Author Topic: Let The Revolution Begin!  (Read 1478 times)

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2006, 11:04:08 PM »
He looks like Hec Ramsey

Offline culero

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« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2006, 07:28:51 AM »
Originally posted by rpm
That's what scares the Republicans. There's nothing they could dig up that he won't whole heartedly admit to. Yet another reason I like Kinky.

It'll be interesting to see how the female demographic in Texas reacts to "Get Your Biscuits In The Oven And Your Buns In The Bed" :)

Funny thing is, that reaction might surprise some folks elsewhere....and give 'em yet another reason to envy Texans :lol

culero (can you imagine what they'd say in Noo Yoark?)
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2006, 08:31:01 AM »
Ok... so you want change for change's sake?   It will "shake up the parties" to get a candidate in who wants to lock in the teachers unions stranglehold on education (and doom vouchers and choice) and.... join hillaries "it takes a village" crowd with lot's and lot's more socialized medicine?

you guys looked at the lottery and schools in other states?  We have it in kalifornia... the lottery gives 3% of the earnings to schools.... the state then cuts the money they give schools by that amount.  guess we shoulda expected a shell game from gambling syncicates huh?

kinky is not the message I want to send.  The message kinky sends is.... you guys aren't rushing toward big government socialism fast enough...

Why would I want to send that message (which they would love to hear by the way).

so what does that leave?  you like his music?  so what?  You like that he talks dirty?  can't help you there.... I liked ventura and arnies message a lot better... they were real alternatives to politicians that were much worse on the ballot but kinky?

may as well dress diane finestien in cowboy garb.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 08:33:29 AM by lazs2 »

Offline Bruno

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« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2006, 08:44:50 AM »
kinky is not the message I want to send. The message kinky sends is.... you guys aren't rushing toward big government socialism fast enough...


I could careless who the Governor Texas is. However, to vote for a leftist 'song and dance man' just because is as silly as 'voting for the lesser of two evils just to say you voted.

If you want change make the politicals know they can't take your vote for granted. If they don't earn your vote, write some one in who has or don't vote at all. At the same time make yourself heard until some one realizes there's a real place for 'alternatives' to step up and run.  Voting just to vote and voting change for change's sake is silly and will just ensure things stay as they are.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2006, 08:48:32 AM »
hey... rpm likes him...

I rest my case.


Offline Edbert1

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« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2006, 09:44:29 AM »
Lazs, you know where I come from politically, I have been a registered Libertarian for about 20 years.

I understand those of you who say that Kinky is less than ideal, and frankly I'd be a little worried if he had a 0.001% chance of actually winning. That being said I signed his petition and intend to cast my ballot for him. What we have here in Texas is a strange mix of the traditional right/left debate. Texas' Washington delegation is solidly Republican, almost 90% so if you take out those districts which are >50% Mexican. The same is generally true for the State level. But what most voters in texas do not seem to understand is that nearly all State level offices held by Republicans are held by FORMER Democrats.

See, in Texas, like much of the south, it was pretty much impossible to win an election as a Republican since the Republicans were the party of Lincoln. You may laugh but it is true. For about 100 years after the raping and pillaging by northern troops any association with the north was political suicide, and that included the "R". Reagan did a lot to end that, and for the last ~25 years or so the state has been allied pretty much with the conservative movement. The conservative leanings are not new, even when our Washington delegation was all Democrat it was still made up of "conservative Democrats". if you ask me we still are. Our Governor, Lt. Governor, Comptroller, and most senoir officials are all former Democrats, they have not changed their tax-and-spend mentality they have only changed their party affiliation.

I just got my property tax assesment. I am goint to owe almost $7K this year. That does not include the 8.25% sales tax or the estimated $1,000 I'll have to pay to drive to work each day on the "new" toll roads that our "conservative" governor has championed.

