Author Topic: New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates  (Read 37321 times)

Offline SlapShot

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #825 on: September 21, 2006, 03:40:54 PM »
Originally posted by zorstorer
I seem to recall hearing this alot, the "Angry Inch" were attacking somewhere on squad vox and then having most of the Bops that were on at the time up and try to stop them.  It was great fun.  I remember some nights 4 hours of flight time were logged either attacking or defending with the angry inch fighting it out.  Not sure where this is going :)

If thats is/was the case then great !!!

My point was that I have seen (many times) ... a Knight horde steam-rolling undefended bases ... a Rook horde steam-rolling undefended bases ... a Bish horde steam-rolling undefended base ... all at the same time ... all avoiding each other ... scrambling to collect bases quicker than the others.

Such was not the case 3 to 5 years back.

In my case ... the MAW was the "protector" of the Knights (at least we felt that way) ... and the AKs were the "protectors" of the Bish ... they assumed the responsibilites to take and defend.

As of late ... most only participate on the "take" and could care less to "defend" ... it's all about who can "take" the fastest, with the most people.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Raider179

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #826 on: September 21, 2006, 04:47:02 PM »
So this changed happened to break up the big squads? Is that what I am reading?

Might as well take away our missions, vox, text, and channels cause that is the only way you are going to stop it...

Offline SlapShot

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #827 on: September 21, 2006, 04:50:44 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179
So this changed happened to break up the big squads? Is that what I am reading?

Might as well take away our missions, vox, text, and channels cause that is the only way you are going to stop it...

Sounds like a challenge to HT ... watch what ya wish for.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline zorstorer

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #828 on: September 21, 2006, 05:10:20 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
If thats is/was the case then great !!!

My point was that I have seen (many times) ... a Knight horde steam-rolling undefended bases ... a Rook horde steam-rolling undefended bases ... a Bish horde steam-rolling undefended base ... all at the same time ... all avoiding each other ... scrambling to collect bases quicker than the others.

Such was not the case 3 to 5 years back.

In my case ... the MAW was the "protector" of the Knights (at least we felt that way) ... and the AKs were the "protectors" of the Bish ... they assumed the responsibilites to take and defend.

As of late ... most only participate on the "take" and could care less to "defend" ... it's all about who can "take" the fastest, with the most people.

I hear you, and it wasn't every night or even on squad night.  It was just usally one of us (bops) killing or being killed by an angry inch that started the "mega" squad fights.  I know for the most part I am usually off doing my own thing, I just enjoyed the back and forth banter with the squad.  Then again I would try to avoid squad nights until "it" was over.  Then it would settle down with 8 or 9 guys on usually when I played.

edit...I always enjoyed the MAW vs AK fights on pizza ;)

That last line of yours is so on, I am amazed how few folks would stay back to defend a newly taken base, even with troops and veh up at the enemy base that spawns in.  Then again the little generals that populate this place really annoy me ;)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 05:13:06 PM by zorstorer »

Offline Donzo

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #829 on: September 21, 2006, 05:14:08 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Sounds like a challenge to HT ... watch what ya wish for.

Isn't that what you wish for?  

One big deathmatch?

Here's the perfect furball arena:

No countries...just one.

No killshooter.

No airfields...deathmatch contestants are warped (or born) into the arena at a random alt between 1K and 2.5K going 200 kts.  This brithing area will be an invisible sphere that can only be flown through from the inside out.  

Landing bubbles....just fly in at any speed and it's considered a landing (no use wasting time landing when you could be getting your furball freak on.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 05:24:23 PM by Donzo »


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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #830 on: September 21, 2006, 05:15:24 PM »
We seem to be getting BoPs confused with others here...i have never complained about the ENY...i agree with it conceptually and except for the inability for gvs to defend well with it...could really care less...

In fact i liked being outnumbered as bish in EW because you get to have the better planes and it balances out the number thing.  LW seems like it needs tweaking because i honestly dont  think 1 LA vs multiple f4u's or hurricanes makes up for the numbers difference.

And i guess ill state not a deity...i have no special powers...noone has ever been forced to be will exists (sorry presbyterians :t ) any player can do anything they want...but if you wish to wear the virtual BoP uniform and wing with us then you dont jump countries...

that being said many can attest to the fact that for those who have chosen to do so..when they return bish they are freely allowed on our channel and can wing with us to their hearts content...

