as soon, something is going to set off a time bomb in this nation. One that will throw our country into chaos. Don't believe look around, it isn't exactly getting better in the US thats for sure.
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"The soup nazi"