I have given up on the Republicans at the state/federal/local levels. they talk a lot about fiscal responsibility but they are as quick to give my money away to foreign interests and those who refuse to work, and to sell my children's heritage to the highest bidder as Billary/Teddy/DiFi/Vincente would even dream of.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2006, 10:15:24 AM »
Originally posted by culero

(can you imagine what they'd say in Noo Yoark?)


"you ain't no boss of me, cuddlinghunk. you want biscuits and buns, you gotsta pay for 'em. there's a diner across the street. knock yer self out."
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Offline Airscrew

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« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2006, 11:19:22 AM »
Originally posted by Edbert1
I have given up on the Republicans at the state/federal/local levels. they talk a lot about fiscal responsibility but they are as quick to give my money away to foreign interests and those who refuse to work, and to sell my children's heritage to the highest bidder as Billary/Teddy/DiFi/Vincente would even dream of.

Well said Edbert.  i would also add the Perry and Company has had almost 6 years to fix property tax issues and school financing and have done next to nothing except spend money on special sessions that solved nothing.  Why would I want to keep a governer like that?

And Carol Keaton "whats my last name this year" Strayhorn is as much of the problem as Perry

Offline Brenjen

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« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2006, 11:27:52 AM »
I applaud anyone who gets politically active. I don't like kinkys platform, but then again I don't like the democrats platform. I vote Anti-abortion followed by the right to keep & bear arms. But then again, I voted for Ross Perot so what do I know about winners?

Offline Clifra Jones

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« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2006, 01:54:09 PM »
Originally posted by rpm
Dunno, why don't you ask "Ma" Ferguson or "Pappy" Lee O'Daniel?

Let's get some real answers to the real problems facing Texas:

Alternative Energy: Biodiesel. Simple, economical, environmentally friendly.

Oh so spare me. Do a little real research. None of these technologies can produce energy at a cost that makes them at all economically viable. There is enough oil in the world to last us a very long time. The problem is that the left is dead set against the US getting it out of the ground. Not for Enviro reasons but purely for political ones. Environmentalism has very little to do with the environment and everything to do with international leftist/socialism.

Education: Texas has the 8th largest economy in the world, but we're 1st in drop-out rates and 49th in education spending in the country. We need reform.

You want to fix public education? The best thing you can do is to throw out the teachers union. Look it up. The best schools in the nation with the highest paid teachers are NON UNION SCHOOLS. They have the highest test scores and the lowest drop out rates. The union doesn't care a wit about your child's education.

Healthcare: Texas ranks rock-bottom in providing for the basic needs of its youngest and poorest residents. More than one fifth of Texas children have no health insurance at all.

Again, this issue has very little to do with health care and everything to do with attacking market capitalism. We should follow Romney's example in MA. Buy health INSURANCE for the poor and elderly. Allow small business to buy into the plan for a larger premium. His plan may actually work. You know what though, before he got it approved the leftists wanted to amend it with thier own little ideas. Know what they were? Penalties for small businesses. Now why do you think they wanted to do this? So that the plan would not work. The last thing they want is for the issue to go away before they can transfer more wealth away from the private sector, where it actually does some good for people, into the public sector where it keeps people poor and dependant on leftists.

Offline Clifra Jones

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« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2006, 02:03:31 PM »
Originally posted by Edbert1

I have given up on the Republicans at the state/federal/local levels. they talk a lot about fiscal responsibility but they are as quick to give my money away to foreign interests and those who refuse to work, and to sell my children's heritage to the highest bidder as Billary/Teddy/DiFi/Vincente would even dream of.

I can undestand your frustration Edbert. Most of the national Reps have abandoned Reaganist Conservatism. GW's dad was the first and his son is no better. The neo-cons are no better than the neo-coms(commmunists) if you ask me.

But, There are places where it works. Come to N.E. Florida. This is a pretty much wholy Republican run community here and we are doing great. Economy is rocking and unemployment is nearly non-existant. Hell, AOL just laid off 400 people and we should have no problem absorbing these folks into the work place. I just hired a guy away from them not 1 month before the lay off. If there is one thing we need here its Technology people.

