Author Topic: Why I care about religion  (Read 8220 times)

Offline joowenn

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2006, 12:18:43 AM »

Offline Debonair

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2006, 12:41:33 AM »

Offline Nilsen

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2006, 02:47:37 AM »
Folks can belive whatever they want as long as they dont go around preaching their belives to those that has no interest in it.

That beeing said, I really hope one of those religious people that goes around ringing my doorbell puts his foot inside without beeing invited.

Offline x0847Marine

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2006, 02:59:07 AM »
Originally posted by mosgood
So an atheist knows how to use a cheap edit suite and text generator.  Big deal.

Come to think about it, I think I'm gonna make a "I care about Hot Dogs" video!  Sweet!!! thanks for the idea!!!

At least you can prove hot dogs exist.

The not selling alcohol on Sunday thing, haha, thats stupid and unnecessary.. Cali might be a granola state with fruits, nuts and flakes, but we can buy beer on Sunday. I never knew that was even a concern.

Religion is fine until other people invade my persnal space with it... if those other people are the Govt, then its flat out wrong.

Offline Elfie

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2006, 03:10:30 AM »
I'm not sure why you care about the boyscouts not allowing Atheists. They are a private organization and have the right to set their own recruiting guidelines just like any other private organization. I'm pretty sure they arent the only private organization that recieves public funding either.

I can see your point about Atheists not being able to hold office. Belief in God (or a God or Gods), or disbelief in the same shouldn't stop one from holding public office in this country.

The words in God we trust on our money? Do you actually read that on your coins and bills everyday? Or everytime you pull out some money from your wallet or pants pocket? I dont. /shrug

Blue Laws? I am just as affected by those as you. When I was stationed in North Carolina I couldnt hunt on Sundays. That didnt bother me one bit. The fact that I cant purchase a car on Sundays here in Colorado doesnt bother me in the least. Before my conversion to Christianity and when I was still living in Lincoln NE, I couldnt purchase alcohol inside city limits on Sundays. I just drove beyond the city limits and got what I wanted, or made my purchases on Saturdays. I didnt even feel inconvenienced. (sp)

Seems to me, that Atheists go out of their way to find things about religion so they can be offended.

When I see things that go against my beliefs, I dont raise a ruckus about it. (Assuming those things are lawful) I understand that not everyone believes the same way I do.

Lets take abortion for instance. I believe that is wrong and that it is murder. It is a legal activity in this country. Those who dont believe that is murder have forced that law upon the rest of us. I could give more examples, but I think that one is enough to show the street is a 2 way street and not a one way street like the video you linked portrays.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline wrag

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Re: Why I care about religion
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2006, 03:33:40 AM »
Originally posted by Chairboy
Another atheist put together a short video that succinctly represents my views as well.

It's called "Why a care about religion".  The folks I'm really hoping will see this are ones like Lukster and his friends that suggest that I'm somehow not entitled to an opinion on a subject that has such a large impact on my life despite my decision not enroll in the 'club'.

Far as I'm concerned You Sir have every right to your opinion.  As I have a every right to mine and everyone else has every right to theirs.

I'm not sure what it is that bothers you SO much.  I've got my own thoughts on why but that's not really important and I'll keep them to myself.

I will offer you this for thought.

You WILL see what you THINK you want come about.  Slowly, but it is coming.  Maybe over the next 10 to 25 years it will be getting close to done.

There are individuals that want certain things.  Numbered among those individuals are judges, law enforcement people, politicians, school teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc....

You've seen some of them in the news fairly recently I'm sure.

These individuals are working right now to bring about these changes.  They've been at it for some time.  HMMM perhaps that is why they want to disarm everyone except those that meet with there approval???

One of the major ways they intend to do this is through education or, perhaps more accruately, the LACK there of.

Your children, and the children of others, are being prepared for these changes.  Not only to accept these changes but to cheer them on.

The old trust us we KNOW whats good for you, and you don't need to know about that, or those other things, because we know whats good for you and will take care of you.  Aren't we providing (welfare, etc.) for you now?

Unless you are one of them, I know I am not such a one, I don't think you will  like what's coming.

As to the people that believe there is a GOD.  Well they're not going to have a  lot of choice either.  

Isn't Democracy wonderful?  We DON'T have one right now, we didn't start out with one, the individuals that worked to create this nation didn't want one, BUT we're going that way...........

The best way to look at a law, any law, isn't on how it will be used, but how it can be ABUSED!   Cause sure as the sun comes up there is someone that will get into power and do so.
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline mosgood

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2006, 04:06:46 AM »
Originally posted by Elfie

The words in God we trust on our money? Do you actually read that on your coins and bills everyday? Or everytime you pull out some money from your wallet or pants pocket? I dont. /shrug

What if instead of "In God we Trust" the words  "Hail Satan!"  were on our money?  Would it still mean nothing to you?

It would to me... the words do mean something when you put it in that context.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 04:09:01 AM by mosgood »

Offline Nilsen

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2006, 04:19:06 AM »
very goodpoint moosegod. :)

Offline Elfie

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2006, 04:29:25 AM »
Originally posted by mosgood
What if instead of "In God we Trust" the words  "Hail Satan!"  were on our money?  Would it still mean nothing to you?

It would to me... the words do mean something when you put it in that context.

I dont read what is on my money, coins or bills, I just spend it when I need to. As long as it spends like it is suppossed to, thats all that really matters when it comes to the monies.

Would it annoy me if I spent time dwelling on it? Probably, but I dont dwell on things like that. There are far to many others things in life that are worth worrying about.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 04:33:55 AM by Elfie »
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Gunthr

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2006, 08:39:01 AM »
Personally, I've always thought that the most of the in-your-face athiests have a subtle agenda that may not be readily apparent.   Why else would someone fret over a coin in their pocket that says "In God We Trust" ???  I believe in separation of church and state, but why would some of the athiests be so bent on taking thier views to the extreme and be so anxious to impose thier will on the whole country?

