There seems to be two "problems."
One is folks who switch to the dominant side so they can get the reset perks and/or hide behind the Horde. This could be somewhat solved by SoA's idea of cranking out the time required for "citizenship" before getting the spoils. Hell, why not make it a curve - the longer you've been a citizen the more perks you get for a reset.
The other is people tower camping waiting for others to do the work of winning a reset, and thereby foobing up the ENY for people on the fligt line. What's unclear is if the people in the tower affect the ENY at all. I tend to think not. But a connect timer seems like a logical thing here. 30 or 40 people's FE's sitting there getting host updates is needless server drain. The timer should be something reasonable, though - some things are unavoiadble like phone ack, wife ack, girlfriend ack, etc.