Author Topic: Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever  (Read 7754 times)

Offline KONG1

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #180 on: July 14, 2006, 12:29:44 PM »
Originally posted by Sandman
She's a lunatic.

Thanks for the link Sandman that’s some funny stuff.  Political satire at it’s best. Coulter’s a brilliant humorist.  Smart, quick, and fearless; utilizing a  “straight faced” delivery that confounds the dim witted. I find her hilarious even when I disagree. The vitriol spewed against her is the undeniable proof of her genius.  

Some of the funniest people I know never crack a smile (or type jk) when they’re being humorous. Couch a germ of truth in absurdity and challenge your listeners figure it out. Good stuff. I don’t know what’s funnier the humor or the reactions of the intellectually challenged who don’t recognize it as such.

Case in point: Sandman wrote: “She’s a lunatic”

He leaves it to the reader to figure out what he means.  Does he just not get it, takes the satire as absolute seriousness and evidence of mental instability. Does he mean, you go girl that’s some crazy stuff I’m lovin’ it. Or, does he mean she’s crazy to say those things in a society largely populated by the slow minded and reactionary.  Most will interpret what they read/hear to justify their own beliefs/indignations and never once consider the possibility that there are things they just don’t/can’t comprehend.

Again thanks, anybody got more links?
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Offline xrtoronto

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #181 on: July 14, 2006, 12:39:07 PM »
Originally posted by KONG1
Coulter’s a brilliant humorist.


(never in my lifetime did I expect to see that anywhere!!!! How embarrassing for you!)

Offline xrtoronto

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #182 on: July 14, 2006, 12:42:19 PM »
Originally posted by KONG1
Again thanks, anybody got more links?'s one for ya champ!

link didn't work is what it said:

Published on Sunday, February 6, 2005 by Doug Ireland
Ann Coulter Sticks Her Entire Leg in Her Mouth
by Doug Ireland

Ann Coulter is a loudmouth ignoramus who spouts her outrageous nationalist inaccuracies on American television with little challenge from the empty talking heads who interview her. But she finally found someone to stand up to her, in Canada--and she was exposed for the arrogant fool she is. Interviewed by the Canadian Broadcasting Company's Bob McKeown for the investigative TV broadcast "The Fifth Estate," which devoted an hour-long January 26 special to how U.S. media have been highjacked by conservative bullies, Coulter was berating Canada for not sending troops to Iraq when she displayed her empty-headedness in the following exchange:

Coulter: "Canada used to be one of our most loyal friends and vice-versa. I mean Canada sent troops to Vietnam - was Vietnam less containable and more of a threat than Saddam Hussein?"

McKeown interrupts: "Canada didn't send troops to Vietnam."

Coulter: "I don't think that's right."

McKeown: "Canada did not send troops to Vietnam."

Coulter (looking desperate): "Indochina?"

McKeown: "Uh no. Canada ...second World War of course. Korea. Yes. Vietnam No."

Coulter: "I think you're wrong."

McKeown: "No, took a pass on Vietnam."

Coulter: "I think you're wrong."

McKeown: "No, Australia was there, not Canada."

Coulter: "I think Canada sent troops."

McKeown: "No."

Coulter: "Well. I'll get back to you on that."

McKeown tags out in script:

"Coulter never got back to us -- but for the record, like Iraq, Canada sent no troops to Vietnam."

Now THAT is brilliant!:rofl
« Last Edit: July 14, 2006, 12:45:59 PM by xrtoronto »

Offline lukster

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #183 on: July 14, 2006, 12:48:57 PM »
Originally posted by xrtoronto's one for ya champ!

link didn't work is what it said:

Published on Sunday, February 6, 2005 by Doug Ireland
Ann Coulter Sticks Her Entire Leg in Her Mouth
by Doug Ireland

Ann Coulter is a loudmouth ignoramus who spouts her outrageous nationalist inaccuracies on American television with little challenge from the empty talking heads who interview her. But she finally found someone to stand up to her, in Canada--and she was exposed for the arrogant fool she is. Interviewed by the Canadian Broadcasting Company's Bob McKeown for the investigative TV broadcast "The Fifth Estate," which devoted an hour-long January 26 special to how U.S. media have been highjacked by conservative bullies, Coulter was berating Canada for not sending troops to Iraq when she displayed her empty-headedness in the following exchange:

Coulter: "Canada used to be one of our most loyal friends and vice-versa. I mean Canada sent troops to Vietnam - was Vietnam less containable and more of a threat than Saddam Hussein?"