I tell folks from all over if you have marketable skills there's a job for you here.

Offline Edbert1

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« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2006, 02:10:20 PM »
It is tempting, I have a number of friends in Florida, and 15+ years in IT. But my family immigrated to central Texas back when it was a Republic (before the Civil War for you victims of Government schrewels). I cannot bear the thought of being away from the land my great great grandfather ran cattle on, and the hunting in Florida leaves a little to be desired if you don't like the flavor of gator. If only we could get rid of these yanks, wets, and Kalifornians it'd be a far sight better place again.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2006, 02:22:07 PM »
edbert... I really have no problem understanding Texas problem with republicans after Lincoln...  

I also have no problem understanding why they left the democrat party... I believe the democrats left Texas not the other way around.

Kinky is simply more of what is bad about government..  

clifa makes excellent points... Get rid of the teachers union....  allow parents to have school vouchers...  forget biodiesel except as a sideshow and forget socialized medicine except for pilot programs of buying insurace for the destitute and more inclusive group plans.

If you think things are bad now.... imagine how it will be under kinky.

Think kalifornia where our sewer rates will be from 50-150 bucks a month and...

today I seen the collection system regs put out by the EPA...  I am looking at a mandated document that will cost everyone in kalifornia an additional 6-40 bucks a month for the sanitary sewer collection system monitoring program put in by democrats and.....  it is useless repetition of programs that were basicaly free before.


Offline Arlo

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« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2006, 02:34:57 PM »
Kinky's not more of what's bad in guvmint. Kinky's not even a known quantity there yet. But from the sound of him, he's certainly not representative of what's wrong with guvmint right now. ;)

Offline rpm

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« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2006, 04:16:57 PM »
Originally posted by Clifra Jones
Oh so spare me. Do a little real research. None of these technologies can produce energy at a cost that makes them at all economically viable. There is enough oil in the world to last us a very long time. The problem is that the left is dead set against the US getting it out of the ground. Not for Enviro reasons but purely for political ones. Environmentalism has very little to do with the environment and everything to do with international leftist/socialism.
Biodiesel costs around 60 cents a gallon to produce from old cooking oil. I'd call that economically viable.

You want to fix public education? The best thing you can do is to throw out the teachers union. Look it up. The best schools in the nation with the highest paid teachers are NON UNION SCHOOLS. They have the highest test scores and the lowest drop out rates. The union doesn't care a wit about your child's education.
Texas schools have slid to the bottom of the barrel since Bush was in office. We're barely above Mississippi in the rankings. Something has to be done, but vouchers are the most idiotic plan I've ever heard of. What good will that do in my county where there are no private schools to ship little johnny off to? Keeping our teachers at the bottom of the national payscale can't help, either.
Again, this issue has very little to do with health care and everything to do with attacking market capitalism. We should follow Romney's example in MA. Buy health INSURANCE for the poor and elderly. Allow small business to buy into the plan for a larger premium. His plan may actually work. You know what though, before he got it approved the leftists wanted to amend it with thier own little ideas. Know what they were? Penalties for small businesses. Now why do you think they wanted to do this? So that the plan would not work. The last thing they want is for the issue to go away before they can transfer more wealth away from the private sector, where it actually does some good for people, into the public sector where it keeps people poor and dependant on leftists.
I haven't seen Romney's plan. Sounds like it may have possibilities. When I was a child growing up in Texas we were allowed to buy health insurance thru the school at a reduced cost. Today that is no longer offered to students. Something needs to be done besides screaming tort reform and allowing insurance rates to skyrocket while the insurance companies build the strongest lobby in Austin.

And Laz, if you have the answers, PLEASE move to Texas and run for office. It might be interesting to hear you debate the issues with the real players in the game.
My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.
Stay thirsty my friends.