See Rule #5
And such nutjobs are still a minute risk factor in a population of 300 million. Not so if you are criminally involved in the inner city drug trade, but by and large firearms are not a realistic concern for most Americans. But, we want 100 percent pure safety of course.
The rights of 75 million or so gun owners infringed because on the rare occasion some nut job chooses a gun and a public spectacle vs. a rope or hands like the sexual serial killing nutjobs prefer, or a couple of extra party shots like the irresponsible mainstream drinker citizen prefers, or a can of gasoline and a match like those who really like to mass kill prefer.
But hey, we have to live in a perfectly safe world, because such a thing can obviously exist, right... In that spirit, I can only commend the EU effort to make driving perfectly safe. Sucks if you like a zip along on the autobahn or drive a motorcycle, but WTF. I imagine many of your fellow citizens could care less about that, since driving only needs to perform a functional service moving a person from point a to point b. Have fun with that. (I'll open a new link on that one, since it's worth its own discussion).