McKeown interrupts: "Canada didn't send troops to Vietnam."

Coulter: "I don't think that's right."

McKeown: "Canada did not send troops to Vietnam."

Coulter (looking desperate): "Indochina?"

McKeown: "Uh no. Canada ...second World War of course. Korea. Yes. Vietnam No."

Coulter: "I think you're wrong."

McKeown: "No, took a pass on Vietnam."

Coulter: "I think you're wrong."

McKeown: "No, Australia was there, not Canada."

Coulter: "I think Canada sent troops."

McKeown: "No."

Coulter: "Well. I'll get back to you on that."

McKeown tags out in script:

"Coulter never got back to us -- but for the record, like Iraq, Canada sent no troops to Vietnam."

Now THAT is brilliant!:rofl

I think it was reasonably well proven in another thread that Canada did in fact send troops to Vietnam.

Coulter 100001
Liberals 0

Offline xrtoronto

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #184 on: July 14, 2006, 12:52:35 PM »
Originally posted by lukster
I think it was reasonably well proven in another thread that Canada did in fact send troops to Vietnam.

Coulter 100001
Liberals 0

then you ARE as stupid as her!


Offline xrtoronto

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #185 on: July 14, 2006, 12:59:35 PM »
did canada send troops to vietnam?

SORRY just like ann are dead , stupid wrong!
Next time you want to rewrite history try talking to small children.

Offline lukster

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #186 on: July 14, 2006, 01:02:11 PM »
Originally posted by xrtoronto
then you ARE as stupid as her!


Actually it was this thread. It just seemed like another since this one has gone on so. I'll just repost Holden McGroin's quote for you.

During the years 1954 to 1975 Canada served on 2 international truce commissions and provided medical supplies and technical assistance. Canadian diplomats were involved in negotiations between Washington and Hanoi and successive Canadian governments, both Liberal and Conservative, maintained that Ottawa was an impartial and objective peacekeeper, an innocent and helpful bystander negotiating for peace and administering aid to victims of the war. However, Cabinet papers, confidential stenographic minutes of the truce commissions as well as top-secret American government cables revealed Canada to be a willing ally of US counterinsurgency efforts.

Canada's record on the truce commissions was a partisan one, rooted in the presumption of Hanoi's guilt and Saigon's innocence and designed to discredit North Vietnam while exonerating South Vietnam from its obligations to uphold the Geneva Agreements. Canadian delegates engaged in espionage for the US Central Intelligence Agency and aided the covert introduction of American arms and personnel into South Vietnam while they spotted for US bombers over North Vietnam. Canadian commissioners shielded the US chemical defoliant program from public inquiry, parlayed American threats of expanded war to Hanoi, and penned the reports legitimating both the rupture of the Geneva Agreements and the US air war over North Vietnam. Ottawa would later assert that these actions were necessary to counter-balance the activities of the Eastern bloc countries with whom they shared membership on the truce commissions.

Canadian aid during the war went only to S Vietnam, $29 million 1950-75, routed through the Colombo Plan and the Canadian Red Cross. Although humanitarian in appearance, Canadian assistance was an integral part of the Free World Assistance Program, co-ordinated by the US Department of State with the International Security Office of the Pentagon as the point of contact. In the field, Canadian capital assistance was regulated by the US-RVN Health Defense Agreement and administered by the International Military Assistance Force Office in Saigon. On a number of occasions, Ottawa stopped the shipment of ecumenical medical relief to civilian victims of the war in North Vietnam.

At home, 500 firms sold $2.5 billion of war materiel (ammunition, napalm, aircraft engines and explosives) to the Pentagon. Another $10 billion in food, beverages, berets and boots for the troops was exported to the US, as well as nickel, copper, lead, brass and oil for shell casings, wiring, plate armor and military transport. In Canada unemployment fell to record low levels of 3.9%, the gross domestic product rose by 6% yearly, and capital expenditure expanded exponentially in manufacturing and mining as US firms invested more than $3 billion in Canada to offset shrinking domestic capacity as a result of the war. The herbicide "Agent Orange" was tested for use in Vietnam at CFB Gagetown, NB. US bomber pilots practiced carpet-bombing runs over Suffield, Alberta and North Battleford, Sask, before their tours of duty in SE Asia. And the results of the only successful peace initiative to Hanoi--That of Canadian diplomat Chester Ronning--would be kept from public knowledge in order not to harm official US-Canadian relations. Ten thousand young Canadian men fought in the US armed forces in the war.