Answer: Politics.    The most strident athiests are invariablely liberals who recognise that people who believe in some sort of God make up a good part of the conservative base.   Athiesm is not driving the hoopla, its politics.  Just my .02
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Why I care about religion
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2006, 08:55:53 AM »
you zany lefties sure do provide entertainment for me. most atheists are immoral hedonistic ultraliberals.  the thought of accountability for their actions is abhorrent to these types of people so they would sweep God under the rug.  Amazingly they don't grasp the correlation between themselves and ostrich behavioral patterns when danger threatens their worlds.

Offline lazs2

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2006, 08:56:35 AM »
not to nitpick but....  "in god we trust" is much different than "hail satan"

In order for them to be like... it would have to be something like "in jesus we trust" or "in allah we trust".

"God" means many things to many people.   You can make it fit your religion... angus uses scientists as god for instance.  "hail satan", on the other hand would be a specific diety and be against the seperation of church and state (as would be "in jesus we trust")

seperation of church and state means.... no state religion.  anytime the state gives equal billing to all religions (say tax breaks) then they are within the constitution.

To not allow athiests to be elected is unconstitutional... I will fight this injustice with you chair.  

Blue laws?   we all live with stupid laws like no smoking in private business and helmet laws and seatbelt laws... plenty of moral a holes to go around...  the worst laws are foisted off on me by people who may not even believe in a god.

Nope.. the world is full of people who want to save you from yourself... you are trying right now chair...    I fear a person telling me that adultry is a sin less than someone who tells me I will be fined or imprisoned if I refuse to wear a seatbelt.   Or... says that I can't have a firearm.   If a community wants blue laws.... I probly won't fit in anyway.

So... let's get specific... what is so horrible about the belief in god that you feel the need to martyr yourself on here from time to time?

I don't see the threat.   we can even take abortion or death penalty... neither is a religious item in my opinion... both the religious and the devout athiest can take either side of either issue.


Offline Chairboy

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2006, 09:50:49 AM »
Originally posted by storch
you zany lefties sure do provide entertainment for me. most atheists are immoral hedonistic ultraliberals.  the thought of accountability for their actions is abhorrent to these types of people so they would sweep God under the rug.  Amazingly they don't grasp the correlation between themselves and ostrich behavioral patterns when danger threatens their worlds.
Sorry, couldn't hear ya over the throbbin' beat of the rave music here at my huge gay party.  Boy, I sure hope I can steal some more milk money from elementary students to pay for my cocaine habit (btw, snorting it off the american flag is a huge kick).  Maybe I can sue some churches to get more money so I can go out and have a bunch of abortions...

Nope, sorry storch, your overgeneralization seems to have misfired, a shocking development.  I'm no lefty, I'm a gun owning constitutionalist who votes for less government, takes responsibility for my own actions, and my only beef with religion cults is when it affects me.  I think the catholic scandals, Jimmy Swaggarts, and wacky terrorists of the world show just how much accountability and religion are linked at the hip.
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Offline Chairboy

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2006, 09:56:13 AM »
Actually, I don't really care about the stupid "In God We trust" on the currency.  If it makes y'all feel better, then I'm happy for you.  I think the point in the video was to spotlight its origin as "a defense against the godless communists".  Protect those precious bodily fluids, folks.  P-O-E, E-P-O, and so on.

Lazs, I agree with you on all those other stupid laws (seatbelts, helmet, etc).  Does one constitutional encroachment excuse another?  I don't think so, that's why I don't see the existance of those other laws as an explanation for why the ones I brought up are ok.

I don't think I've ever told people that I don't think they should believe in god.  If you review my posts on the subject, the clear item in common should be that I don't think religionists should be able to pass laws that enforce their religious views on the rest of us, and that doing so is unconstitutional.  Feel free to pray, sacrament, and wiggle your voodoo dolls (or whatever the different religions do) but keep it out of the lawbooks.
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Offline Halo

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Why I care about religion
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2006, 09:57:20 AM »
Good video, Chairboy.  The problem is atheists scare people who believe in some form of god.  The erroneous assumption is that atheists have no ultimate divine no-no's, hence have no restrictions against doing anything they want, including antisocial things.

The professor at my college who probably was respected the most by most of the students said he was a Christian agnostic.  He believed there was some form of other worldly power but he was still searching and could not make that proverbial leap of faith into belief without more information and understanding.  

He was a fantastic debater.  No one ever won an argument with him.  In that realm of learning without kid gloves, he would let students brandish their most cherished totems, run out on a limb until it bent to the ground, and sometimes leave them in tears.  

How refreshing!  Someone who would tackle any subject no matter how taboo.  

He respected Jesus as a fantastic person but not necessarily the son of God.  Most importantly, he endorsed and lived by Christian principles (Ten Commandments; yes, from the Old Testament) and thus had not only a spiritual foundation for his life, but one that put others at ease because those principles have been understood by most peoples as a great foundation for living in peace and harmony, respecting the rights of others.  

The term god means many things to many people, sometimes simply as a collective for the great unknown power(s) that we may never understand in this life.

Accurate or not, the stereotype of atheists is of people who lack a belief in an ultimate nonsecular power more important than themselves, and that's what scares people.  Most of us are much more comfortable being around others who acknowledge some kind of power beyond this life because that implies a humility and discipline that theoretically makes us all fit together and get along better.  

It is sublimely ironic that so many people and organizations require a professed belief in God when none of us knows what God is.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 10:19:17 AM by Halo »
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