Author Topic: Gay marriage - why?  (Read 3124 times)

Offline Mr Big

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #105 on: June 06, 2006, 10:04:10 PM »

not sure what you mean, but I'm telling you that I will post on this dumchit's site.

Offline Nash

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #106 on: June 06, 2006, 10:07:22 PM »
Good night, Nuke. ;)

Offline AWMac

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #107 on: June 06, 2006, 10:26:09 PM »
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« Last Edit: June 06, 2006, 10:31:12 PM by MP4 »

Offline DiabloTX

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #108 on: June 07, 2006, 03:36:11 AM »
Ok, carry on...
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Offline deSelys

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #109 on: June 07, 2006, 04:09:33 AM »
Originally posted by Mr Big
I'm very, VERY smart.

It cracks me up everytime :lol :lol :rofl :rofl
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Offline Charge

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #110 on: June 07, 2006, 04:42:44 AM »
Sry to intervene, but:

"I personally don't see what the big deal is about gay marriage.

Sure marriage has it's benefits."

If they get to be "legally married" they get the same right as any couples to adopt kids?

Would that cause a moral dilemma?

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #111 on: June 07, 2006, 06:37:18 AM »
a jewish couple, an irish couple and a greek couple die in a horrible accident while on vacation.  as they approach the pearly gates leading to heaven St. Peter is there waiting with a not so "glad to see you look" on his face.  

to the jewish couple he says,  you, you spent your entire lives thinking of nothing but money, money money money, that's it.  it was your only concern.  in fact you loved money so much you married a girl named penny.  where is all your money now?  go to hell. *poof*

to the irish couple he says, you, you spent your entire life thinking of nothing but drinking, drink drink drink, that was your only concern. in fact you loved drinking so much you married a girl named brandy.  let's see you drink this problem away.  go to hell. *poof*

with this lesson occurring before their eyes the greek turns to his wife and says "oh my god fanny, we don't stand a chance".

Offline lazs2

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #112 on: June 07, 2006, 09:07:40 AM »
chair... racial discrimination is quite different.  To say that gays are being discriminated against in marriage is simplisic and wrong in the extreme.

Anyone is allowed to get married... child molesters goat lovers and necrophiliacs... they just have to play by the rules and marry a person of the opposite sex who is competent and of age.   It matters not what color or race or religion they are... or even their sexual preference...  

In the south in the fifties (and it was going away even then)  there were "seperate but equal" ideas floating aroud... colored drinking fountains and back of the bus sort of thing.  A person could not drink from a fountain based on color.

 Another example is the discrimination of male and female bathrooms... that is more in line with the marriage rules.  Everyone can use the bathrooms so long as they are the correct sex.   Some uni sex bathrooms allow anyone to use them but they have rules too.

This is not the case with marriage.. anyone can participate... no one cares what your color or whatever is. could make the case that marriage in itself is "discrimination" in that it has rules.   I can't marry a 12 year old for instance.   I can't marry my mom or daughter to get all the benifiets that married people get.

And here is the crux of it.   You claim that you as a married couple would not mind or worry if gays got married... that is fine but.... being married gives you no more vote on it than anyone else.  

Gays do not want to get married for status... it is for the benifiets that mazrried people have... it will cost us all huge amounts of money to give these benifiets to gays... and why should only gays and conventional couples get these benifets?  why not me supporting my daughter and granddaughter?  where is my 500k capital gains deduction like mazrried people?

See.... people gave those rights to married couples for a reason... we all felt that it was a good thing to support conventional families..

Now... you can argue that some gays would make great families... that is fine... argue but.... don't try to usurp the process of getting all these rights in one fell swoop.

If gays can sign a worthless piece of paper and be instantly given all the rights married people were given over the centuries....

Why then not me?  Why not single people... people who care for a dog...
Are we not then discriminated against by both hetero and homo couples?

Just because a person does not want to get married to either a gay or a hetro.... why should he/she be discriminated against?

don't you get it?  if you claim that the rules of marriage are discrimination then there can be no rules.

At that point... you have destroyed...  or at least, severly marginalized marriage.

If gays are allowed to sign a contract that gives them all the benifiets of marriage then so should anyone else regardless of sex, religion or being single.

The entire tax code is discriminatory.

Gays don't want a wedding and a cake and to be able to say they are married... they simply want to grab all the goodies that we as a people have given a group for reasons that we feel are to our benifiet..

gays saying that marriage is discrimination are like rich people saying that the earned income credit discriminates against them.

gays can have a contract and a wedding with all the trimmings right now... they can have all the benifiets right now too if they want to follow the rules.