Or maybe this...

Larry Semeniuk of Windsor, Ontario, joined the US Army in January 1967. In December, he was deployed as a paratrooper of Company B, 3rd Battalion, 187th regiment, 101st Airborne Division to Vietnam. In January 1968, Semeniuk saved the life of an officer at the risk of his own. A few days later, he was killed in action. He was awarded the Silver Star posthumously.

Gary Butt was born May 9, 1951 in Montreal, Quebec. He enlisted in the US military at Plattsburg, New York in 1968. Since Butt had superior skills in marksmanship, the US Army gave him the position of rifleman with the 173rd Airborne Brigade. Butt volunteered for duty in Vietnam and served from July 1970, to April 1971. He was killed on April 3rd. At the time of his death, Butt held the position of sergeant with the 4th Battalion, 503rd Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade.

Offline Holden McGroin

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #187 on: July 14, 2006, 01:07:51 PM »
Canada did not send troops, but individual Canadians joined the US armed forces.
Holden McGroin LLC makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information. Since humor, irony, and keen insight may be foreign to some readers, no warranty, expressed or implied is offered. Re-writing this disclaimer cost me big bucks at the lawyer’s office!

Offline xrtoronto

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #188 on: July 14, 2006, 01:08:00 PM »
where does it say canada sent troops with canadian uniforms?[/u] it doesn't! if a canadian joins the US forces they fight as americans not as canadian troops!

something wrong with your comprehension?

Now i know what kind of people coulter really appeals too!:rofl :rofl :rofl

Offline lukster

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #189 on: July 14, 2006, 01:13:06 PM »
Originally posted by xrtoronto
where does it say canada sent troops with canadian uniforms?[/u] it doesn't! if a canadian joins the US forces they fight as americans not as canadian troops!

something wrong with your comprehension?

Now i know what kind of people coulter really appeals too!:rofl :rofl :rofl

I can understand why Ann pulls no punches when dealing with rabidity like this. There are claims by many that there were troops in Canadian uniforms in Vietnam. Believe what you want, discussion with you seems pointless.

Offline KONG1

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #190 on: July 14, 2006, 01:43:21 PM »

What do you think it demonstrates when she has written several books, appeared on who knows how many shows, and participated in countless discussions and you have to work really hard to find one ‘mistake’ that itself is debatable?

Nobody can hang with her, she’s just too quick, too sharp, and suffers no fools.  If anybody knows of any interviews where somebody has managed to keep up.  Let me know, love to see/hear it.
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Offline GtoRA2

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #191 on: July 14, 2006, 02:08:08 PM »
Originally posted by KONG1

What do you think it demonstrates when she has written several books, appeared on who knows how many shows, and participated in countless discussions and you have to work really hard to find one ‘mistake’ that itself is debatable?

Nobody can hang with her, she’s just too quick, too sharp, and suffers no fools.  If anybody knows of any interviews where somebody has managed to keep up.  Let me know, love to see/hear it.

Try reading the thread, there is an interview posted on page one with Katie Curric, who completly destroys Coulter.


Offline BGBMAW

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #192 on: July 14, 2006, 02:27:07 PM »
ya...Katie Couric..theres a brain child..I dont see this magic interview she did...please link?

Hmm kAtie Vs Coulter..ya..what a challenge..LOLOLOLOLOLLOLO

I think GTOs favorite Girl is Susan Estridge

Offline lazs2

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #193 on: July 14, 2006, 02:31:51 PM »
katie curic?  Now there is a horrible airhead.   She is just downright annoying to me.

GTO... who do you think would love to have your guns confiscated and you indoctrinated at a center for even thinking of owning em...... coulter or curic?


Offline EN4CER

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Ann Coulter's shortest interview ever
« Reply #194 on: July 14, 2006, 02:38:01 PM »
Katie Couric vs. Ann Coulter impromptu would be no brainer win for Ann. Without her (Katie) support staff she’s a just a life support system for a hole.

A well prepared Katie Couric vs. an overconfident Ann Coulter turned out to be learned experience for Coulter.

I still think she did well against Matt Lauer. He may have thrown her a curveball or two in the beginning but he started moving the questions along real quick when they weren’t being answered the way he was hoping for.