I use the pronoun "I" in my responses about the squad not because I rule with an iron hand but because "I" take responsibility for our actions and decisions.  These "rules" have been hashed out often on our forums and the wing leaders and members have supported them.

Simariil i dont think BoPs need to be the solution to side balancing anymore then i dont think we are the problem.

I would have to guess that the purpose of any squad is to allow a group of folks who enjoy each others company and have similar goals to identify with each other and support each other.  besides one squad..i dont know of any that exist across countries simultaneously as communication and teamwork would be non-existent.  BoPs have often on squad night gone to the DA and split into different sides to there has always been a venue for that.

Offline Simaril

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #831 on: September 21, 2006, 05:21:28 PM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
Sigh...lets try this again.

First off..simaril if im not wrong you were asked out of your squad because you were jumping countries...thats the way i thought it was conveyed to me..apologies if im wrong

Point is BoPs are not the only squad with this fact most of the squads i know of have a form of this some will switch all together in rotation...but that is different as well.

The answer to the question HITECH is that is how I (falconwing, mike, solo yo) chose to form a squad.  I chose to form a squad that flew for one country from guys who had commitment to that country.  I elected to setup barriers to guys who jumped to whatever country was easiest.  Again BoP was fired under the furnace that was the MA 2 years ago when Bish were heavily outnumbered.  Please do a search and you will see that i posted in here at that time saying it was no fun being ganged by both countries.  the answer given ( i believe by many of the current posters) was to organize better and have alliances.  This is how we responded.

I've no interest in a 1v1 here, and it does seem we're having a failure to communicate. So, I'll leave it at this.

I dont have anything against BOP -- I dont care how squads operate, but I do care about AH. I havent ragged BOP at all, but I HAVE suggested that with such large numbers the big squads need to acknowledge -- and adjust themselves for -- their disproportionate effect on small arenas. /EDIT

If you know how bad it is to be horded, why do you penalize your members for trying to make things even? You are a member of what used to be called a "caring profession," where compassion is a virtue -- why can't you see (or maybe why dont you care about) the effects of your actions on the larger community of AH?

In short, why do you see the inconveniences done TO you and not the inconveniences you DO TO others by making the Bishop icon more important than the people you play with?

(and btw -- no, I was not asked to leave my squad for going to other countries.  Before I left rooks, I posted on our squad BBS that I was going to take a "grand tour of AH" to get to know more of the great folks in AH. The squad CO, Boozer, posted back that it was a good idea, and that I should meet as many as I could....and that I'd be welcome back when I was ready. If I recall, I even spent an evening flying with you, Falc.

Later in the month, there were some issues, that Boozer later apologized for on our forums -- and I will not go into the details of what happened, because its all meaningless water under the bridge. My decision to leave the 4th was entirely my own, and I was not asked to leave or ejected at all. Now I take my beatings from the guys of the 4th, and we throw the salutes liberally when we cross wings together.)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 05:30:20 PM by Simaril »
Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

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Offline hubsonfire

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #832 on: September 21, 2006, 05:23:55 PM »
Originally posted by Donzo
Isn't that what you wish for?  

One big deathmatch?

Here's the perfect furball arena:

No counties...just one.

No killshooter.

No airfields...deathmatch contestants are warped (or born) into the arena at a random alt between 1K and 2.5K going 200 kts.  This brithing area will be an invisible sphere that can only be flown through from the inside out.  

Landing bubbles....just fly in at any speed and it's considered a landing (no use wasting time landing when you could be getting your furball freak on.

:huh  Try actually reading the posts as they are written, in the order they are written. I think that's where you're getting confused.
++Blue Knights++

Proper punctuation and capitalization go a long way towards people paying attention to your posts.  -Stoney
I was wondering why I get ignored so often.  -Hitech


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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #833 on: September 21, 2006, 05:35:56 PM »

apologies again if what was conveyed to me was wrong...

You seem to feel that my actions and that of my squad somehow "ruins" the game...

when you were doing your grand tour you winged with us for a you remember us hording?? or were we trying to retake a NW section of the map that was originally bish territory that the rooks were occupying?
if i remeber we were fairly evenly matched and fighting and dying alot...

that is most nights as a BoP... we WERE one of the defenders of bishland...we didnt gang the weaker country but focused on the stronger one...we didnt organize vulch trips or pick missions...we rarely pushed another country to reset...we spent alot of time porking frontline troops and thats how i got most of my kills.  we DO/DID use noe missions to reclaim territory because it was the most efficient.

try reading the posts about me on this board from guys who have flown with me as fellow bish or even the ones we fought...i dont see people posting such compliments for the guys who are hammering me.  I AM a nice guy who DOES care deeply about this community.  But i also believe that pure furballing is ultimately boring and loses people's interest..because i wont buy into their concept of fun i am being harangued.

