Author Topic: Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?  (Read 1242 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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  • Posts: 27251 the US 60 some years ago?? Now, before I post the following, I neither condone, nor condemn what the US did at that time.  Such is the fallout of World War...however, the following is *what might have been the reasoning for internment camps in a free society"...double negative there.. ;)

This article is from Sunday's New York Post.



New Yorker Mohammad Junaid, waiting in Pakistan to join the Taliban, went on his jihad after his mom was rescued from the WTC.

- ITN/Channel 5 News    

November 4, 2001 -- This is the face of a traitor - a New Yorker who bought a one-way ticket to Pakistan because he wants to sign up for the Taliban and kill Americans.

He left on his likely suicide mission just one week after his mother was led to safety from the collapsing World Trade Center by the city's brave firefighters and policemen, many of whom were among the more than 4,000 victims of the terrorist strikes on the Twin Towers on Sept. 11.

"I did not feel any remorse for the Americans [who died]," Mohammad Junaid said in Islamabad, Pakistan, on Thursday as he waited to be taken across the border into Afghanistan to join the troops of the Taliban.

"I'm willing to kill the Americans. I will kill every American that I see in Afghanistan. And I'll kill every American soldier that I see in Pakistan," Junaid boasted to British television correspondent, Jon Gilbert, in an interview for the ITN Channel 5 network.

Until he revealed his rabid and murderous intentions, Junaid said, he had been living a typical life as a born-and-bred New Yorker.

The 26-year-old son of Pakistani immigrants said he went to elementary and high school in the city and studied at a med school for two years before dropping out to join a dot-com company. When that folded, he took a $70,000-a-year job as a programmer for a Muslim-oriented company, a position he quit just days before embarking on his self-appointed jihad.

"I do have an American passport. But at the end of the day, I'm a Muslim," Junaid said last week.

Junaid, a stocky but fit man, told ITN his family fully supports his bloodthirsty mission.

He said his father was a retired security guard and shopkeeper while his mother is thought to have worked on the ninth floor of the trade center. Attempts by The Post to contact them were unsuccessful.

The bespectacled Junaid said his anti-American anger began when he was the only Muslim child at the Catholic school he attended in the city. He said he always felt left out at the school.

He said his family had immigrated to the United States from Pakistan in 1967 to take advantage of the "freedoms and opportunities" in New York City.

He said his grandfather instilled in him the belief that "your loyalty is with Islam. Your loyalty is with the Muslims. Just because you're in New York, your loyalty is still with them."

Junaid told Gilbert he had been sleeping for the past week on the floor of the Lahore office of an extremist Muslim group as he waited for his transport across the Afghanistan border. He said he hoped to join pro-Taliban forces there this week.

Junaid was thought to be accompanied by several British Muslims, with whom he met up in London two weeks ago, according to a report in London's Sun newspaper.

The American was interviewed by the newspaper, along with two other British-born Muslims who also said they were returning to Pakistan to fight for the Taliban.

Former civil engineer Abdul Salem, 25, of London's Brick Lane, told the Sun, "I have been waiting a long time for this - to kill British soldiers."


Offline SOB

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2001, 10:03:00 AM »
I don't see how the two even remotely relate.  He's a scumbag and will, with any luck, find himself fighting American troops and catch a fatal bullet or two.  Idiots like this are no reason to take away US Citizens' freedoms just because of their ethnicity or religious beliefs.

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Ripsnort

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2001, 10:05:00 AM »
They are not remotely related, but directly related in the eyes of the FBI. What if this fellow decided to stay in the US and do his fighting from the inside? (Think ANTHRAX).

Offline SOB

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2001, 10:09:00 AM »
You take the good with the bad.  That's one of the risks we all run for getting all the good stuff that comes with living in a free society.

Besides, it could just as easily be anyone else in the US as it could be this love muffin, and they don't have to be Arab or Muslim.

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Sandman

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2001, 10:09:00 AM »
One amazinhunk doesn't justify the internment of an entire culture. This is America. Freedom comes at the cost of safety.

Offline fd ski

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2001, 10:24:00 AM »
Actually, Italians and Germans were not interned during WWII, which kinda proves the prevelant racism at the time...

Did you know that US wing of NAZI party held annual meetings in Madison Square ?  :) Just a funny tidbit...

Offline Boroda

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2001, 10:27:00 AM »

Offline Ripsnort

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2001, 10:38:00 AM »
Incorrect as usual Fd-ski, do your homework.  250 italians and 200 Germans were dormed in New York State during WW2..they were highly suspect (and turned out not for good reason, but indeed, "paranoia") and interned.

Offline fd ski

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2001, 10:58:00 AM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
Incorrect as usual Fd-ski, do your homework.  250 italians and 200 Germans were dormed in New York State during WW2..they were highly suspect (and turned out not for good reason, but indeed, "paranoia") and interned.

Don't be silly.
250 italians / 200 Germans out of few millions ?
You actually would compare that to 120000 Nessei living behind a barbed wire for 3 years ?
And do remember that lot of those were 2nd generation....

Offline Ripsnort

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2001, 11:04:00 AM »
I'm not argueing the fact it was racism, I was argueing the fact that Germans and Italians were interned as well, regardless of numbers.

Offline fd ski

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2001, 11:13:00 AM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
I'm not argueing the fact it was racism, I was argueing the fact that Germans and Italians were interned as well, regardless of numbers.

No, they were not. Few suspicious characters of Italian and German decent were arrested due to suspicion, but Germans and Italians were NOT interned.
To draw a comparison for you: If you killed an Arab because he broke into your house, that doesn't mean you wanted to kill all arabs. Clear now ?

Offline Ripsnort

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2001, 11:22:00 AM »
Sorry FD-ski, as I said, your wrong (as usual)..will post tonight, my links are at home. :)

Offline Ripsnort

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2001, 11:28:00 AM »
Incidently, if you do want to educate yourself quickly on the subject, theres a video out there on the subject, here's the summary of it:

During World War II, hundreds of thousands of "enemy aliens," some                                                   of whom had lived in the United States for generations, were held in internment camps for the duration of the war. Italian Americans, as one of the nation's largest immigrant groups, were particularly                                                   effected by this policy, but their story has largely been overlooked,even as the existence of the camps in general has become                                                  well-known. Drawing on extensive archival footage (much of it formerly classified) as well as interviews with people who spent the
war in these facilities, ITALIAN-AMERICAN INTERNMENT brings this dark story to light.                                                   They suffered countless indignities in the name of the freedom which brought them to this nation in the first place!

Offline fd ski

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2001, 12:04:00 PM »
Here is what i was able to dig up.

Europeans and European-Americans accounted for 56 percent of all internees during World War II, according to Arthur Jacobs, co-editor of World War Two Experience: The Internment of German-Americans. In all, some 10,905 enemy aliens from Germany were interned - along with 16,849 Japanese, 3,278 Italians, 53 Hungarians, 25 Rumanians, five Bulgarians and 161 others.

Apparently author has some math issues, since by those numbers Japanese account for 53% of total number. Apparently we did 109% job that time...

And this aside of the fact that 120000 Japanese were "relocated" forcefully.

Why don't you find a total number of first and second generation Germans and Italians in USA in 1942, and how many of them were moved to camps for those own good.

Offline Ripsnort

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Did you ever wonder why they interned Japanese,Germans and Italians?
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2001, 12:07:00 PM »
Don't ya hate it when your wrong FD-ski? Tough on the ol' Eastern block mentality ego ain't it?  ;)

Again, we're not discussing numbers, we're discussing whether or not there were Italian/German internees. Your wrong. :)