I don't want to give em the benifiets and shoulder the expense tho of gay marriage... let em make their case... but all this dishonest stuff really gets to me... they simply want the handouts.   so do I..... tough... we don't fit the rules as they are.


Offline BluKitty

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #113 on: June 07, 2006, 09:08:52 AM »
Patrick Leahy  "This is playing poltics with basic rights, and I think that is wrong"

Bill Frist on the other hand.... LMAO  "Will the judical branch override the will of the American people"

Frist obviously doesn't beleive in the constitution and the founding fathers who framed it largely to protect minorities from the majority.  But with all the half-truth he drops it's little surprise.

Alexander Hamilton,  for instance, helped stop a mob of patriots at "King's College" (now Columbia) from takeing the president of the college, a loyalist to the crown.  Amazeing how he stood up for counter POV's and minority rights even then.  It wasn't the only time he stood up to a mob.  He also helped found the frist society for the manumition (sp) of slaves.

Looks like many "No" votes are poping up

Offline lukster

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Re: Re: Re: Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #114 on: June 07, 2006, 09:12:42 AM »
Originally posted by Sandman
If nature is the driver, polygamy would be legal.

Polygamy in a unoffical fashion is legal. While you can't enter into mulitple legal marriages simultaneously you can have as many "girlfriends" as you want siring as many kids as you want legally all living in the same house. To not choose this way of life is a choice made freely which could imply that mongamy is a "natural" state for humans.

Offline BluKitty

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #115 on: June 07, 2006, 09:35:04 AM »
49 Yea 48 Nay

This joke is done with.

Offline AVRO1

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #116 on: June 07, 2006, 11:28:31 AM »
Anyone is allowed to get married... child molesters goat lovers and necrophiliacs... they just have to play by the rules and marry a person of the opposite sex who is competent and of age.   It matters not what color or race or religion they are... or even their sexual preference...  

Marriage in the US does discriminate against sexual preference since it does not allow same sex marriages.

In the south in the fifties (and it was going away even then)  there were "seperate but equal" ideas floating aroud... colored drinking fountains and back of the bus sort of thing.  A person could not drink from a fountain based on color.

And right now there are person who want to marry someone but cannot because laws do not permit it because of their sexual orientation.

This is not the case with marriage.. anyone can participate... no one cares what your color or whatever is.  

But they do, however, care what your sexual orientation is.

Gays do not want to get married for status... it is for the benifiets that mazrried people have... it will cost us all huge amounts of money to give these benifiets to gays... and why should only gays and conventional couples get these benifets?  why not me supporting my daughter and granddaughter?  where is my 500k capital gains deduction like mazrried people?

Because they are a couple, just like a heterosexual couple. What's good for kitty is also good for puppy, by logical extension.

See.... people gave those rights to married couples for a reason... we all felt that it was a good thing to support conventional families..

Well if it's for supporting couples so they can raise children then those benefits should not be given to couples who can't or won't have any.

Why then not me?  Why not single people... people who care for a dog...

Because you're not a couple and animals cannot consent to marriage since they do not understand the concept.

Offline lukster

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #117 on: June 07, 2006, 11:38:53 AM »
Originally posted by AVRO1
Well if it's for supporting couples so they can raise children then those benefits should not be given to couples who can't or won't have any.

It may happen. Times, they are a changin'. Why else would you give a tax break to a married couple?

Offline Yeager

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #118 on: June 07, 2006, 01:49:10 PM »
why do peeps keep picken on teh gheys :cry
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Offline lazs2

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Gay marriage - why?
« Reply #119 on: June 07, 2006, 02:35:53 PM »
avro... where does it say you can't have laws based on sexual preference...  goat lovers are discriminated against...  pedophiles and necrophiliacs are discriminated against....

Why should gays be the only group that gets a pass on the marriage rules?   Why not single people?  marriage discriminates against me as a single person... many places, a married couple get a higher health benifiet than me.... they get a 500k capital gains instead of my 250k...  

marriage most assuredly discriminates against single people or those who are raising relatives without being married...

A gay can marry a person of the opposite sex and get all the goodies at least... A single person can not stay single and be married.... a person who is celebate can't consumate a marriage so.... the laws discriminate against him...

nope... can't use simple rules that apply to everyone to somehow make them seem like some sort of minority discrimination.    A black person couldn't change his color to drink out of the white fountain but a gay most certainly can marry a person of the opposite sex.

I don't know if a constitutional amendment was/is needed but whatever the people want.   There is a process.

If the rules can be broken based on sexual discrimination then you might as well not even have the institution of marriage... it is worthless.... allmost everyone of any bent will be able to make a case for discrimination based on something or another...

to describe yourself as a minority because of sexual preference may be correct  but It is not a minority that needs any special protection... it is a minority that is not discriminated against in most instances.