Oh and LAZ..the fun police moniker came straight form being called that by the all appointed us this so we made an avatar...i probably should change the under your mom thing tho..was done when the BBS was more fun:aok

BTW thanks from the heart for the guys who have posted compliments..means heartens me to want to find a way to make this work for us...and a big to minnow especially..i know we have not seen eye to eye alot so your posts mean even more:D
« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 05:44:46 PM by FALCONWING »

Offline SlapShot

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #834 on: September 21, 2006, 05:36:03 PM »
Originally posted by Donzo
Isn't that what you wish for?  

One big deathmatch?

Here's the perfect furball arena:

No countries...just one.

No killshooter.

No airfields...deathmatch contestants are warped (or born) into the arena at a random alt between 1K and 2.5K going 200 kts.  This brithing area will be an invisible sphere that can only be flown through from the inside out.  

Landing bubbles....just fly in at any speed and it's considered a landing (no use wasting time landing when you could be getting your furball freak on.

A case of sour grapes if I have ever seen one.

Yeah ... its all the fault of the BKs and me ... I think I have the shoulders to carry the heavy burden of guilt ... I will sleep tonight.

Myself ... unlike you, have tried to think of ways to lighten the burden of these changes brought forth by HT and HT alone ... whereas all you can do is piss and moan, write post that mean nothing in the scheme of things, hoping that if you do it enough ... HT will change his mind ... guess what ... it ain't going back to what you held near and dear to you heart.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Raider179

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #835 on: September 21, 2006, 05:55:45 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Sounds like a challenge to HT ... watch what ya wish for.

Personally I think that would spell the end of AH. I don't think HTC would even consider that. I am just pointing out as long as we can "talk" to each other, we are gonna fly together.


Whether in a squad or not, a lot of people enjoy comraderie and flying in groups. Don't think so? Go look at the clipboard in the game and tell me you don't see streams of green... yeah you see a few dots off by themself, but they are usually pork-runners or strat guys.

Offline SlapShot

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #836 on: September 21, 2006, 06:08:18 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179
Personally I think that would spell the end of AH. I don't think HTC would even consider that. I am just pointing out as long as we can "talk" to each other, we are gonna fly together.


Whether in a squad or not, a lot of people enjoy comraderie and flying in groups. Don't think so? Go look at the clipboard in the game and tell me you don't see streams of green... yeah you see a few dots off by themself, but they are usually pork-runners or strat guys.

What you have described ... streams of green and a few dots off by themselfs ... is usually the horde and a few dots off by themselfs ... exactly what HT does not want.

HT probably would like to see many smaller streams of green all over the map ... not just concentrated in any one area.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Mugzeee

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #837 on: September 21, 2006, 06:27:03 PM »
Originally posted by Grits
I'm glad to hear that (seriously). With respect though, that should have been your attitude from the begining. If you guys are a tight as you say, and I have no reason to doubt you, you will find ways to get the squad together.

It speaks for its self.

You (are) a flame baiter at heart...everyone knows this to be true.

You say "With respect though" followed by a statement that implies something that Falconwng never said. What respect?

The reason for all the quote captures are...well lets just say...i figured i would end up having to do it anyways.

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #838 on: September 21, 2006, 06:32:25 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
What you have described ... streams of green and a few dots off by themselfs ... is usually the horde and a few dots off by themselfs ... exactly what HT does not want.

HT probably would like to see many smaller streams of green all over the map ... not just concentrated in any one area.

I believe everyone would actually like smaller battles all over the map. Relitively speaking anyways.

I seriously doubt that this is the answer to adress that scenario.

umm...look at how things are in EW MW and LW...same ole game. nothing has really changed.

I know the giant squid has spewed his Ink screen for some...but if you really examine it...nothing has really changed as far as breaking up the "Hoard" "Horde" or what ever else we might call it.

Offline Oldman731

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New arena format Part 2 - Use this thread, don't open duplicates
« Reply #839 on: September 21, 2006, 06:32:45 PM »
Originally posted by Mugzeee
You (are) a flame baiter at heart...everyone knows this to be true.

(Makes note:  Mugzee finally pushed over the edge.)

- oldman