I stopped by my old shop today... a boat building operation; last one on Long Island. Mostly illegals working in fiberglass layup. The layup shop was empty with the exception of the two legals.. guys that've worked there for 15 years.
Had a beer with the boss.. he was pretty annoyed. The guy has always been generous; always paid a fair wage, white, black or latino. Over the years, the layup shop has become some kinda little havana. We tossed back and forth ideas about what to do. I suggested that this was an outstanding opportunity to straighten out what could become a very expensive problem... without being a salamander. Ol Big Al want's to be everbodys friend, has always cut disadvantaged guys additional slack. He's big on self image. The crew usually took advantage, and today was no exception.
I told him to fire every guy that didn't come in today. Suggested that he let them re-apply for work and to let them know he'd accept applications
with resident documentation. Told him to photo copy all the documentation and submit copies to the appropriate INS authority.. due dilligence and all.
I think that's what he's gonna do.. his secretary called and said she's working up 'folders' on every one of 'em. (she was pissed, "Thanks.. havent seen yah in years and now I need a spanish dictionary!") hehehhehheheh. The bastard never listened to me when I worked for him.. lol !!
So, I did my bit on 'a day without criminal tresspassers'.