I liked the GV part, but it is a totally different activity than flying, of course. The part I liked was the coordination aspect.
At any rate, what I've been thinking for some time is that it would be interesting if we could have the following in Aces High.
All of us like flying, but some don't want to be in ground vehicles or be gunners. However, there are plenty of people in the world who love ground vehicles and would have fun even just being a gunner. Look at WWIIOL, for example. The majority of that game is like our ground-vehicle action in Stalin's Fourth. Actually, in my opinion, the ground-vehicle action in Stalin's Fourth was even a lot MORE fun than that WWIIOL. This might seem astonishing to people who don't like GV's, but there are folks out there (myself included) who like more-realistic ground action, even if it means you are driving for a long time and if the fighting is brief.
The problem is that people who pay $15/month for Aces High generally want aircraft. People who pay $15/month for WWIIOL and who like ground action won't pay an additional $15/month for Aces High as ground action isn't that enormous a part of Aces High usually, and even if it were a great part of every scenario, scenarios don't happen frequently enough for a GV person to keep paying $15/month.
What I'd like to see is tiered accounts in Aces High. $15/month ongoing gives you access to everything, like what we have now. A lesser one-time fee would get you access to GV's or ships for two months (enough to cover one scenario), but no aircraft -- or maybe a lesser ongoing fee would give you access to GV's and ships on an ongoing basis. And it would be free for anyone who wants to come in and be a gunner, but free access wouldn't allow you to drive a GV, ship, or pilot a plane.
This is something that wouldn't happen quickly or perhaps at all. But if it did, it would give AH a bunch of players in GV's, ships, and maybe even a bunch of available gunners, which I think would enhance scenarios and the game overall.
Also, I've thought for some time that non-flying, non-driving command positions in Aces High would be an interesting way to get war gamers in who could enjoy the game from the point of view of battle strategy -- only instead of inanimate pieces, the units are real people.