Lazs you have no clue..... As part of what you so affectionatly call the borg I can tell you that we do not all just hang around in the LW "slum" as you put it.
Last night for example there were several of us in MW having some good fights taking bases... and a few nights ago we had a most of us that were online in the EW and fighting rooks for bases.. This was great fun, not often I get to fly JU's around chasing down fighters
You seem to have this deluded idea that we just want the LW arena and it is simply not true in fact there are several of us that can barly stand the LW. Thndregg being one of them, I think he's been in LW maybe 2 or 3 times otherwise he's in EW or MW. Though I do miss uping my F4U-4 but I can survive without it. I like being able to go to MW and fly my KI-61 and have good fights with out having to worry about being ganged by LA-7 and SPIT-16 dweebs.
I love EW when we actually have people defending bases against us because EW requiers different tactics to take well defended bases. It's not so easy to just up a crap load of attack planes with bombs and smash a base. EW requiers a good combo of bombers, fighters and some GV's help alot. That is if there were enough people in EW to have a good war with...
So would you please stop making the broad assumtion that we all just hang around in LW flying the most uber ride we can get our hands on, milk running every base we come across.... Espetially after the last change to LW it's hard to get togeather with just the 20 some odd guys in my particular wing, or sub squad I guess would be a more correct term. Not that I want to be in LW.